Chapter :-72 A New Dawn (Part-4)

Musashi looked at her opponent with a smile on her face, her whole body shivered in excitement as she finally got the chance to battle someone who could match her swordsmanship. Someone who exchange blows against her as an equal, well she was in for a surprise.

A majestic presence filled the whole stadium, Musashi and Sasaki turned towards the newcomer who has just appeared out of nowhere and was standing near the three guests of honour.

White-hair, ocean blue eyes, sharp features, wearing a purple pendant, white cloth wrapped around his right hand, wearing the traditional black coloured cloak, he sat together with the other three guests who had been invited to witness such a big fight.

Henrik had invited Koga Sakura and the other two leaders from Minamoto and Oda clans to enjoy the fight while Sakura also gets a chance to see the [Reaper] in action, being a big fan of Sasaki.

Musashi stared at Henrik's face as she thought in her head.

ᒥ....He sure is handsome...and dangerous. Probably a swords master just like me....ᒧ

Whereas Sasaki just waited for his Lord to speak.

Henrik looked towards the two swordsmen with indifference in his eyes as he spoke in a cold and indifferent tone.

"Today! We have gathered here to witness the fight between to swords masters, a legendary clash between the [Reaper] and the [Prodigy]."

"A lot is on the line; whoever loses the fight will forever have to serve the winner. An Oath of Servitude is the stake; the loser must honour the wishes of the winner as it has been the rule of nature and a samurai."

"Killing each other is prohibited, though cutting a few limbs is within the line of rules."

"May the best warrior win…."

The whole stadium burst into an uproar, the people visiting the stadium were going crazy from exciting, to find out who was the best swordsmen in all of Japan, to find who is stronger, to find who is better, to find who will win….."




"I can't wait for the battle to begin…!"

"On the count of three, you may begin."







Both Musashi and Sasaki burst forward with extraordinary speed and clashed mid-area, sending tons of air outwards. The Long Nodachi wielded by Sasaki gave him an advantage over Musashi's standard length Katana.

Generally, the person wielding two swords instead of one would have an advantage over a person wielding only one sword but Sasaki's Nodachi gave him a longer range when compared to a Katana, allowing him to strike Musashi even from out of her range, plus the weight of the Nodachi made it impossible to defend against it using only a single Blade.

To counter this, Musashi utilized metal-gliding technique. She would use the minimal amount of her energy and using the flat side of her blade would she deflect the attack whereas after that she would close the distance between herself and her opponent and strike with her other Katana.

Sasaki scoffs and simply curved his strike causing it to suddenly change directions and strike her left arm without any reduction in speed or power. Musashi raised her to handle guard and blocks the incoming strike before launching her own attack from the other Katana but unfortunately, Sasaki had already retreated back using his long-range to his advantage.

Once again Sasaki steps forward and delivers an ordinary chop at Musashi's head which she meets head-on, using her both of her swords as a shield to block the incoming blow.


The ground caved in as Musashi could feel the force of the blow flow through her body, using the most appropriate posture, she transferred all the power into the earth before using one of her Katanas to pin his Nodachi to the ground. Sasaki immediately shifted his position and twisted his blade, freeing it from her confinement.

He stepped forward with incredible speed and sliced towards her head which she skillfully dodged and returned another strike only to be blocked, once again.

Both of the sword-users jumped back and made some distance between them before relaxing their posture, and straighten themselves.

Both of them had entered a stalemate and decided to get a little serious.

"Looks like they are about to get serious…."

The atmosphere surrounding them changed, Musashi bent her knee a little and placed both of her Katanas in front of her, parallel to each other. The area around her was covered intangible distortion as if something was slicing the reality.

Sasaki took a deep breath and closed his eyes, the air went silent as peace descends upon his being, then he opens his eyes and a terrible intent burst forward. The floor beneath his feet was shredded into pieces, visible lines appeared around him while his grip over his sword tightened.

"[Chujo-ryu style]…."

"[Niten Ichi-ryū style]….."

Both of the duelists moved at amazing speeds and clashed a hundred time even before most of the audience could process their abnormal speed. The whole battle-ground was riddled with many deep gashes due to the sheer intent of the warriors.

Musashi has been using her sword to deflect every attack that Sasaki threw at her while trying to get close. The range disadvantage forces her to duel passively and defend against the incoming attacks.

They continued to engage each other in sword fight before Musashi retreated and created some distance between them. She quickly gets into posture and slashes forward.

"[Niten Ichi-ryū style:-Flowing water]….."

Her sword intent turned into a torrent of flowing water and blasted towards Sasaki who placed his sword perpendicular to his chest and thrust forward. The blazing intent gathering at the tip of his sword and burst forward.

"[Chujo-ryu style:-Pierce]…."

The terrifying intent tore apart Musashi's attack just like it did with the enchanted bricks when Kiyohime used the same technique.


"[Niten Ichi-ryū style:-Mountain]….."

She waves both of her sword around her body, like a sphere and creates a shell around herself through the sheer sword intent. The piercing intent released by Sasaki collided against Musashi but the sphere was able to hold up against the [Anti-armour technique] he used.

Once again they enter a stalemate, waiting for the opponent to make a mistake so that they could use it against them.

"You are talented I give you that but not nearly strong enough to defeat me."

"I am not so sure about that after all, I am able to go toe to toe with you aren't I?…."

"Hmm… not misunderstand, this is not the power you could ever hope to match….."

A terrifying sword storm engulfed Musashi while Kojiro finally started using a piece of his true strength.