Chapter :-103 The World War-III (Part-4)




The crunching of grass echoed throughout the place which befitted the title of 'Ruins'. Henrik and a squad of [Terminators] holding semi-automated machine guns, made their way towards the High-tower which was located just beside the destroyed [Korean Naval Base].

He held up his fist, motioning the [Terminators] to halt. He motioned them to divide into two equal teams, one would search for any survivors inside the main-base and the perimeter and kill them whereas the other team would follow Henrik inside the High-Tower.

The squad of 48-[Terminators] divided into two groups of 24-[Terminators] each. Henrik took his team and entered the High-Tower.

(Inside the High-Tower)

"Enemies approaching!…." (Mob)

"How many!?…." (Mob)

"24-soldiers and another individual!…." (Mob)

"What ammunition are they carrying!?" (Mob)

"Semi-Automated machine guns!…." (Mob)

"Damn it!…." (Mob)

"What should we do! We are only 15-people if we excluded Miss Misuri!…." (Mob)

"Any escape routes?…." (Mob)

"None! Their soldiers have surrounded the perimeter!…" (Mob)

"Hmmm…..very well then, plant explosives of the front door and seal the command room! Take Miss Misuri inside and tell her to contact the main-headquarters!…." (Mob)

"Boss! We wouldn't be able to last for long!…" (Mob)

"Doesn't matter! When we joined the Navy, we knew that such a situation could arise! Brace yourselves and press on!…" (Mob)

"Even if we are going to die! We wouldn't go down without a fight!…" (Mob)

"Yes, Boss!…" (Mob)

"Fortify the desks using bulletproof armour from the inventory and take cover!…." (Mob)

"For the country!…." (Mob)

"Yeah!…." (Mob)

(Outside the High-Tower)

"Detecting 16-distinct heat signatures! Entering assault-mode!…." (Terminator)

After hearing the report from one of the [Terminators], Henrik adjusted his glasses and shoulder cap while thinking to himself.

ᒥ....Looks like a few people did survive….ᒧ

ᒥ....Too bad for them, now they will become the first official kills of the T-800 Models….ᒧ

Henrik motioned one of the terminators to open the front door of the High-Tower.


The locked door was abruptly kicked open as the minor-bombs attached to it's back exploded right into the Terminator's face. The dust and pieces of the metallic door flew everywhere and covered everyone's vision.

Suddenly from the smoke, a clear voice resounded throughout the room.

"You shouldn't have done that! It takes time to create a human skin that would suit 'them'."

The dust settled, revealing a torn face with the left half of it missing. A man wearing a Japanese special-ops uniform could be seen standing at the door which just exploded but the strange thing about him was that the left part of his face wasn't there, instead a robotic skull made of special alloy with red-glaring eyes could be seen over his neck.

Every one of the soldiers within the room was astonished by this discovery. One of them even cursed out loud.

"W-What the F-Fuck!…" (Mob)

Henrik stepped inside the room and looked around before speaking.

"Hello, guys! Sorry for the intrusion!" (Henrik)

"Fire!…" (Mob)





The Mobst—I meant soldiers, fired their guns towards Henrik and emptied an entire magazine while doing so but the barrage of bullets froze mid-air, hanging in front of Henrik as if someone had stopped the time.

The soldier's mouth had opened into a huge 'O' after seeing the bullets freeze mid-air as if they have encountered a wall and are not able to move forward.

Henrik raised his right hand which was wrapped inside white-covered bandages and suddenly the frozen bullets fell on the floor.

He took a good look at everyone before moving his eyes towards the inner-portion of the High-Tower.

"Kill them!…" (Henrik)

As soon as the command registered into the enemy's brain, the [Terminators] had already started firing with their semi-automated machine gun.

"Take cover!!!…." (Mob)

Henrik ignored the soldiers and the [Terminators] and directed walked inside the inner-portion before making his way towards the control room.



The sound of his footsteps echoed within the High-Tower, he moved forward towards the door and kicked it open.


Behind the door stood 3-Korean soldiers with Uzi-720 within their hands and as soon as the door was kicked open, they decided to open fire.



In response to their attack, Henrik brandished one of his two [Lightsabers], the one with a cross-guard and fiery appearance, and disintegrated the incoming bullets.



As soon as they emptied the clip, they abandoned their guns knowing that bullets are useless against Henrik and pulled out a knife before rushing towards Henrik.

One of the three soldiers lunged forward, Henrik side-stepped and chopped downwards as soon as the soldiers passed by his arm. The unstoppable [Lightsaber] cleanly slashed the soldier into two-halves from the torso, killing him.

The second wanted to reload his gun but Henrik had already appeared in front of him and buried the [Lightsaber] deep into his heart before effortlessly pulling it out.



The dead body fell on the floor as the third and the last soldier turned around to pick up an RPG and fire at Henrik but as soon as his hands reached out towards the RPG, Henrik appeared next to him, holding the crimson coloured Force-blade within his right hand and sliced the soldiers wrists.


"Ah—" (Mob)

"Shut up!…." (Henrik)

After slashing his wrists, Henrik twisted his blade the sliced the soldiers mouth into two halves as he screamed before dying.

His turned his head towards the control room and started walking towards it.

(Inside the Control-room)


"Ahhh!…." (Dying Mob)


"N-No pl—" (Dying Mob)


"Die moth—" (Dying Mob)


"Run!…" (Dying Mob)


"Don't kill m—" (Dying Mob)


Inside the control room, 3-individuals, two soldiers and a woman wearing a military uniform could be seen staring nervously at the sealed door in front of them. The two soldiers held an Ak-47 each and pointed their gun at the door.

Waiting of the intruder to open it so that they can poke holes within the intruder's body with a hail of bullets. Both of them were just next to the wall while the women held a pistol within her palm.




The screams and the sound of footsteps suddenly quieted down as the two soldiers wiped off the sweat from their brows, patiently waiting for the enemy.


Both of the soldiers maintained their positions for a couple of second before one of them couldn't take it anymore and decided to speak.

"I think h—" (Mob)



A crimson coloured energy blade suddenly pierced through the wall and nailed the soldiers head, killing him, shocking the other soldier and making the woman scream while trembling.

"Ahhh!!!…." (Woman)

"What the fu—" (Mob)

The wall beside his neck tore open as a pale arm broke through the wall of the control room and grabbed the other soldier's neck before pulling his head into the hole tore open by the hand. The woman could see the soldier's head going to the other side of the wall through the hole while he struggled to free himself.




Suddenly the soldier stopped struggling as his body dropped back on the ground with a 'Thud!' and blood covered the room. Hearing the sound of something falling, the woman turned her towards the dead body only to find that the head of chopped clean off the neck.

She screamed, once again…..

"Ahhhh!!!!….." (Woman)


A crimson blade appeared through the door as it pierced the hard steel like butter, Henrik slashed the door, making an 'X' while it fell inside with a 'Thud!'.

The woman instinctively pulled the trigger of her pistol and shot towards Henrik who once again used his [Lightsaber] to disintegrate the incoming bullets and raised his hand in the air.

An invisible force surrounded the Woman's body as she lost control over the physical function, she levitated mid-air and flew towards Henrik, stopping before him.

Henrik used his [Force] to dig deep into her mind and see if she had any useful information.

Seeing him not killing her instantly, the Woman decided to convince him into not killing her.

"Please don—" (Woman)



Before she could even finish her sentence, Henrik decapitated her after not finding anything useful in her memories.