Chapter :-102 The World War-III (Part-3)

Chapter-102 The World War-III (Part-3)

After sinking the Korean Battleship, Henrik continued his assault on the Korean Navy. The fog and advanced battleships of Japan totally annihilated the Korean fleet while sustaining minimal damage.

The slaughter continued for a few hours before the entirety was Korean Battleships had been sunk or destroyed by the Japanese. Henrik ordered the crew to head towards the headquarters of the Korean navy, located near the shore.

"Activate the [Stealth-Mode] and move towards the checkpoint with minimal wave disturbance!" (Henrik)

"Yes, Admiral!" (Officer)

"Give me a report on the damage sustained by our fleet!" (Henrik)

"Roger Admiral!, 16 of our battleships have been sunk whereas 50 of them have sustained damage to the [Forcefield]. There have been a few deaths but overall our fleet is undamaged." (Officer)

"Hmm...position the 3-primary cannon over to the main headquarters whereas targeting the backup storages and generators using the secondary cannon and missile launchers." (Henrik)

"What about the supporting battleships?" (Officer)

"Mobilize 'Eagle' to talk care of them." (Henrik)

"Aye, sir!" (Officer)

The mothership silently nearest the main headquarters and aligned its weapons to the different units of the main base of the Korean Navy. Henrik was going to establish one of the two [Maha Baledaan Mandala] on the destroyed Korean base which was currently occupied by the Chinese.


With a slight sound, over a 100-weapons pointed at the land where the Chinese soldiers could be seen patrolling the shore.


One after another, gun-shots, missiles, Plasma Cannon, Primary-Cannon, etc suddenly bombarded the navy base. Giving zero chance to the Chinese soldiers to even register the fact that they were under attack, Henrik absolutely destroyed them with his guns.


The sheer intensity of the explosions deafened everyone as they watched the Korean base go in smokes.

"Ahh…!" (Chinese Mob)

"We are under attack requesti—" (Chinese Mob)


"Damn it!…" (Chinese Mob)

"Take cover!…." (Chinese Mob)


"Where did they come from!…" (Chinese Mob)

"How would I know!?…." (Chinese Mob)

"Try to contact the army!…." (Chinese Mob)

"The signals are jammed!…" (Chinese Mob)

"Fuck..!" (Chinese Mob)

"Now what do w—"


Standing on the top of the [Mothership] was a man with dark-skin and above-average features. He wore plain black body-suit over which a special vest and pants were located and finally a black jacket over the vest.

'Eagle' wore shades and a specially configured, Gun shaped C.A.D in his hands, below his feet a huge activation sequence could be seen though it wasn't in optimal condition. 5-Korean Support Battleships could be seen heading towards the [Mothership].

'Eagle' took a deep breath and calmed his nerves as the activation sequence stabilised and started to expand. A huge [Effect-sequence] appeared around the 5-ships, a huge sphere which covered the ships within it.

He poured a large amount of Psion into the activation sequence while the [Effect-sequence] strengthened even more.

"[Modern-Magic:- Abyss]…."

The [Effect-sequence] disappeared from beneath the ships as the water beneath them started to give way, like a hole. Due to the sudden disappearance of the force acting on the ships, they started falling towards the ground from a height of 3,742 m.

The surface of the ocean bed was uneven due to the constant movement of tectonic plates under the water thus giving rise to many spike-like structures.

"No no no! We are falling!…" (Mob)

"You're a genius dumbass!…" (Mob)

"So we are going to die!?…" (Mob)

"I guess so!?…" (Mob)

"Ahhhh…..someone save me!…" (Mob)

"...." (Mob)

The support battleships smashed against the huge spikes and sustained threatening damage. Many of their crew members died from the collision which those who somehow survived couldn't help but despair when they saw the huge wall of water surrounding was returning to its original form as 'Eagle' had stopped using his magic.

"We are gonna die!…" (Mob)

"I think it looks cool! Do you know? The wall of water coming crashing unto us….." (Mob)

"..." (Mob)


The walls collapsed and collided it each other, sending huge waves throughout the ocean. The displaced water regained its original shape and swallowed the destroyed ships and its crew.

'Eagle' looked at the empty ocean and after not finding any other enemy to sink, he returned inside the [Mothership].

The Korean headquarters had sent the ships in hopes of doing some damage to Henrik's fleet but 'Eagle' destroyed them even before they could enter the [Mothership] fire range.

Back at the Main Headquarters side, Henrik had decimated the once-great base for Korean and Chinese navy. He ordered his men to approach the shore and deploy [Terminators] to kill any life while he himself cleared the main tower.

Unlike in Japan, Magicians weren't being prioritized in other countries and were busy with the [International Magic Association] task handed to them, therefore only a few of them could be mobilized in the war.

Henrik had been grooming magicians in Japan for a long time thus even though they were still underpopulated, the Japanese Military had a large number of Magicians within their ranks, giving Henrik an advantage over other countries.

"Prepare to dock!" (Henrik)

"Yes Sir!" (Officer)

"Deploy [Terminators]…." (Henrik)

"Deploying [Terminators] in 3….2…..1!" (Officer)

"Deploy successful, [Terminators] camera view online!…" (Officer)

"Real life-streaming active!….." (Officer)

Robots with machine guns within their hands started moving towards the ruins which were previously the Korean Navy base. The T-800 prototype was slow and easy to escape from but in a mission such as cleanups, these scary bots are enemy's worst nightmare.

These Robots were equipped with [Cyberdyne Systems Model 101]; living tissue skin which was layered over their metallic frame. They had glaring red-eyes.

When it came to creating the human tissue model for T-800 Terminators, Henrik used the stored information, along with the data from various other resources, to model the Infiltrator faces on as the closest physical match to contain the Terminator endoskeleton.

These robots resembled humans but they were far from being one.

With a squad of special [Terminators], Henrik stepped on the dock and moved towards the High-Tower.