Chapter :-105 The World War-III (Part-6)

Chapter-105 The World War-III (Part-6)

(Near Germany and France border)

Inside a small forest covered with fog and poisonous animals. An army camp could be located inside this dangerous forest, a few hundred soldiers could be seen sitting around the camp, keeping themselves warm using multiple campfires.

The soldiers wore an advance uniform and carried high-tech equipment, the flag of Japan could be seen printed on the back of their uniforms.

The border between the states of France and Germany had a length of about 450 km, it was an irregular line but the relation between the two countries seemed good. Within the area of neutral territory, a forest seemed to prosper while being covered in the dense fog all the year.

After discussing battle-strategies with his sisters and the other 3-Great Leader, Henrik had convinced Freya and Rebekah to lead the charge against France and Germany in order to help England.

Henrik had requested Khan's assistance for using Turkey's seaport to access the Mediterranean Sea and travel towards the border from the back door as France and Germany had mobilised most of their forces to deal with England, making it easy for Freya, Rebekah and the soldiers to intrude without alerting the enemy. Turkey had also become a part of India due to Khan uniting the middle-east and forming the [Indo-Persian Federation].

Naturally, as an ally of Japan and England, India agreed to provide assistance and helped Henrik transport a big [Mothership] for Freya, Rebekah and the soldiers.

Garcia, Musashi, Honda, Muneshige along with Sasuke and Kiyohime were also stationed to assist the young Mikaelson girls. [Floating Hulk V.2] was the [Mothership] that Henrik had transported to the Port in Turkey.

This mission was extremely secretive, only a handful of hundred soldiers were selected to accompany Freya, Rebekah and the other Gerards. Henrik didn't want to waste unnecessary resources and manpower to attack France and Germany using the border.

In front of a Mikaelson who happens to be the master of a [Second-Generation God] and is a [Highly powerful spells] user, .…would normal soldiers even survive for a single minute? Same was with Rebekah, damn! she even had two Gods instead of one and if even then she couldn't handle such simple matters then she would be no better than Sakura.

So after everything was decided, both Freya and Rebekah had already reached the Turkey port and from there they sailed towards the back-side using [Floating Hulk V.2] as the cloaking technology didn't allow the ship to be discovered.

After bypassing the patrols and occasional water scans, Freya and the others made their way towards the forest covered in Fog.

Their mission was simple, while the enemy forces focused on fighting England they would destroy their main-base and cut off their support from behind. Maybe the number of soldiers Henrik assigned for this mission seemed less but every single one of them was at least a [Combat-Class Magician].

Hundreds of Magicians were quite a big number if we consider the fact that nearly no magicians were available for War purposes.

(In Commander's tent)

Kiyohime was standing guard of the tent, Freya had asked her to join them inside the tent and participate in the ongoing discussion but she refused as her mind was currently focused on something entirely different.

She had been thinking about her master's recent strange behaviour and confusing orders.

Her master sent nearly all of his retainers and two siblings who he loves more than the world to take care of a relatively easy matter. Not saying that dealing with Russia and Germany at the same time was easy but they had help from England who was, by all means, a very strong country with even stronger allies, sending 100-Magicians and nearly all of his retainer to invade border and attack base was total overkill.

ᒥ....I don't know why? But I feel something is wrong with all of this....ᒧ

ᒥ....Firstly, Master would never send Freya-sama and Rebekah-sama so far away from his location. He would either send me or Sasuke-sama to lead the charge against Germany and France….ᒧ

ᒥ....It almost feels like he is trying to purposely send us away from him…..No, that shouldn't be correct, after all, I myself have seen just how much he cares about Freya-sama and Rebekah-sama! There must be another reason for his actions!? Yes, there must be!….ᒧ

It wasn't only Kiyohime who noticed this fact, even Freya, Honda, Sarutobi and Muneshige understood that something was wrong but immediately dismissed the notion from their minds as they knew about their Master's care of his sisters.

Honda Tadakatsu wore a bulletproof vest and carried a long-sword on his waist as he stood beside Freya who was wearing a Soldier's uniform with the letter 'M' printed on the cap over her head, and was looking at the map placed on the table.

Rebekah copying her elder sibling also wore Soldier's uniform without any cap over her head, instead, the letter 'M' was printed on her back. She was cleaning a sniper barrel while Garcia helped her hold the various parts of the gun.

She wanted to test the various powers she gained from [Greater-Divinity] in the battlefield but wouldn't kill enemy soldiers, rather she would provide support as a mage to her party of adventurers.

Her time as a human had really changed her a lot, she had grown even more forgiving and soft-hearted than she previously was though she would still do anything for her family, that wasn't what Henrik wanted. He wanted her to show no mercy towards those who try to hurt her, he was there to take care of his family.

Her kind nature was the reason why he gave her Susanoo and Fujin, Susanoo's pride wouldn't allow him to let Rebekah be harmed whereas Fujin could act as a perfect weapon for Henrik's sister to defend herself and quickly dispatch her enemies if she decided to.

Well, Garcia was there to make sure that no one takes advantage of his sister. Due to her past records at getting into trouble or being fooled by someone, Henrik wasn't comfortable in letting her roam freely without enough safety measures.

Next up was Musashi who also wore soldier's uniform and sat on top of a box of ammunition with a pout as clear as day on her face, thinking about Sasaki who was assigned to the Russian front to help the Immortal Mage Khan to care of the Enemy leaders.

ᒥ....I wanted to be assigned with Sasaki-chan but instead was send here! So far away from my Sasaki-chan. Maybe if we finish sooner, we could go to assist the others….ᒧ

Just as she was busy daydreaming, a fist slammed onto her head forcing her out of the dreamland.

"Ouch!…You ancient piece of Nigga! Why did you smack my head!" (Musashi)

Musashi glared angrily at Sasuke Sarutobi who had smacked her on the back of her head due to her not paying attention to what was Freya telling them about.

Hearing the little brat calling him Ancient piece of Nigga instead of Ancient piece of Ninja, a vein popped on his forehead as he head locked the silver-pinkish haired Swordsmaster.

"It is not 'Ancient piece of Nigga', it should be 'Ancient piece of Ninja'. At least curse correctly you nutjob!" (Sarutobi)

"Ohh!…sorry! You are an Ancient piece of Ninja! Okay?….." (Musashi)

"...." (Sarutobi)

"Why you…." (Sarutobi)

Others ignored the two troublemakers and focused on the matter at hand.

Freya looked towards Rebekah and spoke in a low tone.

"We will split up into two teams, Alpha and Beta. You will lead Team Beta and infiltrate Germany while I will lead Team Alpha and infiltrate France." (Freya)

"Team Alpha will consist of me, Honda-san and Musashi-chan along with half of our soldiers while Team Beta will consist of you, Muneshige-san, Sarutobi-san, Garcia-chan and Kiyohime-chan along with the other half of the soldiers." (Freya)

"…ok." (Rebekah)

Hearing her sister's plan, Rebekah agreed and stood up to gather soldiers.

Freya also assembled her team and started with the preparations to invade France.