Chapter-106 The World War-III (Part-7)
2062, Asia, Northern Chinese front….
Freya and Rebekah had successfully managed to destroy the support of Russian and France forces by decimating their bases using magic. Russia and France didn't have any other choice but to split their forces to take care of Freya and Rebekah causing the pressure over England to lessen considerably and allow them a comeback against their neighbours.
America had also sustained some damage due to jumping in the line of fire from both sides. Even so, The US had absorbed Canada, Mexico, and all of Central America, leading to the formation of the USNA (United States of North America).
Russia had also managed to reabsorb Ukraine and Belarus forming the New Soviet Union while fighting against China.
Europe had split into a Western Bloc and an Eastern Bloc.
Australia had chosen to seclude itself and avoid further conflict with other nations.
The majority of nations from the South East Asia region formed the South-East Asian League. They're the successor of the modern-day Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Iran and India merged with the rest of South and Central Asia to form the Indo-Persian Federation.
With the exception of Brazil, most of the South American countries have broken into small states with little power beyond their respective areas.
Many African countries were also destroyed and absorbed by nearby countries.
China had also split into two due to revolt, forming Dahan which was still under communist rule and Northern China which had gain democracy and freedom.
Northern China had absorbed the Korean Peninsula which was still under Dahan's control, forming the Great Asian Union after signing a peace treaty with Japan while the Japanese forces had made a few strategic bases within their territory and had moved towards the Dahan borderline to take care of the Northern front which was also under Dahan's control.
The Eastern front had a fairly large army made of both North-Korean forces and South-Korean forces which were being controlled by Dahan. Northern China provided assistance to Japanese forces, to provide travel routes and exhaustible weapons so that the Japanese forces could take care of the Eastern front.
Henrik had successfully managed to infiltrate China (Dahan) through Korea and attack the Northern Borderline where Henrik had already cast the last of [Maha Baledaan Mandala]. He ordered his soldiers to fight against the Communist Chinese forces while he himself protected the last Altair.
The World War-III was also closing towards its end. Under the continuous attack from the Japanese, Russian and Us forces, China or rather Dahan was nearly defeated, the Northern Front was nearly under Henrik's palm and the revived Eastern Front was also on the brink of being conquered by the Japanese army.
A total of 1/3rd of the total world population had died during the battle between China, Japan, Russia and the USA. Henrik had successfully created the 3-Altair [Maha Baledaan Mandala] and had been collecting all of the death energy from all around the world.
The situation was as he planned, Asia continent had been transformed into a magnet which sucked all the death energy from the planet and transferred it into the chains which coiled against Niklaus's and Elijah's coffins.
After Henrik destroyed the Dahan forces at Eastern and Northern Front and dealt with the German and France forces with his sibling's help, the chains would be broken by the collected death energy and finally, Henrik will cast a simple unsealing spell to open the coffins.
2064, Dahan, Eastern Front...
It has been two years since Henrik activated his plan, Germany and France had signed a peace treaty with England after the Japanese reinforcements arrived and Freya Mikaelson completely dominated the battlefield at France while Rebekah Mikaelson took care of Germany.
Even the Eastern Front or rather Korea was conquered by the Japanese forces after they ruthlessly killed the opposing Korean forces under Henrik's order.
Everything was going according to the plan, Khan and Sasaki had already taken care of the Russian Front and now, massive amounts of death energy was being sucked into the 3-Altairs.
The Japanese army forces also managed to completely conquer the Northern Front causing Dahan to lose control over the Northern and Eastern Front. In front of Japan's advanced technology and war tactics, they couldn't last any longer.
The International Magic Association had also been successful in its mission to prevent the use of nuclear weapons, with no nuclear exchanges occurring till now but Dahan wasn't going down until it's last breath.
Dahan launched the only hidden Nuclear missile that was off-records, towards the Northern Front were Henrik was guarding the Mandala.
The Magicians had no idea about the unregistered Nuclear Warhead and couldn't stop Dahan from launching it towards the Northern Front which had been conquered by the Japanese Forces.
The whole world was shocked and also worried about the consequences of Dahan's actions. They feared that this event would trigger another series of war which would only end in the mutual destruction of all the countries.
But what they hadn't expected that Henrik Mikaelson would use his [Sword Of Rupture, Ea] to erase the sheer existence of the Nuclear missile that was heading towards him.
(At the Northern Border)
"Everyone clear the area! Missile incoming!" (Japanese Officer)
"I don't think we will be able to escape!" (Japanese Officer)
"It is a Nuke!" (Japanese Officer)
"Didn't the [International Association of Magic] stated that they were actively making sure that no Nuclear Warheads were fired!!?" (Japanese Officer)
"Then why the fuck! Is a Nuke heading in our direction!?" (Japanese Officer)
"I don't know!!!" (Japanese Officer)
"What should we do!?" (Japanese Officer)
"Ask Admiral Henrik!!" (Japanese Officer)
While the soldiers were panicking after seeing the Nuke closing in on their location, Henrik held an uninterested expression over his face as he thought to himself.
ᒥ....The Association is truly a useless investment! They had one job! Yet they couldn't even do that properly!….ᒧ
He raised his hand in front of his and pulled out [Ea]. A vortex of [Force] burst out of his body and was sucked inside the cylindrical sword as it's three-chambers started spinning in an alternate direction.
Reddish particles converged around its tip as Henrik placed the rotating mouth of the sword in the direction of incoming Nuke.
"Look! Admiral Henrik is performing his magic!"
"He is going to destroy the incoming Nuke!"
"Can Admiral Henrik really destroy a Nuke without being killed!?"
"If he is able to do so then he is no less than a God! Especially if he could do it in practically no time!"
Every soldier quieted down and watched as the reddish particles around [Ea] intensified.
"I shall offer this one strike as the ceremony of separation!"
"I speak of the beginning. Heaven and earth are divided and nothingness celebrates Creation. My Sword of Rupture rends the world apart."
"The vortex that turns the stars, this heavenly hell signifies the end of the eve of genesis. Subside with death!"
"Enuma Elish!"
A tremendously powerful beam of the crimson spacial vortex was blasted towards the incoming Nuke. Like Goku's Kamehameha, Henrik's beam-like attack engulfed the missile and eradicated its existence.
The clouds parted, the Heaven gave way, the hell shook while the earth stared in wonder. There was no explosion, no smoke, no sound, no nothing but the visual impact of the attack stunned the world.
This wasn't something a Human could achieve, this power wasn't something a Human was meant to command. Henrik decided to retaliate against Dahan's failed Nuclear strike and obliterated a big part of its military and weaponry.
The World War-III finally came to an end, 2/3rd of the World's total population had died causing a lot of death energy to be transferred to the chains sealing the coffin causing them to snap, Freya and Rebekah had returned to Japan along with the others, Dahan had signed a peace treaty with Japan, the Mikaelson family gained the title of [Immortals].
Henrik Mikaelson gained numerous titles such as, 'The God Of Magician', 'The Creator Of Magic', 'King Of Magical Hell', 'The Godfather Of Magic', etc.
He became the World's most feared Magician and also the only God-Class Magician in the World.
Though every Mikaelson no matter who; were God-Class Magicians due to them using [Greater-Divinity] and [Original Magic] and also the fact that India was filled with dozens of such Old Monsters, but the World didn't know this.
Freya and Rebekah congratulated their brother who took a break from all the work and decided to spend the next few years relaxing and enjoying the time with his sisters, making sure that they didn't doubt him for how he broke the chains.
The 4-Great Leaders all agreed to take a break and relax while the world recovered from the aftereffects of the War.
He didn't rush to unseal his brothers but rather decided to make sure that everything was buried deep underground. Though the casualties were a lot, it didn't make any sense to connect it to Henrik and he wanted to make sure that his sisters would never find out the truth, what he did.
He created a false unsealing spell which would be able to fool Freya while he would be able to say that his new spell worked and the chains broke.
Amaterasu had vowed to keep her mouth shut whereas Sasaki was loyal to Henrik. Khan wouldn't say anything and any other person didn't know about his plan.
Henrik now had only one thing to do, unseal his brothers.
It was time for Elijah and Niklaus to wake up…..
(A/N:-Before ending this volume, I will be posting a few interludes as what had happened during the 2-decades of war.)