Chapter :-125 “Someone Similar to Me…?” (Part-2)

Chapter:-125 "Someone Similar to Me…?" (Part-2)

(At Kudou Mansion)

"Hello Retsu-san, it's nice to see you in perfect health." Henrik greeted his student as he took a minute to observe the Psion fluctuations around the old man's body.

ᒥ....Impressive, even at the age of 70 his Psion-fluctuations are so balanced and quiet. He likely retains the same level of control and power as he used to back in the days. I have certainly taught him well....ᒧ

Retsu still had the power he possessed in his early days; it was likely that he would maintain this state of power for another two decades.

"Greetings Henrik-sama, please welcome….." Retsu invited Henrik within the mansion with a smile on his wrinkled face.

ᒥ....Henrik-sama's arrival is too sudden, he must have somehow sensed the strange energy from Minoru's body, maybe Henrik-sama may be able to save Minoru!?....ᒧ

Even though Retsu maintained calm outer appearance, he was actually panicking within is mind as he thought about his dying Grandson and also the fact that his son was doing something illegal.

ᒥ....Even though my actions may have disastrous outcomes, I must take the chance and save my Grandson....ᒧ

After inviting Henrik within the mansion, Retsu leads him towards his study. He intended to take Henrik to the underground facility and ask him to save Minoru.

Following behind him Henrik had a slight smile on his face as he thought to himself.

ᒥ....Retsu sure is a sly fox…he knew that I know about that [Force-fluctuations] that has been coming from the mansion, so instead of trying to avoid me; he is directly taking me to the place from where these fluctuations are coming from. It's good he understands the fact that nothing can be hidden from my eyes, but I do think there is some catch in all of this…let's see....ᒧ

Soon both of the magicians arrived before the study, Retsu once again nodded towards the guards and twisted open the doorknob before entering with Henrik in the queue.

Henrik closed the door behind him and turned towards Retsu who was facing him, waiting to speak his part. Making sure that no one else was listening to their to-be conversations, Retsu explained the situation to the young Mikaelson who stood in front of him.

"I beg you Henrik-sama, please save my Grandson….." Retsu did a 90-degree bow towards Henrik as he begged the young Mikaelson to save the life of his Grandson.

In front of Retsu, Henrik was standing in front of the door and he digested the information given to him by his student. A curious expression forming over his face as he unconsciously placed his fingers below his chin.

ᒥ....A newborn created using technology, according to Retsu, his son used the Kudou family heirloom, a "bleeding stone" as Minoru's Magical core. If this "bleeding stone" is what I think it is then the child wouldn't survive....ᒧ

ᒥ....The "Bleeding stone" possesses turbulent and violent Force which is harder to control and a bit less powerful when compared to a regular [Force user], such as a Mikaelson....ᒧ

ᒥ....Kyber crystals can't be used as cores within anyone above 2 years physical age due to the nearly developed brain system connection, but using a Kyber crystal as a core for newborn doesn't seem possible, it possesses [Force] which the Psion within the body would treat as a foreign virus....ᒧ

ᒥ....The battle between [Force] and [Psion] is probably the reason behind the partial destruction of his grandson's body. I may be able to save the baby but should I? It doesn't feel all that comforting about letting him die but if allowed living then he may become a threat....ᒧ

Henrik was pondering over his decision as he thought about the correct route to the end of this problem. Usually, he would let the baby die and also punish the Kudou clan for doing such experiments.

Yotsuba family was exempted from the punishment due to the fact that they created Miyuki for the purpose of restraining the natural-born Tatsuya, their actions were understandable but the same couldn't be said about the Kudou family.

But Retsu had been a good student and subordinate, all his life while the newborn was similar to him. Henrik had a [Force-Universe] within his body, the real reason behind his powers in [Force] whereas Minoru had a "bleeding stone" as his core. The child wasn't even conscious as his body was being demolished by the rampaging energy.

Minoru was also very similar to Henrik himself. As the most mature and the youngest of the Mikaelson family, Henrik also wanted to find a source of happiness which could boost the happiness of his family. Klaus was a father who missed his daughter and indulged in painting, trying to forget the pain of separation.

Rebekah herself had children with Gerard and missed them a lot. Same was the case with Freya who had even named her son after Niklaus's name in the previous world. Elijah never got the chance to really find a source of happiness; this child could actually become the beacon of happiness within the family.

To make them forget about the pain of the past and help them move towards the future and hopefully, this child would also become someone whom Henrik would truly come to love and care for with all his non-existent heart; someone other than his family and maybe Kiyohime.

So after thinking for a while, Henrik nodded towards Retsu and asked him to lead him to the facility.

"Very well then, lead me to the child…."

Retsu followed Henrik's command and lead him towards the control room of the underground facility.

(Within the control room)

"How is his condition…?" Makoto asked with bloodshot eyes as he gazed at the fluid container in front of him. His son, the perfect magician was so close to being complete but the strange energy poured cold water on all of his plans.

"Not good, we are losing him…..if we don't do something soon, we will lose him." The Head researcher had a serious expression over his face as he explained the situation of Makoto.

"Then do something…..!?" Makoto barked at the researcher and medic to do something to stop the destruction of his son's body but everyone just stayed quiet, making it clear to him that there wasn't anything he could do to save his perfect Magician.

ᒥ....Damn it, is this it!?....ᒧ

ᒥ....Is this how my dreams will never come to fruition!?....ᒧ

ᒥ....No…! I must create the perfect magician, the greatest Kudou to be ever born. I will salvage whatever I can from this failed experiment and retry....ᒧ

Makoto was too lost in his own thoughts that he failed to notice that his father had returned to the control room and had brought a guest with him.

Henrik straight out ignored everyone and looked towards the newborn floating inside the fluid container. He observed Minoru from head to toe and felt the aggressive [Force] within his body.

Henrik spoke to Retsu while keeping his eyes on the container.

"I will save your Grandson under one condition; I will adopt him as my newborn brother and raise him as a Mikaelson. He can keep his surname Kudou but he will be raised in the Mikaelson family, as one of us….."

"This…." Retsu hesitated after hearing Henrik's offer as he found it hard to accept his proposal. He was basically asking him the custody of Minoru, Retsu did want to give up his own Grandson.

"Don't worry, I am not asking you to disown him…he will be a Kudou and may even become the Kudou family head in the future but he will be a Mikaelson first and foremost. Your son wanted to create the greatest Kudou ever, I will train and take care of Minoru as my own brother, I will make him the toughest in not only the Kudou-family but also the strongest after a pure-blooded Mikaelson."

Seeing Retsu's expression, Henrik explained to him that he wasn't asking him to disown Minoru, rather he will henceforth be a Mikaelson first, he will grow within the ranks of the most elite family on the planet while also belonging to Kudou family.

All of this would also allow Henrik to teach Minoru about the Mikaelson way of life and the Mikaelson Mantra.

Always and forever…..