Chapter :-126 “Someone Similar to Me?” (Part-3)

Chapter :-126 "Someone Similar to Me?" (Part-3)

"H-Henrik-sama…?" Makoto regained his senses as he looked back, only to find that his father had returned to the Kudou underground facility and had a guest accompanying him.

Looking at the young handsome man, wearing golden frame glasses with the symbol "M"; Makoto felt a chill crawl down his spine. The youngest Mikaelson was standing beside his father with his eye fixed at the fluid container in the middle of the room.

"It's alright…., though this will be the last time you conduct such experiments to create artificial Magicians. If you fail to comply then I will have you executed…." Perhaps only a member of 4-Great clans had the audacity to threaten to kill a 10-masters clan Head within their own territory, within their own magicians, within their own homes.

"Y-Yes yes….! Henrik-sama need not worry about that but please save my son…." Makoto off-course had heard the conversation between his father and the young Mikaelson. Even though the decision of adopting Minoru shocked him, he at the same time was very happy by the fact that his "Perfect Kudou Magician" was going to be groomed by the "Strongest Magician family".

The conditions presented by Henrik were quite relaxed and the best part was that Minoru was allowed to keep his first surname and could even inherit the Kudou family Head position in the future.

"I wouldn't disturb you Henrik-sama, everyone else leave the room; NOW….!" Makoto immediately ordered the multiple Kudou family researchers and doctor to exit the room, leaving only him and Retsu along with Henrik inside the control room.

Henrik walked towards the fluid container a picked up a cup from the table. He made the cup float using [Force] and made a cut at his left-hand wrist using his right-hand thumbnail.




Drops of red blood dripped out of his veins and filled the cup till the top; the crimson liquid had a slight shine to its colour. Henrik used [Density Manipulation] to convert the liquid into vapour and lifted the lid of the fluid container using [Force].

[Density Manipulation] was a Convergence Type Magic.

The magic could manipulate the density of matter regardless of whether it is a solid, liquid, or gas. It had multiple uses.

It could be used to make a high-pressure liquid flow by manipulating the density of a liquid.

To reverse a liquid's flow in order to defy the force of gravity.

It could be used to manipulate the density of gases in the air to create strong gusts by releasing pressurized air.

This magic can be used for a wide range of situations when applied.

"Henrik-sama if you open the container, the fluid will fa-" The words stuck inside Makoto's mouth as he saw the fluid that filled the container wasn't flowing out. Henrik has already taken precautions by using [Force] to pressure down the liquid and keep it from flowing out.

The vapour form of Henrik's blood entered the fluid and moved towards Minoru's body. Henrik was going to turn Minoru into a born Vampire, the only other vampire of his line in this world. Being reborn as a vampire would fix the gene defects in his DNA and would then strengthen the body to a New-born vampire level, a level which had more power than regular vampires but could only use it temporarily, as a skill.

Also, Henrik's blood contained his [Force] which had to subdue the "Bleeding Force" within Minoru's body and was reversing the cellular damage done by the fight between Psion and [Force]. The "Bleeding Force" may be a bit weaker to normal force but using "Bleeding Force" it was easier to tap into your full power when angered.

Also due to its chaotic nature, it was hard to master such variant of [Force], luckily Minoru was adopted into the family of Original vampires who were also experts in using [Force], and basically, his life was set.

Henrik let go of the lid and placed it back on the container before sealing it, he then raised his palm towards the container and casts a [Greater Divinity:- Greater Heal] to help heal the newborn's body.

Makoto and Retsu kept marvelling at the powers a Mikaelson possessed, they understood the fact that Henrik was the disciple of Retsu's teacher and was the current generation's only God-level Magician, the pinnacle of Magic that other's aspired to be.

While then were busy with their thoughts, Henrik was also busy communicating with the primal thoughts of the baby.





One of the most primal emotions dominated Minoru's mind, Anger and rage were the two emotions that "Bleeding Force" promoted within its user. Henrik overlaid his [Force] over the "Bleeding Force" and absorbed all the primal emotions the "Bleeding Force" released.

For someone who 1/3 of the brain was dominated by such intense feelings, absorbing some more Rage and Anger was nothing to Henrik, considering his [Hatsu] was created upon his dominant emotions.

After absorbing the intense emotions, Henrik projected the Mikaelson ideas about Family. You could say that he was literally implanting the same feelings that he possessed into Minoru.

Unending love for Family…..

Trust within Family…..

Sense of Belonging…..

No mercy to those who are a danger…..

Always and forever…..

The similar line of thoughts was being projected into Minoru's mind, Henrik wanted the newborn to understand the bond he would develop to within the Mikaelson family as a Mikaelson.

Soon the beneficial emotions and proper instincts were "Uploaded" onto his brain. The newborn has an amazing capacity for Magic and possessed a stronger version of [Elemental sight].

[Elemental Sight] otherwise known as the Eyes of the Spirits was a Perception Type ability/ Superpower that allowed the users to connect to the Information Dimension at the highest possible level.

In theory, If a magician improves their ability to perceive information, they can gain [Elemental Sight]. But at present, only Tatsuya was known to achieve this ability, if not including the Minoru who was recently created.

Its user could specify the Eidos of their surroundings individually, regardless of distance, physical obstacles with greater details about Eidos Information. They could easily identify the Eidos of targets, allowing for precision aiming at long distances.

In short, The "Eyes of the Spirits" — "Elemental Sight" refers to the ability to identify the "landscape (colour)" of the information dimension

Different from Tatsuya, Minoru would be able to sense powerful magic from a distance of over 400 kilometres at least passively without needing direction and without needing to intentionally watch it after growing up.

With his innate talent and ability, he would grow up to be a force to be reckoned with.