Before everything started to take place (1)

In a distant land, far away from the kingdom of Esuzuria where little Lia resided, a commotion echoed through the grand corridors of another magnificent palace.

"Your Highness, are you seriously coming with me? Please, don't be like this! You can't—no, you mustn't! If his majesty finds out, he'll have my head. Besides, my dear prince, as a royal and a future heir to the throne, you should be using your time to study and understand the state of our empire. Sure, you're a genius and have learned everything your teachers can offer, but that doesn't mean you can just waltz off to another kingdom and crash a tea party without an invitation! And to top it off, it's not even a grand party—it's just a tea party! Your Highness, I beg you to reconsider!" pleaded Roy, a teenage boy with brown hair and light brown eyes, who served as the prince's assistant and friend. He was the only person in the empire who could speak honestly to the prince without any filters.

As Roy caught his breath from his frantic speech and running, a low and nonchalant voice cut through the empty corridor. "Roy, my friend, you really need to chill out. Also, you might want to work on your speaking skills. Imagine being the laughingstock of Esuzuria when you're our empire's youngest ambassador," teased the young prince, a mischievous grin adorning his face.

"Your Highness, this is not the time for jokes. I implore you, reconsider attending this party. His majesty will have my head!" Roy insisted, his voice filled with worry.

The young prince's expression turned cold and indifferent. His beautiful light blue eyes conveyed a distant gaze as he spoke in a chilling tone, sending shivers down Roy's spine. "Roy, are you presuming to tell me what to do?" The young prince's words hung in the air, freezing Roy in place. Cold sweat trickled down his back as he realized the potential consequences. "You should understand something, Roy. You stand a better chance of survival if I accompany you. Otherwise, well... let's just say your life expectancy may diminish. So, I suggest you reconsider, for your own sake. Do you comprehend, Roy?" The prince concluded with a chilling smile.

Roy's eyes widened, and his breathing hastened. 'Is his highness implying that he'll dispose of me before the emperor has a chance?' Terrified, he struggled to find his words, his throat constricted. "N-No, Your Highness, that's not what I meant... I-" Before he could finish explaining himself, a soft laughter filled the corridor. " Ah, Roy, you really must learn to control your impulsive honesty. It may lead you to unpleasant outcomes. Also, I don't recall ever stating that I would attend the party with you. However, since I'll be in Esuzuria, I might as well take a peek at the palace and the nobles, you know, for educational purposes," the prince remarked, cleverly twisting Roy's previous words to his advantage.

At that moment, Roy gave him a bewildered look. 'His Highness has an uncanny knack for manipulating words.' Deciding to abandon the futile attempt at verbal sparring, Roy realized that the prince was always one step ahead. While some passing maids curiously observed the conversation, Roy spoke with a hint of worry in his voice, "I'm genuinely concerned for your well-being, Your Highness. You see, it's almost that time of the month for you."

(Reader's note: Say what?!)

The maids halted in their tracks, turning around with an expression that screamed, 'Did he just say what I think he said?'

The six-year-old prince gazed at the maids, then back at Roy, a puzzled expression on his adorable face, causing the maids to soften their gazes, finding the young prince utterly endearing. They turned their gazes into a death glare directed at poor Roy.

Unaware of the maids' reaction, Roy tried to explain himself earnestly. "Well, it's nearly the end of the month, isn't it, your highness?" The glares from the maids intensified, but Roy valiantly tried to ignore them.

"Indeed," the prince replied. "So?"

Roy hesitated, his words stuck in his throat. 'Why must I suffer like this?' Finally, he managed to find his voice. "Well, it will be a full moon soon, won't it? And, as always, it's not a good idea for you to be away during that time. Your control over your powers of darkness is notoriously tricky during the full moon."

The death glares directed at Roy dissipated as the maids continued on their way, pretending they hadn't shot menacing looks moments ago. Roy felt a wave of relief wash over him, grateful that the weight on his back had lifted. Talking in such a situation was no easy feat.

However, Roy's words held some truth. The young prince struggled to control his powers of darkness during the full moon. His body would be covered in black scars, accompanied by a week-long high fever and excruciating pain that tore through his body. It was a pain so agonizing that one would long for death. Yet, the prince had endured this torment for a year since discovering his affinity for darkness. They believed that light could counter darkness, but finding someone with an affinity for light had become nothing more than a distant legend and a wishful hope.

"That's true, but we still have a week before the end of the month, and we'll only be staying there for two or three days, tops. So, no worries. Although, who knows? Life isn't always certain. Besides, I think it's worth it—I'll learn so many new things from this experience," the six-year-old prince retorted, cleverly using Roy's own words against him.

'Come on, Your Highness, could you please cut it out? I get it already.' Roy thought, feeling exasperated.

"But, Your Highness, how do you plan to enter the palace if you're not attending the tea party?" Roy inquired, hoping for a straightforward answer.

The prince regarded his friend as if he were a fool and replied matter-of-factly, "I shall be your attendant, of course."

Roy was dumbfounded. 'Wait, what?'

"Now, good Sir Ambassador, allow this lowly servant to guide you to the magic portal. Everything has been prepared," the prince said, bowing his head and taking the lead, not allowing Roy any room for further objections.

"Y-Your Highness..." Roy stammered, but his protests were cut short once again. "Oh, and please, call me by my name when we're there. Let's avoid unnecessary complications." The prince quickened his pace towards the portal, leaving Roy with no choice but to follow along, his complaints left unspoken.