Before everything began to take place (2)

After Roy and the Prince under the disguise of a mere servant, made it to the Esuzuria Kingdom.

They were lead to the Royal Palace by the vice-captain of the royal knights. On their way, nothing special happened, except the awkward situation that was created. We had the vice-captain who was quite a talker and never realized the awkward situation that was created, the prince who only stared outside of the carriage and ignored the questions the vice-captain threw at him, and Roy who was answering all questions and trying to make them sound as natural as possible. His answers always included words such as: "I'm sorry but my servant does not talk a lot." "Please don't worry about him, he is always like that." "Hahaha, please stop asking questions to him, Hahaha." (awkward laugh) "I don't think he is going to talk any time soon, Ha, Ha, Ha." And then we had Roy's mind who was in turmoil 'For god's sake you highness who said he is going to act like a lowly servant. At least give him some answers. It's good that he isn't a person who is offended easily and he isn't paying a lot of attention to this. Also, I would really appreciate it if you would be so kind as to not get in the way of my work. Thank you. ( Agh,I so wish I could say this to his face)"

And then we had the vice-captain who wanted to know more about our prince. He could feel he was really strong, so he will make sure to tell his captain to write another training regiment for the royal knights. They can't lack behind a mere servant of an ambassador.

After quite a while which seemed like an eternity, Roy's torture was finally over. They made it to the Royal Palace of the Esuzuria Kingdom.

When they got in, they were lead inside by a servant. He told them that only the ambassador was allowed to go and meet the king. So our prince took the chance to go and have a look around the castle.

After quite the walking he got bored. 'There isn't really anything special to see now is there?' he thought

'Only gold and expensive decorations like any other palace. I guess it's only normal for kingdoms to want to show their wealth by building enormous palaces with extravagant decorations.'

While walking around the empty corridors, he heard a beautiful piano melody coming from somewhere. A melody that felt so different and out of place in this palace with extravagant decorations. A melody that calmed the soul.

He followed the melody and found himself in a small room. There he saw an angel with pink hair and a white dress with blue to grey ribbons, with her eyes closed and a slight smile on her face as if being relived about something. After listening to her playing for quite a while, he suddenly felt another presence.

He turned around and saw a man, most likely a knight, judging from the clothes and the sword he was carrying. He waited for him to make a move, but the knight didn't move at all. He just waited there at the door until the song was finished. Then he began walking in her direction while clapping his hands.

The girl startled raised her head and turned around. When she saw who it was she put on a warm smile while looking at him.

Then the knight started talking "That was beautiful. Now, that's one thing I didn't know about you milady. I don't remember you ever taking piano lessons." The girl looked at him while blinking her big doe eyes, then raising her finger to her cheek, tilting her head, she opened her mouth and said " Well I saw this book in the library the other time, where it talked about the piano and so when I saw on here I thought I'd try it. Why was it bad, Felix?" She asked while tilting her head. Well, that made her look cute and the knight wasn't the only one who realized that, there was also a certain young prince of an empire who had put his hand on his mouth.

However, being always in the presence of the young angel, the knight named Felix, got a hold of himself rather fast and answered his lady's question. "Honestly speaking my lady, I'm not surprised anymore. Or rather I thought there wouldn't be anything that would surprise me anymore, knowing you from a young age and all. But you never cease to amaze me. You really are a genius."

"Well thank you Felix, that's really kind of you. But I can't take all the credit, my father and mother have done a good job." She said with an innocent smile.

" Indeed my lord, the duke and duchess have done a good job raising you" Felix said, not fully grasping the meaning behind his lady's words.

"Yep, they really have." She said with soft laugh.

"By the way Felix,- she began, you sure took your time getting here." She said with a smirk and trying to seem mean.

"oh, well my lady I-.." be began only to be interrupted by her." I am sure you found something more entertaining to do, rather than to take care of a child like me." She said trying to sound disappointed and sad.

"No, there is no way my lady! What are you saying? There is no way I would find anything more entertaining than you.?" He stated.

"Oh, I see, I am a mere entertainment for you. That's so mean even though I have always treated you like my brother, but you like mere entertainment. You are despicable. I'm sure Lori will think the same when I tell the whole story." She said trying to keep herself from laughing.

"No, my lady. That's not true, you know that's not what I meant. Please stop teasing me!" The knight said flustered.

Then the girl finally burst out laughing. 'Man it is always fun to tease him.' She thought.

"But speaking of brothers my lady, the young lord Nathaniel, your big brother, is here as well. This is going to be the first time you will meet him, since he has been away before you were born."

"Indeed" she said. "It will be our first meeting."

"What's wrong my lady? You aren't talking nearly as much as always. Don't tell me you are nervous?!" The knight said with a sly smile on his face.

"Felix, are you trying to pick a fight?" the girl said with a raised eyebrow.

"My lady, with all due respect, that expression doesn't make you scary at all. Rather it's cute."

"Oh, I see." She said. "You really don't want to work for us anymore."

"No I would never my lady, I love working for you." He said with a smile on his face." I would be grateful if you would reconsider."

" I see, I suppose I can do something about it." She said trying to keep a serious look on her face until the both of them broke into laughter.

"man, my lady you have gotten better"He said with a wide smile on his face.

" Oh please, I have had a great teacher."

"I'm honouered my lady."he said."Now if you'd please allow me to lead you to the party" he said while extending his hand towards her.

"thank you, I would be honoured, my dear knight." She said while accepting his hand with a light smile on his face.

"By the way you will be meeting the prince today" he said

"Yes indeed " she said" But I sure there will be anything to worry about."

"I hope so, cause from what I have heard, they might choose you as the prince's fiancée"

"Yeah, well I hope it won't go there. I wold love if we had nothing to do with the royal family at all, but seeing as mother and father are friends with their royal mayesties, I don't think that's possible."

"Hahaha, as expected of my lady. So calm and mature all the time, but I do suggest you do not talk so openly and honestly all the time, it might lead to some unwanted misunderstandings."

"Thank you for the kind words Felix."

"Not at all my lady."

And so they left to the party, leaving behind a stupefied prince.

To think that he would be able to see a noble, a duke's daughter at that, talk like that to her servant, like he was her equal. And a noble who didn't want anything to do with the royal family."That's a first." He said with a low voice and a smile on.

Then he left the room and the royal palace behind, to visit the city, in a good mood.