Meeting the brother for the first time

After getting out of the room that had the piano and she had just played in, lead by Felix Lia continued on her way to the party.

They were there before they knew it. So Felix decided to break the silence and wish his lady luck. "Well, my lady I wish you luck and please do try to not be very honest. For all of us." He said while chuckling. " Don't worry so much, it's okay, I'm not that careless." Smiled Lia with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

At the door of the party, her parents were waiting for her. Lia moved her hand from Felix's and went between her parents and held their hands with a bright smile on her face.

The duke and the duchess smiled warmly at her. Then the duke, her father asked, "Did you have fun, Lia?" "Yes, father I had a lot of fun. The palace was really big and the ornaments were all nicely made, but I still prefer ours to those, " she said thinking about what she had seen around the castle. "I see you have analyzed them, that's my daughter for you," he said sounding proud. Lia giggled and pulled them along. When all of the sudden a cheerful and youthful voice was heard and surprisingly enough it wasn't Felix's, "Well I had heard that my little sister was cute and well-liked by the people around her, but then again I think it is better when you see for yourself as there is no room for doubt." The people in the corridor turned around and saw a young boy around 10 years old. He had silver hair and blue eyes complimented with a cheeky smile that played on his lips. 'He looks like father' was the first thought that Lia had, not realising that the boy had just called her his little sister. All of the sudden her mother the duchess ran towards the boy and gave him a big warm hug."Nathaniel, my son welcome back. Mother missed you so much." The duchess said with tears in her eyes. "I missed you too mother. I am glad you are in good health." The boy named Nathaniel said. The duke began walking towards mother and son pair while holding Lia's hand. "Nathaniel Alastair Brice, welcome home son," The duke said with a warm smile on his face. "It's good to be back father. I am glad you are all in god heath" he said while extending his hand turned into a fist towards his father.The duke obliged by raising his own fist and giving his son a fist bump. "I am glad to see you are doing good as well, son," the duke said still smiling. "Well, father I would have been better if you would at the very least have talked to my little sister about me a little. She looks so lost right now. I bet she doesn't know who I even am." The boy said as he turned around to look at his little sister. "What are you saying Niel, of course, we have talked to Lia about it. However, Lia is just a child you can't hold it against her if she is shocked to see you. Even we were shocked to see you." The duchess said using his nickname. "Well you can't blame me, mother, it's just that I really wanted to see you guys as soon as possible and I wasn't really planning on returning now but we were given an unexpected break from school so I thought I would give you a visit." "We are glad you have returned, of course, but you can't take out the fact that it has been a long time since my parents have seen you and that it was an unexpected visit. Also, there is no way I would be able to recognize my brother whom a have never seen in my life, that's just you acting immature and as a man, I must say that's not quite the way to talk to a lady such as our mother. No matter what when or where never go against a lady brother, that does not make you a gentleman." A sweet voice came from the young girl's mouth. Her eyebrows a little frowned and her words more mature than a child her age should be saying. For a 4-year-old to tell a 10-year old that he was being immature, especially in the noble section well, that was unheard of. The duke and duchess were the first to get themselves together from her words and began praising her. "My God, as expected of my little Lia she is always so righteous and so mature, isn't that right dear?" the duchess said with a bright smile on her face."Indeed" the duke agreed like it was something normal.(Well it was for them since they had been living with Lia for 4 years, but Niel was still in his starstruck state.) Lia didn't pay any attention to her parents and asked her brother "Do you understand brother?" right then was Niel reminded that he was still talking to his little sister and answered with a serious voice"Yes I understand" "I am glad" Lia said and moved closer to Niel and threw herself in her brother's arms giving him a tight hug. As much as the hug surprised the boy, it made him a lot happier that his little sister was the one who took the initiative to hug him first.

After that Lia was practically glued to her big brother making him feel delighted and her parents a little jealous of him. They continued on their way to the door of the party and when the person at the door saw them he hurridly announced their presence and while still being flustered bowed his head when they passed by him.

The moment their name was announced everything went quiet and everyone turned around to see the perfect picture of a family. The cute girl holding the arm of her handsome big brother with their gorgeous parents after them was a sight to look at. If there was one thing the people in the party were convinced of was that the Brice Ducal house had good genes.