Do you know I have a son?

As we went through the door and continued to go down the stairs the people kept looking at us.

'Well, could you please stop looking at us like we are in some exhibition, because we most certainly are not', was what the expression of my brother Niel was saying.

As we kept walking ahead where the king and queen were, you could hear people whispering to each other like some bees in a hive. 'Can you believe this? They came after the king and queen. This like a direct disrespect towards the royal family. The Brice dukedom is most certainly quite daring, but do they think that they will get away with it just because they have a good relationship with the royal family.' Were what some of them were saying. Well, I never expected my family to only have allies, but for those who are rivals to show their displeasure so openly like that. How immature, no wonder they are no match for our family. I turned my head to look at mother only to see her giving me reassuring smile, like to tell me that everything was okay and that there was nothing to worry about. I smiled back at her to show her that I wasn't worried or anything like that when suddenly I heard a loud gasp from someone in the crowd. I turned my head only to see a woman who was holding her mouth with both of her hands as if trying to not make a sound. Is she okay? I really hope people did not attend parties if they did not feel well, you will only be an inconvenience, but then again being an invitation from the queen I don't think there is much choice, to begin with.

Seeing that I was looking at her, she gave me big smile and then leaned towards a man whom I assumed was her husband. Now that was weird.

I turned my head straight again when I saw that we had reached the place where the king and queen were seated.

As my father and mother bowed and gave them their greetings. "A thousand greetings to our Esuzuria Kingdom sun and moon. May the blessings of the god be with you."

After their greetings, I and Niel followed suit bowed down, and gave them our greetings" A Thousand greetings to our Esuzuria Kingdom sun and moon. May the blessings of the god be with you." We said in unison. After quite a while of us staying with heads down the king remembered to accept our greetings and tell us to raise our heads. "No wonder Janette and Oliver didn't bring you in any parties that were organized. You do raise someone's protective instincts lady Allia" The queen said with a soft voice that earned a disapproving gaze from my mother, which she didn't mind at all and continued looking in my direction. That only meant one thing: She was expecting an answer from me. So I decided to go with a safe answer just so I could get a feel of her personality.

"Not at all, your majesty. I am sure there is no such thing. Mother respects your majesty a lot. She often talks about how beautiful and righteous you are. She always says that your majesty never holds personal grudges and always does what's best for the people of our kingdom. She also says that the reason that the people of our kingdom are always smiling is because of your majesty's hard work. Now seeing your majesty in person, I can say fully convinced that my mother's words didn't do you justice. Your majesty is much more magnificent than I imagined. I am honored to be able to meet you and be in your presence." I said with an innocent smile on my face and trying my best to look like I admired and worshiped her. Throwing all praises that came to mind to deviate the topic of our conversation. When I finished talking I was faced with the surprised face of the queen and the king.

I turned around to look at my mother and father and ask if I did something wrong, but was instead faced with an expression of my mother that said: When have I ever said that?

And with a father that was fighting hard to keep his lips in a straight line. 'Well, they sure are no help' I thought so I turned to look at my brother who was by my side dumbfounded. I looked around and saw the same expression on the people in the room. 'Did I go too far' was the first thought that came to my mind when suddenly a light chuckle was heard.

I turned around and saw the king laughing delighted. Everyone in the room turned to him, then the king started talking "No wonder Oliver wanted to keep you hidden. You are quite smart for your age it seems that the rumors about you being a genius aren't exaggerated. In fact, they don't do you justice " The king said finishing his words with the words that I had said about the queen, with a playful smile on his lips.

"Thank you, your majesty! I am honored. To be praised by your majesty the sun of our kingdom is like a dream come true." I said still keeping the same respectful smile on my face. Then a heartful smile was heard. It belonged to the king. "Well, you really do have a tongue made of honey. I really wish I had a daughter like you." As soon as he said those words the atmosphere in the room changed completely from that of a warm talk to a talk where the winds had started to blow. The nobles began to feel restless. They all understood what the king meant by that. The king had made his move. He was planning to engage me with his son, the prince. Like I was going to let that happened.

I put on a confused face and said: " But that's impossible isn't it, your majesty, after all, I already have my own parents." And said with a bright smile that didn't take any answer that would refuse her logic.

The king kept his smile on his face. I could feel my parents and brother beside me getting serious. The king gave the queen a meaningful smile and as he looked at me his smile grew brighter.

"Lady Allia, do you know I have a son?"