... a great role model

"Well enough of this talk. I'm sure Lady Allia is also bored of conversing with this old man, so I won't keep you anymore. You should go and get to know more kids of your age." The king said with an everlasting smile.'He has never once lost that smile, ever since we began talking' Lia thought as she continued to look at the king and opened her mouth to once again flatter the king.

"Not at all your majesty, please do not say that! Your majesty is really handsome and does not look old at all. I would never get bored of conversing with you." She said with a sweet smile.

"Oh my, how kind of you…" The king began when suddenly was interrupted by Lia, who didn't seem to have finished talking." But if you insist like so Your majesty, I will take up on that offer and will go and get to know more kids my age. Goodbye, your majesties. May God's blessings be with you." Said Lia while bowing down and giving the king and queen her greeting. From her elegant and graceful greeting, one would never guess that she couldn't wait to get out of there.

"Ah yes," the king said his eyes widened in surprise at Lia's interruption.

The moment the king acknowledged her greeting she fled from that place, straight to the food area.

She couldn't help it. There was really a lot of pressure and eating sweets was one way for someone to relax and for one's blood sugar to go back to normal.

Watching the little girl running away the king chuckled only to earn a disdainful gaze from his friend. As he saw his little sister move away he greeted the king fast and followed after her in steady steps.

While Lia was trying to choose what to try first some kids began to surround her and began to introduce themselves. "Hello, I'm Erina Monique, from house Monique." Began a girl who seemed older than Lia. Her manners were quite lacking. The way she talked totally screamed arrogance. Especially since she was from a count's house and was greeting someone from a duke's house. 'Ah, so she is one of that kind.' Lia thought while still keeping a smile on her face. " Is that so?" said Lia as she turned around to another girl not paying much attention to the arrogant girl, seeming totally uninterested.

As the other girls saw the way the arrogant Erina was treated they couldn't help but feel satisfied and walked closer towards Lia with a smile on their face. "Hello, I'm…", "Hello, I'm…", "Hello, I'm.."…

The girls began to introduce themselves while Lia couldn't help but be amazed at the fact that they really couldn't hide their purpose. It was obvious that they wanted to be friends with someone that has a strong standing and not wield to someone of higher standing than them.

'Ah, kids in the noble section are really scary. Really calculating. Compared to them, the arrogant Erina was nothing more than an innocent girl who was obviously loved and sheltered by her parents and doesn't know how cruel the outside world is. Being born at a count's house, you obviously have nothing to fear and no one to bow to, except the duke's house and the royal family. It's different from all those who try to rise on the ladder. It really makes it easy for her to be manipulated as well. What to do? What to do?' Lia thought and then she decided. She turned around to face a still embarrassed Erina and said with a beaming smile on her face. "Is that so, lady Erina. I have heard a lot about you."

Erina flustered that Lia had suddenly begun to talk to her was slowly beginning to feel grateful towards Lia. That she didn't ignore her and realized that she had called her lady Erina when she addressed her. She suddenly felt really embarrassed about her behavior and said is with a meek voice,"And what would that be, lady Allia?"

"well, I have heard that the young lady from house Monique is really pretty and very talented. I can see why they think so. You really are a beautiful lady Erina."Lia said with a smile on her face amused by the young lady��s reactions. She was really funny.

"I know tha-..." She began to say arrogantly when she stopped mid-sentence and looked at Lia who was smiling with a raised eyebrow a 'little' pressure coming out of her.Erina gulped once before starting to talk once more"I mean, thank you, you are too kind." While she was saying this she was looking carefully at Lia's expressions until she saw a satisfied smile on her did she feel relived and breathed a sigh of relief.

'See, you can do it if you try. Hard work really pays off' Lia thought with a big smile on her face.

While Erina's parents, to say that they were surprised was an understatement. Their little girl Erina Said 'thank you' and spoke formally. My good Lady Allia was really a genius.

As they were speaking Niel came and stole Lia away and sent her to mother and the other ladies who were sitting at a table talking happily with each other.

When mother saw Lia coming towards her , she got up and went to her instead, held her hand, and told Niel to go to his father.

When they reached the table Lia gave her greeting to the ladies . "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Allia Flow Brice." Began Lia with the basic introductions and then began to do what she does best… flattery."Forgive me for the lack of manners, but I really couldn't say any more seeing that I have so many beautiful ladies before me. You really look way more beautiful than I imagined, my words couldn't help but be stuck in my mouth. Your beauty is truly blinding and your elegance to be envied, I am honored to be in your presence." Lia said with a straight face and only smiled at the end to give a powerful blow at the ladies.

The ladies couldn't help but blush and began to praise Lia to her mother. "My God Your grace you really have a wonderful daughter." "I really wish my kids were at least half as good as her" You know stuff like that, only to be answered by a small smile from the duchess.

What was she supposed to say? She knew her daughter was smart and her eloquence was no joke, but she including her husband were seeing her daughter talk to other nobles today for the first time.

"By the way your grace, I wonder what tutors you used to teach your daughter. You see my daughter is older than her by 5 years and her manners aren't near as good as your daughter's" a high pitch voice sounded and got the attention of all the other ladies who were waiting eagerly for her answer. "We only saw it appropriate to hire tutors for our daughter 5 months ago. We hired madam Visana for her etiquette and sir Roel for her studies, but they both resigned saying that they had nothing more to teach her" The duchess said with a small smile on her face as she looked at her daughter adoringly. While the other ladies belived her, the lady who asked her the question wasn't quite satisfied and said."What there is no way for a child to learn all those in a short time , in 5 months, and with no tutor no less, come on your grace. We all love our children as much as you love yours. We all want them to have mannars." She said with a smile that was asking for trouble. The other ladies were also beginning to feel uncomfortable with the subject. "But that's…" The duchess began only to be interrupted by Lia. "No one said I learned all those things in 5 months, my lady, and no one said that I had no tutor."

'' Is that so lady Allia? Plwase countinue who were those?" The lady continued in her annoying high pitch voice. Wanting to destroy the duchess' image and label her as a liar.

"It's been close to 5 years since I have come to life and in those 5years I have had a great rolemodel to follow. Seeing her everyday, they way she speaks, they way she walks and the way she behaves. Wanting to be more like her, of course I have tried hard. Even though my manners are not even close to my mother's I am going to countinue to try hard until I succeed so I can make her proud. I must say that having a great role model to follow has really been very important to me, so important that I didn't need a tutor." Lia said with a blinding smile on her face as her cheeks flushed at her own words. The ladies and her mother who were listening to her began to feel emotional and awing at her face.

None of them realized the insult that Lia had directed at the rude lady except for the lady herself and another little kid who snickered in the background. The little girl had obviesly called that lady out on her manners. Saying that her manners weren't good enough for people or kids to take as a model.

'Ah, she really is like him' the boy thought.