Love-hate relationship? Are you sure they are not fans?

It has been two days ever since the tea party that the queen hosted and ever since then Lia hasn't had a peace and quiet moment. The entire days there would be nobles coming in with their kids and trying to make them built a relationship with her. Let it be a friend or something more And Lia was getting more annoyed than ever. She was on her way to greet the guests that had come.

The guest was a marquess and his wife. For some reason Lia and her brother were asked to go and greet them. 'well I did greet account so I'm sure it would be rude to not go and greet a marquess, but still aren't there coming a little too many people. Its not like someone died or someone was born, so why?' Lia thought while not showing her annoyance on her face and keeping a poker face on.

Niel who had the same experience these two days, clicked his tongue obviously not enjoying the current situation he was in.

After they greeted the marquess they left like someone was after them, with the excuse that they had lessons to attend. If the duke didn't know any better, he would actually believe them judging from the serious expressions they had on and seeing them look like they were sorry that they had to leave and wanted to stay with them longer.

They got separated on their way to their rooms.

When Lia got to her room with Lori behind her, the first thing she did was breathe a sigh of relief as she let go of her body and fell on her bed on her back, staring at the ceiling. She was really tired. ' Just how much longer do I have to do this.' She thought as she closed her eyes. When she heard Lori's voice,"My lady are you tired?" she asked in a worried tone.

"How do I look to you, Lori?" Lia asked as she opened her eyes and sat up on her bed to face her.

"Well, my lady, you do look quite tired, if I must say." Lori says honestly.

"If you can see that, then why ask?" Lia said trying to not sound as irritated as she actually was.

"Well my lady, it's basic curtesy to ask someone if they are or not tired even if you can tell by the way they are behaving." Lori said not paying the irritation in her lady's voice any mind.

"Yeah it sure is. But I do wish it wasn't."Lia said.

"Well my lady, you know that you do not have to say all good things to people when you meet them, as you are of a higher status" Lori said trying to remind her, that she didn't need to bow her head to anyone.

"Do tell me something I don't know,Lori. But seriously if I actually spoke my mind I would probably get into deep trouble, not from 'our guests' of course. But then again can I even call them guests, as they came uninvited and all. Just how can father go and meet them like that?" Lia complained

"That only happens when his grace the duke is not busy and her grace is my lady. Since her grace is the one who is in charge of meeting the guests. That's why the nobles even though they hate the dukedom the can do absolutely nothing to ruin them all because their graces have never given them a reason to.

Always acting respectful toward all nobles and commoners without discrimination and never abusing their authority, is what makes them so special." Lori explains patiently.

"It's a love-hate relationship,huh? Are you sure they are not fans?" Lia asked with a smirk on her face.

"My lady, sometimes I really forget that you are only 4 years old."Lori said.

When suddenly her face light up and smiled brightly. Her cheeks getting a light pink color on.

'Why this doesn't seem good.' Lori thought as she began taking a few steps back,' whenever my lady smiles that brightly she is always planning something. And it is not a good plan that's for sure.'

"Say Lori.."Lia began while taking steps forward towards her maid.

"Yes, my lady?" Lori answered while taking another three steps back.

"Why do you keep moving backwards?" Lia asked as she kept moving ahead towards her, the smile on her face never leaving her face, in fact it only got bigger and brighter.

"I am not, my lady. I'm sure it's only your imagination."Lori answered terrified of her lady's smile. Ah who would have thought that the smile that she loved to see on her lady's face would one day be so terrifying.

"Lori, I have a fever to ask of you."

"Is that so? But I'm not sure I'm competent enough to live up to your expectations, my lady." Lori said.

"Oh, you and your humble self, Lori. I'm sure you will do just fine. Besides I don't really need anything big. Just prepare me some clothes, a dress to be more specific."Lia said her smile still as unwavering as ever.

"What, a dress my lady? That's what you want?" Lori asked looking dumbfounded.

"yes, a commoner girl's dress." Lia said, still smiling

" I see a commoner girl's dress.Of course, my lady. I thought you were going to do something unpredictable and get into trouble." Lori said when all of the sudden a loud voice sounded in he big bedroom.

"What a commoner girl's dress?!!" Lori called out in surprise. While she had no time to recover from the shock she had just received, Lia took advantage of the situation and hurridly pushed her outside the door while saying,"Be sure to tell Felix to come to my room after you have prepared the dress. Thank you as always for the diligent work."She said and then pushed the door on her face not giving her maid a chance to answer or oppose her idea. It was obvious what her lady was planning. She was planning to go to the town. But it was evening and it would soon be night. If his grace found out it would not end with a simple scolding.