You don’t possibly want me to move him into the bed, do you?

As Felix was moving the young boy, named Max, into a nearby cabin, Lia was staring daggers at his friend, waiting for his answer. They went to a cabin cause Lia kept insisting on it. She didn't want to go to a place where a lot of people were staying, she didn't want to be misunderstood that she was associated with a person that was on drugs, so the safest option she came up with was to go to a remote place where nobody would visit.

The young teenage boy was okay with that because he also didn't want to make noise and alarm people. He really wanted to keep a low profile seeing that they were in a foreign country. He didn't want to risk putting the life of his prince in danger, even if it meant that he was going to be misunderstood by someone and that one happens to be a duke's daughter. But there was one thing he was having a hard time understanding,' how come we can stay close to the prince at this time.' He couldn't understand why. Based on his previous experiences when the prince's magic went out of control they couldn't stay close to him yet touch him like the girl and her knight were doing.

However, he put the thought at the back of his head thinking it was only the first phase and they might be able to be okay with it.

As Felix laid the boy down, he looked at Lia as if to ask what were they going to do next. Seeing as the teenage boy wasn't planning on giving her an answer any time soon she let out a sigh and turned to her knight and said with an indifferent expression, "Let's take care of him first, we can talk later."

"Understood my lady." Said Felix as he moved outside of the cabin to find some wood to light a fire. And Lia moved close to a thing that looked like a closet to see if there was anything inside cause judging from the looks of the cabin it did look like it was abandoned or that nobody seemed to be living in there at the moment.

Fortunately, there were some blankets and a pillow.' How thoughtful of them' Lia thought as she tried to take out the blankets and pillow, but not everything goes the way we want them to now do they? She couldn't reach the top blanket as it was too high and seemingly they were too heavy for her. Not wanting to embarrass herself Lia rose to the top of her fingertips, extended her hands, and pulled the pillow out, which was a little bigger than she expected.

Seeing that the pillow was bigger than her no matter how she looked at it. She turned around tilted her head to the side of the pillow to look at the teenage boy and talked pulling the boy out of his daze," Hey you, what are you doing? Hurry up and pull the blankets out." "Ah, yes." The boy said flustered by the way she talked if a moment ago he thought she looked like a cute angel, now that angel was nowhere to be seen. 'She really is like him.' he thought once again as he obeyed her without delay. He really didn't want to disobey her. If they really were similar then he didn't want to know how she would react to disobedience.

When he got them down from the shelf, he looked at her as if asking what to do next. "Aren't you going to lay and spread them on the floor?" She asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, yes of course. It's only normal, the next thing to do when you pull blankets out is to spread them on the floor. Yeah, only a fool wouldn't know that." He began talking not realizing what he was saying only for Lia's eyes to bore into him and make him feel more nervous than before. He quickened his hands and tried to not be affected by her gaze. As Lia looked at him weirdly. 'Did he just call himself a fool?' she thought.

When he finished laying three blankets on top of each other on the floor Lia moved close to the blankets, placed the pillow down, and turned around to look at the boy who kept looking at her.

He was ready for any kind of order he would receive, however, he didn't quite understand what she meant when she moved her head from one direction to the other.

Seeing that the boy didn���t react to her pointing her head at the young boy laying on the floor and the newly made bed, she sighed, looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and said "What? You don't possibly want me to move him into the bed, do you?" Surprised by the question he looked at her as if actually thinking about it.' He is not serious, is he?' Lia thought a look of bewilderment showing on her face.

Seeing the look on her face he quickly answered to not make things take a bad turn," No, of course not miss. Who would let a lady do that?" He said as he moved towards the boy. Moved his arm around his shoulder and laid the kid in bed.

'Well if not making me do it, you definitely thought of it' Lia thought as she watched the boy do his job.

He covered the kid with a blanket and moved to the side before looking at her again.

An unbearable silence prevailed. Until Lia decided to speak again.

"So, is the kid really into drugs?" She asked sounding totally indifferent, but there was nothing she hated more than, kids who knew nothing about the world, taking drugs. It might have been a fantasy world when she was alive before and she wasn't all that attached to it, but now it was real if you die, you die for real there is no 'play again' there is only 'game over'. The pain was real. People could really suffer.

Seeing she hadn't let that idea go. The teenage boy said, "No, he is not. He is…-" "I see, then that all that matters. There is no need to explain further." Lia said interrupting him.

And then another silence prevailed. 'When is that knight coming?' The boy thought.