Is he really not into drugs?

After a little more of that awkward silence, everything changed when the door opened and the raindrops were heard, followed by a loud and lively voice of the knight. The gloomy atmosphere dissipated at once like it had not been there at all.

If you paid close attention you would be able to hear a sigh of relief that escaped from the boy beside Lia involuntary.

"I'm sorry for the wait my lady, it was rather hard to find some firewood which wasn't wet from the rain," Felix said being actually sorry that he made his lady wait.

"I understand that, but do you really see the need to shout like that?" Lia said as indifferently as she could looking at her knight up and down. Which didn't really matter to the knight anymore as he had been around her for a long time and knew that there was a reason for her cruel words and strange behavior. But seeing that when she pointed out his voice, the kid beside her flinched, he understood that his lady didn't want to do much with these people. He didn't ask more and answered like it was expected of a knight serving a lady.

"Forgive me, my lady. It is my fault. I deserve to be punished!" he said bowing his head one to make the acting more real and the second one to hide his face that was trying hard to keep a stoic expression on his face, as his smile was threatening to come out.

Lia who was paying close attention to him finally said with a raised eyebrow, trying to sound annoyed," Forget it , I don't know why do I ever expect you to ever learn. Hey you,- Lia turned to the boy beside and said to him,- hurry up and get the wood. You can light a fire can't you?"

"Pfft-" a small laugh got the attention of both the kids in the room. As they turned around to face the rude person who laughed.

"Is something funny, Felix?" Lia asked with a glare. She really didn't want all her hard work to go in vain.

"Forgive me, my lady, it's just that I am amazed by your kindness and benevolence. I am really blessed to have you as my lady and so I couldn't contain my happiness and laughed." Felix said, trying to hide his laughter once again, as he earned a surprising look, to say the least from the young boy. ' I understand that she helped us and that's what you call kindness, but that's just an exaggeration. I am sure no one would want to work under someone like her' the boy thought, not realizing that everything was showing on his face, earning another chuckle from Felix which was answered with glare by Lia. As Felix shrugged his shoulders at her accusing look, Lia turned to the boy again and reminded him of his job. "Aren't you going to light the fire?" The boy feeling like he got caught doing something he shouldn't have answered in a meek and low voice. "Yes, I will get to it right now."

As the kid moves to do his work, Lia moved, got a blanket, and gave it to Felix. "Dry with it. After the fire lights, warm yourself up then we are leaving. We wouldn't want you to catch a cold." Lia said as she showed the warm smile she usually gave her friends.

"Thank you, m'lady. I will make sure not to catch a cold as not to worry you." He said smiling at her reassuringly.

"I am not the only one who will worry if you get sick." She said with a smirk on her face showing her mischievous side a little.

"Parton?" Felix said as he tried to understand what she meant by that. Only to turn beet red after 5 seconds.

Seeing his reaction Lia smiled content that she had finally taken her revenge for laughing at the wrong time.

She turned around facing the boy lying on the bed. Walked towards him and when she got close enough to him, she squatted down and placed her hand on his forehead, trying to see if he had a fever. His temperature was a little higher than the normal one, but it wasn't especially high, nor was it life threatening. 'how come he fainted then? Is he really not into drugs?' Lia thought without taking her hand of his forehead.

Shaking her head and trying to get those thoughts out of her head, Lia moved her hand and got up.

Walking close to Felix who was standing close to the fireplace she said got back to her role and said "Let's go back Felix! Our job here is done." "yes my lady." Said Felix formally and got behind her.

Then she returned to the boy and said " I hope your friends gets better. Wish you all the best." Said Lia sounding sure that they were never going to meet again.

"thank you miss" he said not having the chance to make the sentence longer as she already had turned to leave.

Seeing that the rain had stopped Lia felt relieved that she didn't need to walk in the rain seeing that Felix's clothes weren't fully dried yet.

After half an hour or so they had made it to the mansion's gate. They managed to get back inside without a synch, but who knew that the difficult part was just would be the moment they got back inside not only for Lia and Felix, but for the young foreign prince Max and his attendant Roy as well.

The moment Felix and Lia parted ways and both went to their rooms was the moment when Roy was busted out the cabin's door. The darkness which was supposed to be at its weakest state was nowhere to be seen. The only thing that had overtaken Roy's mind at that moment was the thought that nothing was that simple anymore.