Ah, she has done it yet again

After a good sleep at night, Lia woke up earlier than expected, only to be scared half to death by her maid, Lori who just so happened to be watching her very closely, so closely that her nose was touching hers.

Lia held her mouth with both of her hands so that no sound would come from her mouth. After she got herself together and was sure she wasn't going to scream anymore she began talking to the maid who wasn't planning on moving her head from there anytime soon.

"My god, Lori. Do you have to do this? And I would appreciate it if you please moved your head, of course, you can do what you want, but I would really appreciate it if you moved it. It's not the most pleasant sight ever." Lia said hoping that she would oblige to her wishes.

"you seemed to have slept quite soundly, my lady. Like a little lamp, without a worry in the world." Lori said still not moving her head from there.

"Good morning to you too Lori. Yes, I did have a pleasant sleep, thank you for asking." Lia answered and moved her head as back as her pillow allowed her to as Lori kept moving closer until she stopped and withdrew from that position.

"I am glad to hear that my lady, I thought you would be worried about this poor servant since you left her to deal with the trouble you left behind, but I see this servant has thought too much and got too ahead of myself," Lori said with her head lowered, trying to hit her lady's consciousness, but who knew that her lady had a really, really thick skin, like as thick as they go.

"Did something happen?" Lia asked indifferently. She knew nothing actually happened to see that no one was waiting for her in the room last night, but still asked if that isn't nice then what is?

"No nothing happened, my lady," Lori answered with a sigh indicating that she had given up on the matter.

"See, so there is no need for any worries, is there? Nor is there any need for these dramatic answers." Lia said not minding how it sounded to the other as it came from a four-year-old.

"Yes, my lady. I will help you get ready for breakfast." Lori said trying to not pay her words any mind knowing that there was no other meaning behind those words.

"thank you, Lori" Lia beamed. "As always you are really reliable."

"I am honored that you think so highly of me my lady," Lori replied formally forgetting what she had thought of her lady a moment ago, you know the part where she said that Lia thought poorly of her and how her lady had really thick skin. She really was like a puppy, when you praise them, they can't help but wag their tail.

After Lia got dressed and Lori did her hair, they moved to the dining room where the family was waiting for her.

"Good morning father, mother, big brother Niel. I am sorry for the wait. I do hope you had a pleasant sleep." Lia said as she gave all three of them a kiss on the cheek and waved good morning to the servants, who as always were awed by her. It wasn't the first time they had seen the lady act like that, in fact, they see her like that every day, but still can't get used to that.

"Good morning to you too Lia. We did have a good sleep and from the looks of it you did too. " the duke said with a smile on his face pleased by his daughter's attitude.

"Yes, father I did have the most pleasant sleep. I fell asleep the moment I laid my head on the pillow." Lia said with a bright smile on her face like it was the most natural thing to say. That's what everyone thought anyway, except for Lori whose smile began to twitch and her perfect posture to crumple. As her gaze landed on her lady, who suddenly felt a chill run down her spine. So, she decided to change the topic of the conversation, so she could eat breakfast peacefully, without someone glaring at her.

"So, what were you guys talking about when I got down?" Lia asked trying to ignore Lori behind her.

"You see Lia.." Niel began only to be interrupted by his mother.

"Dear, you aren't going to talk about this in front of Lia, are you? She is only 4 years old, even if she doesn't act like her age sometimes she is still a child." Her mother argued, sounding reasonable.

"But big brother Niel is a child too," Lia argued back with a more reasonable excuse. "Why does he get to know it and I don't?" Lia asked pouting and knitting her eyebrows trying to seem as disappointed as possible, at least as much as her cute face allowed her. "This is discrimination, you know? Letting a boy know, but a girl not. This is really unfair." She says holding her breath on purpose so that tears would form in her eyes naturally.

"No Lia it's nothing like that." Her mother said panicking. "I just thought that it was really scary and you might have nightmares if you heard of such a thing as all." She said patting her daughter on her back.

"So, you will tell me?" Lia asked tears rolling down her face. "yes." Her mother replied. "Really, you promise?" she asked trying to make sure so her mother didn���t go back on her word. "Yes, I promise." The mother promised.

"Then please do tell me," Lia said with a blinding smile on her face. Like she hadn't been crying till a minute ago.

' Ah, she has done it yet again.' Was what everyone in the room was thinking, but they just couldn't help but still go along with it.