If a smile didn’t work, then tears it was.

"This morning when the butler was reporting to me about the matters I had to attend today, one of them was rather concerning." The duke began while looking quite serious and trying to intimidate Lia. Which didn't quite work seeing as how she was still listening earnestly without the faintest bit of fear. So, he continued, giving up on the idea of scaring her so much that she wouldn't want to hear anything about it anymore.

"He said that last night despite raining only a little and not many strong winds were at play, there were quite some things that were destroyed. Except for a cabin in the outskirts of town." The duke stated as he kept looking at Lia carefully. So, he was able to see the sudden change in her expression, no matter how she tried to hide it, he saw how her eyebrows twitched and how her face brightened and a big smile was plastered on her face. Thinking that his daughter was actually afraid and was trying to act strong by putting on a bright smile he added, "But there is nothing to worry about, as that place is quite far away from our home, Lia. And I will personally go and take a look at it if you are scared."

But Lia's eyebrows twitched once more. She couldn't believe her ears. In a cabin in the outskirts of town, yesterday night, rain. She was starting to feel restless for some reason. If this place was what she thought it was and her family found out that she went outside of the mansion in the middle of the night without permission and with only a knight as an escort, she couldn't imagine what kind of punishment her father would give her. But one thing was certain, she wouldn't like it.

So, she put on a sad expression on her face and said "It's not that I am scared of that father, - after all this was a world where magic existed, so even if there were no such things as strong winds, things could still be destroyed with a little bit of magic, but we are talking about the town, the part where commoners live. Commoners who do not have the slightest bit of magic, except for the heroine of course, since it was necessary for the game's heroine to be special. But she had light magic, which is not the best type of magic used to destroying things. Also, Lia knew that the heroine was the same age as her so knowing that she knew that it would be another year before she finds out that she had light magic. So, Lia excluded her from having anything to do with the case and continued talking sadly, - I'm just worried about the people in the town, even though it happened in the outskirts this time, it does not mean that the same thing will happen next time. If there is a next time of course." Lia said as she tried to remember if something like that was mentioned in the game, but no such scenarios came to mind. Maybe it wasn't worth mentioning.

But one thing was for sure, she wasn't going to let her father go there before her. If those brats had a loose mouth and rat her out to her father even though they might not know who she actually was, they did know she came from a rich family seeing as she had an escort with her. If they gave her father a good description there was no way in hell her father wouldn't recognize her. What kind of father wouldn't know or recognize his own daughter when someone talks about her.

"Indeed. As expected of my daughter, always thinking so far ahead." The duke praised his daughter with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, father. You are too kind." Lia gave the respectful answer with a bit of cheekiness inside.

"We should go and take a look at it ourselves, father," Niel said all of the sudden with a newfound determination, which earned a light chuckle from her mother and a look from Lia. Well not just a look, more like a glare, who disappeared as soon as it appeared, to be replaced by a big, big forced smile after a big sigh.

"N-No, big brother you can't. I am worried about the people, but if you get hurt just because I said such a thing I would never forgive myself. Please reconsider and go there after two days. You need to prepare yourselves so nothing goes bad." Lia said trying to convince them not to go there before she figured out if this situation had anything to do with her.

" Don't worry Lia. I and father are really strong, besides we will have some knights as escorts so there is nothing to worry about." Niel insisted and tried to show his sister that he was strong enough to handle such a case.

But for Lia, they were nothing more than words that got in her way. If a smile didn't work, then tears it was.

" I never meant to doubt you or father, big brother. I know that you both are very strong, but I just want to have the thought that you have prepared carefully and got everything under control give me comfort.

I am just so worried about you. Is this so wrong? I know I am being a terrible person even though I was the one who said that the people might be a victim next time I just don't want my family to get hurt." Lia said tears streaming down her face as she got up from her seat and ran outside the dining room towards her bedroom, followed by her maid Lori who had a worried expression on her face.

"It's my fault that Lia began crying, isn't it?" Niel asked dumbfounded as he saw Lia run away in tears.

"No, I shouldn't have told her. If I knew she was going to be that worried, I wouldn't have even mentioned it as a topic." The duke said as he kept looking in the direction his daughter had left, regretfully. While the mother gave both of them a pat on their shoulder and with a light smile shook her head and reasoned. " I am sure everything will be okay if you do what she wants and prepare for the next two days. Even though it may seem excessive, Lia is right we are dealing with something new. It is better to be prepared for anything."

As the pair, father and son nodded at the duchess' words, Niel said running out of the dining room excitedly, " Okay then, I am going to tell Lia that everything is going to be done according to her wishes."

"Do not run inside the mansion, Niel." The voice of the duchess was heard, followed by a light chuckle from both mother and father looking adoringly at the direction of their son.