It isn’t you who has bad eyesight, it is Lori

"My god, my lady. You are really something else. It's amazing just how…" 'you can cry so easily like that.' Lori finished in her mind when she saw her lady looking at her seriously. To think she can smile and cry in a second like she could change it with a simple press of a button. Her lady really was an amazing kid. Lori couldn't imagine what kind of person she will become when she grows up, but one thing was for certain, she will always get what she wants.

"You weren't by any chance thinking about how terrible I am, were you, Lori?" Lia asked indifferently.

She didn't really care what others thought of her, as she was not planning on being someone she was not. She would never lose herself in this role. Even if it had been a game, to begin with, this was her life they were talking about now and no matter the rules, if she wouldn't like something, she would break them. After all, rules were meant to be broken.

Everyone in the mansion knew how her lady was and how she took advantage of their adoration for her, but they still didn't care, as long as she was happy. Besides she never asked for anything that was too much. Although she made unexpected requests, like having her own library, her own office and to have her own time without anyone disturbing her. Even though they were unexpected requests, none of them were unreasonable or unachievable.

"No, nothing like that my lady." Lori quickly denied it. No matter how her lady acted she always adored her.

"Really?" Lia asked. "Well maybe you should start thinking that now. I am planning on going outside tonight as well. Please do prepare my cloak. Thank you." Lia said smiling brightly as she watched Lori's expression change. Ah, she really loved to mess with her.

'Never mind that, I don't adore her anymore' Lori thought as she began crying inside.

"Also, Lori please do call Felix here," Lia said as she watched Lori head towards the door.

"Yes, my lady." Lori replied without turning her head.

"Also, be sure not to mention any of this to the nanny, please," Lia said again as she was trying hard to hold her smile. 'Helene… I really love her." Lia thought.

This time Lori did not answer but shut the door with a loud bang.

"Pftt-"Right, she really is funny.' Lia thought as she couldn't stop laughing at her maid's reaction. Until a knock on the door was heard.

"it's me, my lady." A voice was heard.

"Come in Felix." Said Lia as she tried to get a hold of herself.

Something funny, my lady?" Felix asked as he raised an eyebrow amused.

"You really do have a very good eye, Felix," Lia said as she stopped herself from laughing and wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"Thank you for the compliment, my lady. Although I am sure that I have never said that I can't see well." Felix said both happy and offended by his lady's words.

"I was talking about Lori. You have found yourself one hell of a girl. Not only is she capable, but entertaining too." Lia said as she chuckled. Making Felix scratch the back of his head.

"Oh my, I meant to praise you, but you got shy all of the sudden. Please don't creep me out Felix, please!" Lia said making a scared expression just to mess with him.

"My lady please." Exclaimed Felix totally flushed.

"My god, who is this tomato, where is my proud knight?" Lia cried as she looked at Felix who couldn't even react properly. Seeing that she decided to give him a break and change the subject.

"Did you bring my cloak? We are going to town tonight as well." Lia said.

As he heard that she wasn't teasing him anymore, he breathed a sigh of relief and said "I did my lady, but I figured that after last night you wouldn't want to visit it anymore any time soon."

"Yes, I was hoping for exactly that thing, but it seems it wasn't meant to be." Said Lia.

"Are you worried about them, my lady?"

"No, it's not that I am worried about them, after all, father did say that the cabin was unharmed. I am more worried that they will talk. I really don't want my father to find out that I went outside at night, cause then he will increase the number of people around me. We don't want that, not right now."Lia said as she looked down like she was in deep thought. 'It's about time for the plan to begin. I have waited for 5 years and I don't plan on ruining my chance just because some people might have a loose mouth.' Lia thought as Felix who didn't understand what she meant said, "Indeed my lady, you are turning 5 after a week, so it would be a real shame if you were on your punishment period around that time and wouldn't be able to enjoy the party." Said with a serious expression on his face, as if he had made the discovery of the year. And Lia was listening to him with a more serious expression on her face until he finished talking. Then a cloud covered her face as her frowned eyebrows began to twitch and the corners of her mouth moving with difficulty upwards, creating a beautiful forced smile.

"It seems I have misunderstood something," Lia said

"Yes?" asked Felix trying to understand what she was talking about.

"It isn't you who has bad eyesight, it is Lori." Replied Lia as she moved towards the door. "Maybe we should bring her with us, so she can check them. It is always good to care for one's health." Lia said as she closed the door behind her leaving a totally dumbfounded Felix, who was still processing her words.

Until a loud voice was heard in the room behind her." That's not true my lady, her eyesight is just fine." Shouted Felix as he soon ran after her.

"is that so?"


"I won't believe it unless I see it for myself," she said chuckling, and continued walking towards the garden.