Do you think I am a fool to put my trust at people I don’t know, blindly like that?

After walking around the garden, drinking tea with her mother, watching her father and brother train with the knights while eating some sandwiches under the shade of the tree, working in her office alone without anyone disturbing her until it was time for dinner.

After eating a delicious meal as always Lia had a very satisfied smile on her face. Everything was quite peaceful. No one would even guess that she would go outside at night. But hey, doing unexpected things was what Lia was all about.

After Lori had made sure everyone had gone to sleep, Lia and Felix were on the move. This time getting out of the mansion was a lot easier as they had already done it once before and had figured out when was the best time to leave unnoticed.

After getting out of there successfully and got in depth of the town, Felix asked. "Are we going straight to the cabin, my lady?"

"Why did you have something else in mind?"

"No, nothing like that, my lady. I was just curious." Felix said as he shuddered. He was reminded of last night and how she had ruthlessly made him go with her in all kinds of places to eat. He definitely didn't want to experience that again.

"As much as I would like to, tonight isn't the time." Lia stated. She really wasn't in the mood to enjoy those desserts. The way she was now they would only go to waste, besides eating them and not enjoying them would a big insult to the patisserie. But when she saw Felix breathe a sigh of relief, she added with a mischievous smirk on her face, "But do not worry Felix, when I come here for fun next time I will make sure that you are the first one I bring with me."

When Felix heard that, he tried very hard to get the words out of his mouth, "Thank you my lady, I am honored that I am the first person you can think of to bring along… although I wouldn't mind either way." Felix mumbled the last part.

"I am sure you wouldn't." Lia said as she chuckled.

After walking for a little bit, they got a carriage close to the outskirts of the town. Truth be told both Lia and Felix wanted to be taken straight to the cabin, but there was no person that wanted to undertake the risk and send them there. The words that the places close to that cabin had been destroyed had reached the citizens and spread quite a bit.

After the carriage stopped, they got out and continued on their way to the cabin. From the very moment they got out you could see the place was destroyed. "Well they most certainly weren't exaggerated rumors. The place is really ruined." Lia said as she kept looking around.

"Indeed, my lady. I also wasn't expecting this. After all everything was alright last night. Mother nature is really cruel." Felix said with a disturbed expression on his face.

"I doubt it has anything to do with mother nature, as the weather wasn't bad to have caused this. In, fact there were no strong winds whatsoever, so…." Lia said not finishing her sentence and letting Felix get the hint.

"You mean to say that it was done by magic. My lady there is no way. There are no people who would do such a thing. Besides commoners aren't able to wield magic. So, it is out of the question." Felix remarked, but only to be answered with silence. Felix who couldn't bear this silence and was getting impatient whined, "My lady??"

"I do understand why you think that no commoner would do that as they can't wield magic, but that doesn't mean that everyone is the same." Said Lia as she was reminded of the heroine, then continued," But Felix aren't you forgetting something?" Lia asked.

"What my lady?" Felix asked confused by her question. He was sure that no commoner possessed magic, if fact it was basic knowledge, everyone knew that. So, what exactly was he forgetting?

"Where are we headed right now?" she asked. "To the cabin my lady." Answered Felix still confused.

"But who exactly was staying there last night. Don't you find it strange that only the cabin was not destroyed, but everything else around it was gone? Even you forgot for a moment, I can't believe that you also forgot the purpose for making our way here." Lia stated.

"What?... you mean…" Felix finally got what his lady was trying to say. The reason why they going to the cabin was to meet those two, but the cabin wasn't destroyed, that means that they had something to do with it.

"Yes Felix, I am glad we are finally on the same page. But we are not here to hold them accountable for what they have done, if they are still here of course. We are her to compromise, they keep their mouth shut and we might try to get them out of situation if needed." Lia said while looking at Felix weirdly.

"Are we really going to do that, my lady. I mean, can we even trust them? Even if helped them, I don't think that's a good idea." Felix said worried.

"I know right." Says Lia while smiling. "Do you think I am a fool to put my trust at people I don't know, blindly like that?" As Felix began to answer, Lia interrupted him, "Let me answer that for you: No, of course not. I am not naïve to believe that just because I hold no grudges and no bad feelings for someone, they will feel the same towards me. I have already learned that lesson, the hard was I might add." Lia said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. 'It is a lesson I will never forget. After all I died to learn it." Lia thought as she was reminded of her stepsister and family in her last life.

Felix couldn't say anything, in fact he didn't know what to say. At that moment his lady had an expression that didn't suit a soon to be 5-year-old. Even though he was used to seeing her act like someone not her age, and even though she was too smart and serious, he put it in the back of his head thinking it was because she had such amazing parents. To think that she would show such an expression. It was like she had been backstabbed and tricked before. But that was impossible as the lady was growing up in a loving and caring family, surrounded by people who adore her, so there was no way his lady knew such things.

Seeing as how they had made it to the cabin, Felix moved those thoughts at the back of his head.

As they kept moving closer to the cabin, the black aura that was surrounding it began to disperse, thing that went unnoticed by Lia, but didn't get by Felix.