Was it Roy? Impossible, his hands aren’t nearly as soft as these ones.

They continued walking and made it to the front of the cabin. It was unusually quiet, for a place that had everything around it destroyed. Lia raised her hand to open the door of the cabin and get inside, when Felix who had been walking behind her the entire time and noticed the strange scenario happen, grabbed her hand and said indifferently, trying not to make his doubt and worry visible to his lady. " Let me, my lady." "I can handle it." Replied Lia who didn't know what had gotten into him to suddenly act like that. It wasn't as if she had never opened a door in her life. "How could I let my lady dirty her hand and touch that doorknob," Felix replied as he pushed the door open and begin walking inside.

"But, I opened it last night. You didn't say anything then." Lia responded obviously not buying what he had said, as she quickly followed inside." That would be because my hands were full my lady. I Was carrying the kid last night." Felix tried to excuse his actions, only to earn a look from his lady. They looked around, but couldn't see anything. It was rather cold and dark, a little too dark for Lia's liking." Isn't inside always supposed to be warmer, than outside?" Lia asked even though she knew the answer to that." Indeed, my lady. I was thinking the very same thing." Felix answered obviously last by the current situation. " It's amazing how you never change, no matter what the situation is. Instead of looking lost like that, how about you take out a lighter or something so we both can see and be able to distinguish things, instead of staying in the dark." Lia said as she looked at her knight's stupid expression.

"Ah yes, of course, my lady." Felix said as he took out the so-called 'lighter', which was an item powered by magic, in order to produce light.

When he turned it on, they began looking around to figure out if the two kids from last night were still there.

Directing the light towards the bed, they saw that the kid from last night was still lying and resting in bed. The other kid was nowhere to be seen. The fire in the fireplace had also been put out.

Lia got close to the fireplace and put her hand closer. As she kept her hand close to it, she didn't feel anything. There was no warmth to it at all. The fire, from the looks of it, had been distinguished long before they arrived there.

She quickly moved close to the kid that was resting on the bed and put her hand on his forehead.

The kid was terrifyingly hot. He was worse than last night. If last night his condition would be called bad, his condition right now was atrocious. Even if it weren't the right word for it, that was the only thing Lia could think of.

What was wrong with that other kid? How could he let such a sick person here with no care at all?

"Well, no wonder the fireplace was cold, the kid is really hot," Lia said trying to make the situation a little lighter, which didn't actually work as her voice trembled when she said that. No one would actually smile or laugh at her joke when she showed such an expression and such a voice while saying that.

"Hey Felix, I suggest you start moving. We really should light a fire and take care of the kid. He isn't in the best condition possible." Lia said as her trembling hands held his cold ones and began to massage them. She really didn't want someone to die before her, especially a child.

Seeing his lady was most certainly new to him, but he knew one thing: She wasn't overreacting. So, he went outside to gather wood for the fire after he put up a barrier around the cabin, just in case. 'You can never be too careful. Better safe than sorry.' That was what he thought at that moment, as he remembered the black cloud from before.

Lia kept massaging his hands and wrists, in order for the blood in his hands to flow more easily. She really hadn't seen such a case before. Even though she had never dealt with patients in her past life, she still knew a thing or too about fevers. But for the forehead to be scorching hot and his body to be freezing cold, that's a first.

"Why isn't Felix here yet? What's taking him so long?" Lia murmured anxiously.

Even though it had been no more than five minutes since Felix had left, to Lia it seemed like it had been forever.

"It's going to be okay! You are going to be fine soon." Lia said to the boy even though she knew he couldn't hear her, but she was only following the instructions she had learned from watching a TV show back home. 'Always talk to patients', even though she didn't know what good it did, as long as it helped, Lia would do it.

Because she was really scared and anxious, Lia failed to notice that the kid's complexion was getting better and he wasn't as hot as before.

Max for more than an entire day had felt like he was dying and like he had been chained to something. It seemed like each hour that passed a piece of his soul tore off of him. Every moment that passed seemed like an eternity, until something refreshing came.

It felt like those chains that he had struggled for so long were disappearing one by one, little by little and the darkness around him began to dissipate. He could feel a pair of trembling warm hands holding his.

Was it Roy? No that was impossible, there was no way, not when he was like this. Not in this condition. Beside his hands aren't nearly as soft as these ones.

So, who was it? Who could touch him, when he was like this and not be affected at all by his powers.

Even though he wasn't fully conscious and couldn't open his eyes he could hear her trembling voice assuring him that he was going to be okay.

'What a nice voice! But where had he heard it before? It sounded so familiar as well too.