Welcome to Hell

"To start with let me explain some basic details. First of all there are a number of playable races. Elfs. Humans, dwarfs, pixies, angels, demons, and my personal creation...Fallen angels." The man said, He had bright green eyes and a dark brow hair beard, his hair was the same color. He didn't stop though, "Now each race has advantages and disadvantages. We'll talk about those after the closed beta though. now speaking of which, We need around 100 beta testers for the closed beta. You can sign up at the site linked on the news site. One more important detail. This games currency will be trad-able with real world currency. Thus your bank account will be required for registration." This sentence drew my attention. I pulled out my cell phone, going to the news site. My sister lily always loved these games. and now they might be able to save her life. I opened the registration page and entered my info when i heard, "Now we will be announcing the first 10 here and now." Mr. Jones said. Right as I pressed enter I heard him read out the first name. I doubted I'd be picked after all I just registered so i shouldn't be in a drawing.

As I dunked back another beer Mr. Jones continued to read. He was at number eight when I heard something strange, "Now the last two spots are being hand picked by the leading creator based on the information given by the participants. such as martial training, military service, So on. Now these two will not have a choice of race like everyone else. While during the beta the other eight participants get to choose between angle, human, elf, pixie and dwarfs. Demons and fallen angels will not be available to them. The other two will be given one of these two species and the reason for that is simple. They are harder than any other races, Now here is why. Hell, both demons and fallen angels start in Hell. The other races start in the main world or morvor. However in Hell monsters are stronger and thus we need to make sure that these two have people capable of leveling even in those conditions. Thus they need to be smart and strong to survive. " shocking I guess what was more shocking though was, "Now then the last two have come in. For the demons, A gamer by the name of Deaths_Glare. And for the Fallen angel, The person I will be working with to improve my creation, Angles_Soldier. Now isn't that ironic." Wait... WHAT! that was my username. I picked it because I used to call my sister my tiny angel, and I was playing to gain money to save her life. "We will be sending the capsules to your addresses please be there to receive them."

A week later I got home from work and right as I opened the door I heard, "Excuse me sir, Are you by happen chance Mr. Herald?" I looked back to see a man and a truck behind him, "Yea that's me what do you need sir?" The man smiled, "Thank god for that, I'm here to deliver a VR capsule to you. Can you show me your I.D. and sign here please?" Looking at the man I pulled out my license and handed it to him, while he examined that i signed off on the package which some other men had already taken inside for me. "Thank you sir," The man said as he handed me my license and took his board back before jumping in the truck and driving off. "That was strange but let's get this set up.

Now the capsule wasn't that hard to put together. The hard part came with getting into it. I locked the doors windows the whole deal. The connected my email, phone number and bank account. After setting up my account I got ready to start the game. Upon entering I was scanned, and my stats where input into the system. Which appeared before me as a light grey transparent screen.


Angels_ Soldier

Species: Fallen Angel

lvl: 1

Class: [Unavailable tell lvl: 5]

CON: 5

STR: 10

DEX: 10

INT: 6

WIZ: 8

CHA: 6

Skills: [Pick three starting skills]

Racial skills: [Fallen's wings] [Broken Halo] [Angelic aura] [demonic pressure]

Unused stat points: 10


I looked over my stats, From what I know the average player will have a 1-5 in their stats. Mine look good... no great. I decided to allocate my stat points before looking at my skills.


Angels_ Soldier

Species: Fallen Angel

lvl: 1

Class: [Unavailable tell lvl: 5]

CON: 7

STR: 12

DEX: 12

INT: 8

WIZ: 8

CHA: 6

Skills: [Pick three starting skills]

Racial skills: [Fallen's wings] [Broken Halo] [Angelic aura] [demonic pressure]

Unused stat points: 0


Ah hell yea. That looks good. Now those racial skills, Let's look at them.


[Fallen's wings]

Once pure and angelic these charred black wings still hold some angelic power.

[minor resistance to angelic magic]

[Broken Halo]

An angles halo, broken by the fall to hell. this halo still offers some protection.

[minor resistance to demonic magic]

[Angelic aura]

to demons and demonic creatures you feel angelic. they will attack on site.

Demonic faction reputation: -100

[demonic pressure]

You radiate the presence of a demon because of your deeds. angels will attack on site

Angelic faction reputation: -100


Well fuck me side ways and call me daddy. That'll be a problem. Whatever we'll deal with it when It' comes. Now I gotta pick three base skills...


[Mana manipulation] lvl: 1

[spear mastery]: lvl 1

[shield mastery]: lvl 1


I chose those three because magic will be useful in the long run and im already familiar with the shield and spear. Now after selecting my choices I was taken to the next lobby. Here I got to make my avatar. In the end what stood before me was a 5'8 mane with black wings, tanned skin, crystal blue eyes, jet black hair, a shattered halo floating above his head and a wicked smile. After accepting the changes to hi body after all I couldn't make to many changes to the avatar he looked rather similar to myself. I appeared In the final lobby. Here other players also stood talking however a invisible barrier separated myself and them looking around I realized why. I was on hell side of things. I heard a small sound and looked over to see a humanoid creature appear nearby. I walked over to the man, "Hey. You must be Deaths_Glare. Nice to meet ya." The humanoid had small horns, a tail with a small spike, and small wings on his back to. His eyes where red, along with his skin and scales. "Nice to meet you, Angels_Soldier. Guess we got lucky huh?" Deaths_Glare seemed friendly enough. "Yea, You got that right. So what type of demon are?" I asked him. He looked at me ad said, "First, I'm a wrath demon. Second I see your username as red got any idea why?" i smile at him, "That's because of my race. Angels and those that associate with them hate me. Demons are the same." His eye's widened, "Dude that's rough. I have no idea how'll we will survive this. I got to see part of a demon city while I made my character... the lowest level was 5." I nodded, "Yea your right this isn't gonna be easy."

Me and Death's_Glare got along so well he sent me a friend request. After words he just told me to call him Dea. So I told him to call me Angel. We stood there talking when I saw a notification about an email on my account so I opened t up to read it. It was from Mr. Jones, he was wondering if i would perhaps be willing to stream my game so that other can view it. I didn't mind especial when he offered to sponsor my streams. So I set up the stream and set the timer to start right when the beta launched. The title, well that was simple. Welcome to Hell.