Welcome to Hell part 2

As we all stand there a sudden sound was heard. soon after a soft feminine voice spoke. "Welcome to New Realm! I am the A.I in charge of keeping the game running. you can call me Eden. In the next few moments you will see a map appear before you. This is so you can pick your starting villages. Depending on your race it will show you your choices of places to go. After that a count down will begin. After the count down you will begin the game good luck to all! and for those going to Hell... Well I wish you luck." Me and Dea got a notification at the same time, [Hell's gift] received. what? What is this? well I guess we'll find out in a minuet because the map popped up....

Well fuck me. There is only two spawn points for me to start with. The first place is, Hell's gate. Pretty self explanatory I guess. The second though, Lucifer's tomb. Curious, The original fallen angel's Tomb? I like that idea. I made my choice and waited from the timer to appear. and when It did I smiled as another also appeared. My live stream would start right as that timer hit zero. And so it began. The players all got exited and most started to call out with the clock, "Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six..." I stood there and watched before opening my inventory and activating the [Hell's gift.]


[Hell's gift]

receive two random items to help you survive in the pits of hell. Good luck.



I should probably open this. Just in case.


[Hell's gift] opened.

Received: [Basic spear] [Basic shield]


[Basic spear]

ATK: 1-15

durability: 10/10

Just a basic spear. Nothing special about it at all.


[Basic shield}

DEF: 1-15

durability: 10/10

Again, Just a normal shield.


What else did I expect. Whatever, I equipped the items and got ready to start.

"See you in hell Angel!" Dea said as he also got ready for anything, "Yea. 'll see you there." and we both smiled as the clock hit zero. "starting stream... Stream started game launched Open your eyes player Angels_Solider. I opened my eye's as the stream started up. Streaming is weird in this game the AI controls the camera angle to give the viewers the best possible shot. I looked around seeing a grave yard with a large stone monument in the center. As I was contemplating the situation when I received a notification. "You have discovered Lucifer's tomb. You have been marked for the hunt Hell's hounds, Kill the alpha to remove the mark." Shit! already I've got problems. Whatever they haven't found me yet. As I thought that I heard a howl. "Shit!" I said under my breath and took off running towards the stone tomb. As I was running I pulled out my Spear and shield in case something happened and I needed to fight.

As I was running I heard a growl behind me so I rolled forward, A large shadow passed over my head landing before of me, "Shit." Before me was a hell hound, He was one ugly mother fucker. His mouth was decayed his eyes were just hell fire, He looked like a corpse. That corpse lunged at me, I lifted my spear quickly and raised my shield. The Hell hound dodged the spear and bounced of the shield sending me stumbling from the impact. There was no hp in this game, Strike in the right spot and you'll kill just about anything. DEF however prevented that from happening. The hound glared at me with his fire eye's I glared back taking a fighting stance. Spear before me held in my right hand shield bared on my left arm, left foot forward right tilted sideways about shoulder width behind my left. If the hound lunges again i can take him down in one go. And I watched the hound, This game was extremely realistic because when the wolf lunged I saw his hind legs tense up, A tell. When the wolf lunged so did I.

A dead hound lay at my feet with my spear buried in his throat. I ripped it out I knew more where coming I heard the baying and barking. I need to eat though, So I grabbed the damn hound and took off. I was only a hundred meters away from the mausoleum or Lucifer's tomb. I heard the baying it was getting closer. eighty meters... seventy meters... sixty... URG! at fifty meters I almost dropped to my knees. "A DEMONIC BEAST DARES COME NEAR MY TOMB! YOU SHALL LOSE YOUR LIFE!" A majestic voice rang out, I didn't have time to stop though I kept running the only response I could give was to throw the hound forward onto the steps like a sack of meat and snap out my wings to give myself that extra push of speed to get away from the damned hounds. As I reached the steps my screen went black. A notification showed up, 'You have entered an [Unconscious State] you will be unable to move for the duration. Duration: 9.30 min' The comments where blowing up about this. Then the whispering started.

"Another...Another! One more for the tomb!" '8:24' "Breaths... Breaths! This one breaths." "Living...Dead...Throne... Yes! Yes! to the throne room we shall go to master we take this one." Three voices...'5:00' Half time hell yea. The the sound of shuffling feet... and dragging of course. Soon the sound of a door opening reached my ears. "What have you dragged into my throne room?" That voice it's the same as from earlier... that aura too. "Well? Out with it!" One of the voices from before spoke up, "This...This one still lives my lord" I figured I should get ready to move so i did, I rolled hard right as I heard laughter from behind me, "So it seems...so it seems. Leave us! I shall speak with the boy. See why he came here to begin with." And with that I turned around to see a man sitting on a throne with three cloaked beings about 3 feet tall. They bowed and left leaving me with the man on the throne. As I look around I notice something. I can feel three things. First my blood is telling me to kneel to the man before me. Second, Power radiates from the man who happens to have his wings behind him telling me what he is, a Fallen angel. Third, those wings of his are chained to the wall, Suppressing his power and keeping him here if I'm right.

I stood up straight no point in hunching over or kneeling. "Why did you come here young... I don't even know what you are? Funny, That means your like me. well if that's true welcome, To the Fallen angels fallen city. It has become my tomb and our races forgotten time of power." 'Quest received'



After talking to a chained up fallen lord you learned that the grave yard you are in is in fact the ruins of a long forgotten city. One ruled by the Fallen Angels. As a prideful creature you feel wrath at the fact it could have fallen so far as to be forgotten. Fix that.

Remove 4 Hell hound packs (0/4)

Find 3 fallen angel specialists (0/3)

Free Lucifer the king of Fallen angels (0/1)

Refurbish the castle and grave yard (0/2)


"I can't stand that transgression. I shall help you rebuild this city." I said as I walked towards the man in chains. As I walked forward he frowned, "If you think you can break these chains good luck it will only use you has a source of strength." I smile and walk right up to him before examining the chains, "A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. I have an idea." Then I grabbed him. Nothing happened. "As I thought I can touch you however I don't have the strength to break the chains..." I turned around and started walking away he called out to me, "Where are you going?" I looked back at him and smiled, "I'm going to be right back." step out to be greeted by the three things that dragged me here. I looked at these three creatures and said, "Mind showing me the way out please?" And one of them nodded and showed me the door. As I opened the door I smiled and said, "Welcome to Hell."