Game time once more.

After answering the call I went home in a reluctant mood, However, I had to stream today so that I could make more money to help me save Anna. So when I got home I ate something then took a shower. After all this i laid in the capsule and started New Realm again. As soon as my feet hit the ground again I was back at it. The grind as some people call it. I started my stream... How should I greet my viewers? *shrug* I'll greet them when they name themselves. Any way, A to-do list for today, find a way to save Azazel from the demons... Also learn more about the great lords of hell... God not much to-do but hard tasks all around. Now let's get down to business. Azazel is trapped and enslaved inside of a demon controlled city. In order to scout said city I'm going to need to get there from here... Fuck me. As I walk past the wall that's being built I heard some one yelling after me, "Angle! Wait up!" I turned to find Maze running after me. "What's up maze?" She made it to me and doubled over breathing heavy. after a few moments she started talking.

"If your gonna travel Might I recommend staying off the main roads. It's more dangerous yes, but at the same time safer for those like us. If a single demon senses you your sure to die." Maze said as she stared me down. I smiled and patted her head. What? I cant help it the little pixie is so cute~ "Don't worry maze. I'm not planning on going anywhere near a demon settlement for now. Rather I'ma do something a tad bit more insane." I smiled but Mazes eye's widened as she realized what i meant. "Before you go can you do something for me then?" I looked at her she was giving me puppy eye's... Who's idea was it to make her so damn cute. "Sure Maze, What ya need." Maze smiled brightly before handing me a incomplete map and a few cartography tools... Shit. "Can you climb that mountain and draw a map based on what you see please?"


[Incomplete map]

An incomplete map of the area around the fallen city.

[Cartography tools]

You may not know who to use them but they'll let you get a crude drawing of whatever your trying to map.


Okay so the items are what I thought they'd be. now what about the quest.


[Exploring for a Pixie] pr. 1

Maze a Pixie friend asked you to climb the near by mountain and map all of the land marks you can see from up there. So she and her fellow pixies can explore the area around your... Up and coming town more efficiently.

0/Unknown landmarks.

Rewards unknown.


The quest seems simple enough. Climb a mountain, Draw a map, come back. Easy stuff really... Shit did I just jinx myself. Fuck it, "Alright Maze I'll help ya out. This way We can safely say we have the home field advantage." Maze nodded her head vigorously for real though who made you so damn cute! Any how, That mountain seems to be a good hike away and I'm gonna need some provisions. While I don't really need water food is a necessity. speaking of which, " Hey Maze... Do we have a stable source of food yet?" Based on the look on her face... I'd say no. "Maze... We need to prioritize food and housing. Understood." Maze nodded understanding her mistake. "Good I've got some left over heel hound meat... Nasty stuff but it'll work for now. You and yours work on a farm or something." Maze smiled, "Yes of course! you get that map done we'll do the rest." Good one less problem to worry about now. I faced the mountain in the distance. "hmmm...Be a good place to build a watchtower. Hopefully." And I set off. Along they way I ran into a few new beasts.


[Fire Lion]

[Fire Elemental]

[Earth Elemental]


Those three where the hardest until i met this guy I'm currently fighting. [Lava Elemental]. A mutated form of a fire and earth elemental. It's a huge pain in my ass...That and the massive lava river behind the damn thing. Fuck me. "Fuck!" I yelled as I rolled out of the way of another [Lava Blast] it basically just a flaming rock that explodes on impact sending flaming shrapnel for 7 ft and liquid rock for 5 ft. It was a massive pain in my ass. The only thing that seems to hurt these fucking elemental's is magic. Problem is that water magic is severely weakened down here in hell. So this fucker is a huge pain in my ass. I quickly dove for cover behind a large rock out cropping before I hear a loud hiss sound. Looking over I saw the lava from that last attack cooling rapidly...Hold on, If there's no water how's it doing that? Simple, Wind. That the answer to my problem. Wind or air magic. Okay come on now. Okay focus... okay. There are a large number of elements floating around red, brown, green, purple, yellow, orange...Lava, black, Few white or blue. Blue must be water, White is probably holy/angelic, Red is fire, brown is earth, Green is wind/air, Purple...Shadow I think, Yellow could either be light or lighting, Orange is lava, Black is demonic.

Okay. Green, focus on the green mana bring it into yourself so you can use it to cast a wind spell... a few moments later I hear the hiss of the [Lava Elemental] coming closer, Not much time left. Doesn't matter I think I've got enough mana gathered for my plan. I started to focus on casting a spell that I've seen in a lot of magical fantasy books/novels/games you name it it's a common spell. As the monster gets closer it enters my casting rage as a giant orange ball. I smile and jump out from behind the rocks as I point my spear at him and yell, "[Wind Storm!]" The wind mana I had gathered around me formed Quickly and flew threw my spear flying out of the tip and rotating into a magnificent storm. [Wind Blades] formed as the wind spun faster around the Elemental. I laughed as I heard the hiss, It wasn't funny. It was magnificent, he fought well. But lost nonetheless. As he hardened up I smiled and walked near him and clasped my hands together in a sign of respect before saying, "You fought well. May your spirit return to it's rightful place beside other strong warriors." And then looted his corps as it crumbled into dust.