
Jesus. My god that's a lot of stuff to unpack in one notification. Fist when you cast a successful spell it gets added to you grimoire. Second, I'm now level six. Elemental's and such don't really give all that much exp. Third...There is more than one god apparently, and finally I gained a new skill.


Angels_ Soldier

Species: Fallen Angel

lvl: 6 EXP: 0/32,000

Title: Rider of Cerberus, Favored of Unknown, champion of the fallen, Friend of pixies.

Class: N/A (Find a trainer or fulfill certain conditions.)

CON: 10(8+2)

STR: 16

DEX: 16

INT: 15(12+3)

WIZ: 10

CHA: 11

Skills: [Lucifer's blessing], [Azazel's blessing], [Mind's Eye], [Mental Resistance], [Mana manipulation], [spear mastery], [shield mastery], [Basic Leather working]^ [Warrior's Spirit]

sub skills: [Remote viewing]

Racial skills: [Fallen's wings], [Broken Halo], [Angelic aura], [demonic pressure]

Unused stat points: 0


[Warrior's Spirit] lvl: 2

In tough battles and situations a warrior doesn't stumble nor fall. Instead they fight till the end no matter how scared they are.

+30% damage when under fear effect, +20& resistance to knock back and falling spells/skills, +20% resistance to unbalanced effect, +Immunity to paralyzing effect of fear and terror.

[Mana manipulation] lvl: 5

Influence the mana in the air around you to cast spells

[spear mastery]: lvl 9

Wield spear type weapons more effectively. +20% damage when using spear type weapons.

[shield mastery]: lvl 6

You know your way around a shield. Take 10% less damage when you block with a shield.


Those are my gains from the last couple hours. The stream though is losing their minds. I can see the chat in the corner of my eye and the gist of what their talking about is something like this.


ShadowReaper3432: Are you kidding me? Dude how could you think of something like that in such a shitty situation!

Mama'sboy: Damn bro! That was sketchy for a while there! Glad you came through in the end though :)

Crystal's#1fan 557492: My Idol Crystal could've done better. Your just a faker!

Guest#56780205629: Shut up you can't even spell right you dip shit. It's "You're".

Crystal's#1fan 557492 :Fuck you stuped guest account!

Guest#56780205629: ... Do I really need to point it out this time.

XxxHellrazerxxX: Nah, We can all see his STUPIDITY easily rn.


So I don't know if that's what a normal stream comment section looks like but it's definitely lively.

Anyway I don't know who that Crystal chick is and I honestly don't care but sense they seem to think she could do better than me I just smile before walking toward the Lava river I still have to pass. However this time I'm not worried about it as I just walk right over the Lava. Thanks to my new ring. [Lava Elemental's Heart] This ring is great.


[Lava Elemental's Heart]

A ring forged out of the heart of a [Lava Elemental] using it's last breath. As you had not condemned it's soul to forever be bound in hell It offered you it's heart as thanks.

Effect #1: Lava walking. Self explanatory.

Effect #2: -10% casting time using lava magic

Effect #3: If you summon a lava elemental this elemental will head your call no matter where you are nor how strong it is.


I made I new fried with but a simple prayer. HAHAHA! anyway my comment section was to busy fighting each-other to notice what I just did. Luckily the river was the last big obstacle before the base of the mountain. Looking up the mountain I only have one word... Damn. Sheer cliff's, timber line, caves, and even lava. This is a fucking volcano. Then again I am in hell...Fuck it. I start the climb luckily there is a narrow foot path leading near the top. Although I do see something worrying it's not a current problem. My current problem... Is the army of drakes following me and herding me(I think) near the cave... That I thought wasn't gonna be a problem. Shit, I had scanned them earlier and all I got was [Level too low]. So yea that was no help at fucking all, but that doesn't matter anyway as I am now standing before the cave as I look into it I hear a low growl before the ground starts to shake. Luckily again, [Warrior's Spirit] Kicks in. I stay stead but the same can't be said about the drakes around me that all seem to sway for a moment before stopping dead in their tracks and freezing like statues. Shit, I can guess what's coming at me. I don't like it at all... Not one fucking bit. Cuz with my best guess what I got is simple.... A fucking dragon.

A large shadow walks toward me head down and shoulders out. The moment the giant beast emerges from the cave the drakes take off in all directions. Funny because at the same time it look straight at me and blows smoke out of its nostrils while stretching its wings. I was right it's a fucking dragon. Four legged flying fire breathing horned creature of destruction and death. A Dragon, a big one at that. "What is your name (sarcastically) [Dragon-slayer]?" I blinked in confusion, "What makes you think I'm a [Dragon slayer]?" At this the dragon was taken aback and leaned it's head near me turning it's huge head to the side to see me better, "No normal being steps upon this mountain. For hundreds of years no one at all has stepped here, besides the pixies who on occasion come to mine ore from the caves on this mountain. They stay away from this path though." I sigh, "of course they do, Woulda been nice if Maze had said something about a huge fucking dragon living up here before telling me to climb the fucking mountain." I grumble to myself before suddenly stopping when the dragon take a great big whiff of me. I do mean that mother fucker straight sniffed my ass. "...The fuck was that about mate?" I asked as the dragon looked at me.

Chapter name: Dragon slayer? Nah, Pixies do love pranks though.