Dragons are wack.

I stood there staring this massive fucking dragon straight in the eye. As the dragon looked back I simply said, "What in the 9 realms of hell did you just do?" the dragon looked at me before saying, "Isn't it a custom to smell the other being sent upon first greeting?" The confusion was evident even on the great be scaly face in front of me. "No, No it's not that shit is weird as hell. And most sentient beings don't have the senses to be able to do that anyway. That is a much more animalistic greeting." The dragon looked at me for a moment before nodding it's head. "I understand, My apologies. I have not had peaceful humanoid company in quite sometime. The last time I was even bothered by a dragon slayer I believe was almost a century ago now."

What a lonely existence. I mean come on that has got to suck. I nodded my head, "That sounds rather lonesome, I'll be sure to tell maze to visit you sometime soon, Maybe we can work something out. Perhaps you can move into the town or guard our miners when they come here to this mountain in exchange for something. I'll be very sure to send maze this way soon to talk details~" I am going to smack that bloody pixi in the back of the head so damn hard it'll knock her into next week damn it. I'm furious, It woulda been nice to have oh... I don't know a little warning about their being a fucking dragon up here but no. I cant be told that. I'm only like 1/4th of the way up. What the hell's going to be up there if there's a dragon down here.

"Now Now don't be so hasty I might be able to help with whatever it is your doing, Also please do I am quite intrigued by those offers you just made I would very much so like to talk about them." This dragon is so damn weird man even now she's just staring at me. just up and...staring. at. me. It's fucking creepy man. *sigh* "Well I'm rebuilding the fallen angels city down the way and this mountain is a good spot to look out over the entire area and mark down main landmarks." The dragon nodded before straightening out her head... Yea its female no dick there. "Well you plan to head to the top of the mountain? Hmm... I have a better idea." And before I had a chance to even think about those words she threw me onto her back and took off into the goddamn sky... WHAT THE FUCK!

hundreds of kilometers in the air.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" That's all it took, was but a moment. Dragons are fucking terrifying, To pick me up and take off to a height of hundreds of kilometers in the air in but a few moments is insane.


After riding two legendary creatures of their own free will you have gained the title, Mythical cavalry.

This skill grants you the ability to mount and ride any type of vehicle or mount with some competence.

+[Riding] Skill


Well that's useful I'll spare you the headache of reading that same message over and over... And let me tell you what its all because of this message right here.


[Exploring for a Pixie] pr. 1

Maze a Pixie friend asked you to climb the near by mountain and map all of the land marks you can see from up there. So she and her fellow pixies can explore the area around your... Up and coming town more efficiently.


Based on performance and completion of hidden objective you have gained the following Rewards: 16,384,000Exp, [Dragon slayer Kit], Friendship of Aterla(The dragon),10,000 gold coins, +10% building City construction speed,+50% City exploration and resource mapping speed.

[Dragon slayer Kit]

[Dragons slayers Sword]: made from the teeth of a dragon.

Durability: 1,000/1,000

ATK: 100-250

+10% elemental damage dealt, +50% damage to dragons

[Dragons slayers Shield]: Made from bones, hide, and scales of a dragon.

Durability: 10,000/10,000

DEF: 100-250

-5% elemental damage taken, -50% damage from dragons when blocked

[Dragons slayers Spear]: A spear made from the blood and bones of dragons

Durability: 1,000/1,000


+5% ATK speed, +25% poison damage against dragons.

[Dragons slayers Armor]: Armor made from the scales and hide of dragons.

Durability: 10,000/10,000

DEF: 250

-5% damage, -25% damage from dragons

[Dragons slayers Necklace]: A necklace made from the tendons, heart, and eye of a dragon.

Immunity to draconic fear, Immunity to draconic illusions, [Dragon tracking]

The hear on the necklace beats when a dragon is seen in the world it beats harder when you see the place it was on the map. And it screams to you when you come near/see the dragon.

Set bonus: +25% damage to dragons.


Well... That's interesting. Wait...WHAT!


Option 1: Dragon Slayer!

Requirements: Have a full set of dragon slaying gear or kill a dragon

Option 2: Dragon Rider

Requirements: Ride a dragon, or own a full set of dragon rider armor

Option 3: Ancestral Fighter

Requirements: Own a full set of forgotten armor(of any type) and be of the fallen angel race.


Okay... What the fuck is going on... No time to think just gotta figure that out later, Do you have any idea how hard it is to draw a map while riding a dragon! yea I bet you didn't I gained [cartography lvl:10] just for doing it. Like christ. I also had a rather nice conversation with Aterla. Turns out she rather likes flying and after learning I could stay on her back really well she started doing tricks... Barrel rolls, flips, she even launched me into the air and caught me a few time.