Life Outside the game.

My life isn't normal but it's what I live. Back in high-school I was a MMA fighter, made it to Nationals. Might've won to, but that was the year my dad took his own life, after mom died. So I had to get a job, Luckily my MMA coach was willing to hire me as a trainer at his gym. So for the past years I've worked there. Though I make a hell of a lot more than I did at first. Anyway I woke up at 5:30 am. Rolling out of bed I started my daily routine, Push ups, sit ups, planks, a 5 mile jog to my favorite coffee shop, where I get a medium mocha espresso, I know basic. I like what I like, after another 5 miles back to the house where I shower change and eat a quick breakfast. Then I drive to work in my beat up old shit box. A 1994 ford f250, the radio barely works and I need a new clutch soon, the floor is near rusted out and the windows don't roll down all the way. Once I get to work I great Rachel the receptionist of the gym, "Hey Rach how the morning looking?" By this point it 6am.

"So far it's clear as can be you've got a class at 9, and a private client at 10. Otherwise it's a clear day for you to train and play babysitter for the gym." Rach said with a laughing smile, "Damn, Ron really gave me a private client? HA, I thought I pissed him off too much last time." I said with a amicable smile, "Ron was fired last night. Jol heard what he was saying to the girls and caught him harassing me so he fired him on the spot." Rach whispered, I gaped in shock "Please tell me this isn't a prank because I'm real tired of guarding the lady's showers from my own manager." Rach laughed at that, "No prank here, The manager position is open if you want to apply." I thought for a second, "I'll think on it" I winked as I went and changed into my gym gear. A black tang top, a pair of loose shorts that only fit on my waist and a pair of running shoes with ankle braces. I simply started my day after that.

At 9, I started My MMA class, It was pretty easy. Being a junior league class so middle schoolers. Showed them some throws paired them off let them practice. MY private appointment was harder. As surprisingly it was a popular actress, Ella Newton. Miss Newton is a 5'4 brunet with some beautiful green eyes, and a smile that'll kill. She's well proportioned in everyway. A very sexy and beautiful woman overall. Now I'm not a big movie or TV fan so I didn't fan boy out at all. I don't know if she apricated that at all doesn't matter though. She's a beginner MMA "Fighter" she's learning for some TV series or some shit. doesn't matter I was hired to train her that's what I'm gonna do. "Alright miss Newton I need to inform you that this is MMA training and you will get hurt. Because I'm not gonna hold back your gonna get hit, and your gonna get tossed okay? Okay, lets start with some basic strikes." I started her off slow with the basics punches and kicks, a straight here a hook their, even tossed in some ground game. She's a surprisingly good grappler, After that I got her on the bag practicing her striking combo drills. At the end of the two hour session she was tired but smiling this girl definitely likes to hit things. With a smile of understanding I said, "Well you have one more session with me later this week to go over some of the more advanced move sets that your director has asked me to teach you. Otherwise your all set I'll see you on Wednesday." She nodded before saying, "You know this was some good stress relief, If I like the privacy and my security thinks its okay I might come back on my own type." I just nodded, "If that the case miss Newton talk with Rachel she's at the front desk she can arrange one of our at home trainers for you if your prefer." She raised an eyebrow at me, "You know by now most men would've at least looked at my body or tried to flirt." I shook my head, "I did look. At the beginning of our session to ascertain your physical fitness level so as to know how hard to push you in training as for flirting, I have recently had some personal relationship issues and am not ready to stick my neck out again, no matter who it is." She just laughed as she went into the showers and got changed.

I did watch her talk with Rach on her way out. I have zero idea what was said but it doesn't matter. She probably got a private at home trainer, so ill see her one more time for her movie and that's it. After Miss Newton left my day was rather uneventful. Only a couple of idiots needed to be saved after pushing themselves to far. soon it was time for me to go home, After a quick shower and change of cloths, just some blue jeans and a tea shirt with a loose fitting hoodie, I clocked out with Rach who gave me a bit of a shock. "Hey Arthur, Miss Newport Booked you all of next week for three hour sessions from 12(pm) to 15:00(3pm)" I was slack jawed for a second before laughing, "Your kidding right, HAHAHAHA! Nice one Rach, almost had me ther..." I slowly stopped talking as I looked into her deadpan expression. "You're not fucking with me are you?" She shook her head, "Why might I ask did she book me?" Rach laughed, "She said she liked your Quote brutal honestly, and hardcore training unquote, I don't know what you did and said but that was almost a hundred thousand dollar commission." I clocked out and left my brain almost refusing to work properly.