Ocean, sea, lake, or reservoir?

Now clearly water falls into one of two categories, stagnant or moving. Stagnant water is things like ponds and puddles even lakes if they don't have a river feeding into them or out. Its a non moving body of water, which I might add isn't a could thing. Moving bodies are obviously streams, rivers, most lakes, oceans, seas, you get the idea. Now those are better as they aren't nearly as at risk for certain bacteria. Anyway the reason that's important is because that jurisdiction can mean a very important thing. A body of water this big is bound to have some kind of Civilization around it.

Now after I left my house... I grabbed Cerberus from the stables and rode toward the body of water. While enroute I found it strange that I didn't run into anything, no monsters, no beasts, nothing of any kind. Until I felt a sudden shift in the air, it made me shiver it felt like I broke the surface of a pool before anyone else like an egg soaked in vinegar. And then I saw it, a massive fucking wall. Standing easily 50ft tall, and long enough that I could no longer see the water behind it. This was worrying even after the notification, [Ding! New Discovery!]



You have Discovered, [Zukkrid] Home of the damned and the banished.

You have no other information regarding [Zukkrid] Please discover more to unlock a more detailed description.


Well that's new but not promising. The damned and the banished huh? Sounds like a fallen would fit right in here. I slid from Cerberus's back and sent him home. Whatever was to come I would face alone. And come It did, twelve silhouette took off from the walls once I reached about two-hundred feet away from a gate I think. Six seemed to have wings of leather and bone, demons I would say, the other six though... Angels, but they were burned. Wings of smoldering feathers and charred flesh the smell was nonexistent for me, but the looks in their eyes showed pain. I had my sword sheathed on my side, and my shield slid on my back, spear in my hand I shifted into a combat stance pulling from my back the shield, and I felt my fallen wings slide through invisible slots in my breast plate and billowing out slightly. I was ready for a fight. From the look of it so where they, worn battle armor, used but maintained blades 4 using swords/shields, 4 bows and the last for had a mix of daggers and staffs. Now I don't think I've said this but until you kill something or research it the system won't tell you shit all you'll get is [???] I'd assume there's a skill that helps but I don't have it.

Soon enough the other party had landed and from the feel of things, there was a good chance shit was going down. so I spent my stat points real fast.


Angels_ Soldier

Species: Fallen Angel

lvl: 15 EXP: 0/16,384,000

Title: Mythical Cavalry, Favored of Unknown, champion of the fallen, Friend of pixies.

Class: [Rank:special] Conqueror (Advancement available at level 20)

CON: 20

STR: 30

DEX: 35

INT: 25

WIZ: 20

CHA: 21

Skills: [Lucifer's blessing], [Azazel's blessing], [Mind's Eye], [Mental Resistance], [Mana manipulation], [spear mastery], [shield mastery], [Basic Leather working]^ [Conqueror's Will], [Novice Riding], [Cartography]

sub skills: [Remote viewing]

Racial skills: [Fallen's wings], [Broken Halo], [Angelic aura], [demonic pressure]

Unused stat points: 0


With that boost in power I could feel my veins talking more blood through my body, My eyes caught more information, I could move slightly faster. I could think faster less lag between thought and action. However ever the calm calculating man I spoke rather than strike. "I see damned angels, and demons working with them, must be banished bastards. So are we gonna fight or are the Fallen not hated here as much as in the heavens and across the realm of hell?" Peering ate one of the demons and one of the damned angels I saw one frown and the other smirk. Things could go well or horribly wrong. "Well isn't that funny, a fallen thinking he can fight demons to a stand still HA!" That would be the smirking demon, if given the chance he's first to die. The Damned responded with, "Darle you know the rules of the city, all are welcome as we house those that heaven and hell hunt. So no Fallen I'd say you aren't hated here. This city could be called a haven for those like you and I. Damned by the gods, and hated by devils and demons, and like him, hated by heaven and hunted by demons for speaking out against slavery."

I nodded and slid my shield back into place with my spear across my back as a show of trust. "It's nice to meet you then Darle, and Sir Damned. I am Angel, Ironic I know." Darle just smiled, the damned said, "I am Hikt. One of the generals of this city, Darle is the other." Interesting, "And the City lord, Mayor, The ruler of this place?" They looked at me and said, "That'd be Sir Colm. Whom you aren't going to be meeting anytime soon."

They lead me into the city and from the looks of it they've been better off. Most buildings are in ruins but that might be because we are in the slums doesnt matter in the end after all I followed them to the market place before they bid me adue. I found a Inn and rented a room for a few hide pieces, I didn't have money at the time and logged out. After all it was nearly midnight IRL and it was a Sunday I have work tomorrow. After ending stream with a "See you all next time in hell!" I got out of the pod and took a shower, checking my bank account on my phone smiling at the increase of nearly 20k. After my shower and a light dinner I brushed my teeth and went to bed.