A Situation Handled

Now as much as you think hell is pure chaos it's not. It has structure and rules, Its a monarchy well seven monarchy's. The seven demon lords or arch demons, Sloth, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Envy, Greed, and Pride. these seven beings rule the seven kingdoms of hell. Everything outside of that is know as the rings of torturer. Each on filled with sinners alike fighting for a way out. Its the birth place of devils. Now demons and devils are different in one major way, Strength. Demons while powerful magic users more often than not are liars, cheats, and above all rely on their sin powers to much, devils are the truly powerful creatures in hell. They keep their word, long as you sign for it, But they also are very cunning and physically powerful. Many claw their way out of oceans of sin, honing their blood, and bones to the point of evolution, becoming Devils.

Now why is that so important to know? Simple because right now with this little demon in my hand I find myself to be under the gaze of not one, not two, but 5 different devils. Whoever this girl is... She's got some serious backing. "So... You gonna tell me why A pickpocket like you has the attention of 5 different devils. And from the looks of the horns, five different clans too." I say as I hold her in the air by her "Scruff" Like a dog. (Each one of the sins birthed a devil clan.) "Now based on your face I get the feeling that your connection to them isn't a good one... I recommend you run." I drop the girl after taking my coin pouch back. And by hell, she tore ass so hard that when the devils got to me I couldn't even say within reason which way she went.

A few hours later, as I continued on my walk around the city I find my self in a lonely street and low and behold who I find. The girl from before and she's in a ruff state. Seems she works for someone else, now don't get me wrong I know it's just a game but I'm not gonna sit back and watch this shit. The girls face is already bloody, her nose looks broken her lip is busted up her left eye has already started swelling shut, and from the looks of it the demon whose got her by the throat isn't done yet. Until I step in, "The girl might be a thief but nobody disserves this kind of treatment." The demon didn't even speak to me he just swung.

A hard right hook to my jaw was the plan, but my training kicked in. Ducking below the punch I Fired a fast scorpion kick, slamming my foot into his face. He stumbled back but before I could say anything he threw the girl at me. Catching her was easy dodging the subsequent blows not so much, ducking, sliding, jumping, hell I even did the splits at one point. After each blow I could feel my anger from my sisters situation growing withing my blood. But unlike when I'm alone my wrath doesn't grow hot it grows cold... so very cold...

From the eyes of the girl,

The man who I tried to steal from earlier is saving me? that doesn't make any sense. I could feel the warmth from his arms and heard the pounding of his heart. But suddenly that warmth was stolen from my aching bones as a violent chill started to spread through out the area, Suddenly I could feel the cold cobble stones from the street, and as I peered at him through My one good eye I saw something terrifying. Absolutely nothing, just cold hard stone and the freezing feeling of death. I shivered my every instinct screaming at me to crawl away, and then he turned. Looking at the bastard who beat me to a pulp, the damnable wrath demon I call my uncle.

It was almost funny. Watching the fallen simply toy with him, If not for the agonizing screams coming from my uncles mouth as with every blow the fallen landed burned his very soul. This fallen was simply torturing my uncle for fun it would seem, but if you looked at his face there was the cold stone expression of furry. This man was pissed of beyond belief and had found someone to take it out on. Maybe... Maybe there's a chance for us after all. My siblings don't disserve the life we have.

Angels pov:

The girl had passed out on the cobble stones of the street, I Don't know what came over me but based on the laughter of the devil that's striding down the street and the notification from the system interface I can safely say it's nothing good, All I recall is getting pissed and then... It gets fuzzy. Though I must say based on the corpse before me, I beat this demon into a bloody puddle and from my own memories I did so by torturing him blow by blow with a small amount of divine energy being mixed with my fists.



Player has discover a new energy source! [Divinity]

Player has found a hidden feature! [Belief]

Player has discovered a new skill! [Icy Wrath]

Player has gained an achievement! [Divine Candidate]

Features of achievement not available during beta.

Player has gained A new title! [Fallen of sin]

Player has gained a new title! [Fallen of virtue]

Player has two opposing titles commencing with combination...

combination complete! Player has lost titles [Fallen of sin], and [Fallen of virtue] but has gained title, [The one Between].


"You are one impressive fallen! HAHAHAHA!" The rather large devil said with a boisterous laugh. The man stood roughly 5'5" but I didn't mean large in height. If I had to guess he'd be a gluttony devil, because his stomach is massive. He looks like a damn barrel.