Show of Strength.

Now I could look at her all day but I get the feeling that would be a damn bad idea. And from the looks of a few of the bars patrons that were being sent my way I made the right choice with a once over. "Now who might you be to waltz up to my bar like that?" The lady said with a deadly grin, and a tone men should dread. I took it as a test, I didn't have my helm on because that would make life difficult so I smiled right back with my best mocking smirk I knew, "Why you can Call me Sol. And I'm here to inquire bout the sign out front, merc guild if I recall." The bars dead silence went stale, some weapons were draw, a few spells were woven, all the while I smile at the lady and didn't even flinch. "A Customer or cannon fodder?" I raised a brow and responded in a mute tone, "There are a total of 36 people in this room of those, 12 have swords, 6 daggers, 4 bows, and of the rest 7 have hidden weapons, the others have spells weaved around them. So no not cannon fodder but also not a customer." Those words clearly shook her because I saw in her eyes, her courage waver just a bit before coming back strong.

A Swift hand slapped down hard on the solid black stone of the bar top. With the most shit eating grin my sister use to call my fuck-around smile, "So then, I take it there's a challenge to sign on as a member?" Now after this the tension in the room spiked for a second before a simple action brought everyone into a much calmer state. An old man laugher, that was the action. I glanced at him, And was immediately on guard. I hadn't seen him or sensed him when I came in nor for that entire encounter. When he was done laughing he said, "Alright lad if you wanna join it's rather simple. Prove we can rely on your strength by completing the contest. A series of different drinks each stronger and effecting a different part of the body, some your physical might others your flexibility, and some just pure will power." The old man waved to a bar wench who swiftly brought him another drink and a second chair at his table, "Now normally I don't administer the test but you seem interesting so let's begin. Sit down with me and this young lass will grab the first of 10."

I sat with him and dared not break eye contact and with a smile still on my face I asked, "Why 10?" The old bastard nodded and spoke softly, "Because in order to join you only need to drink 3. but for every rank you want to go up you need to complete a task, and drink the next drink. The ranks are, 1st [Tin], 2nd [Copper], 3rd [Bronze], 4th [Iron], 5th [Steel], 6th [Silver], 7th [Gold], 8th [Platinum], 9th [Onyx], 10th [Obsidian]. the Higher the rank the harder the jobs but the better the reward."

[Ding! Notification]


You've found a guild, guild quest accepted,

[Champions Drink!] A strange old man in a stranger bar has issued you a challenge persist and you'll be allowed to join an unknown guild of mercs/adventures. fail and be banished from the guild permanently.

[Drink 0/3 finished] for minimal completion, [Drink 0/4 finished] for a little less disappointment, [Drink 0/6 finished] for a decent result, [Drink 0/8 finished] for a great result, [Drink 0/10] finished for a surprising result.


With a shrug and a nod I rolled back my shoulders and grabbed the fresh tankard the bar maid had set down in front of me, one of 3 she had put down. With a low holler so that all could her me and a toast to the Old man, "To new adventures and interesting people," I drained the first in one go. it didn't do much. Just made me a little dizzy for less than a second, so I didn't stop. I downed the next to one after the other. I stared at the old man whose smile was frozen on his face, "How bout the next batch Old man?" he nodded his head but I saw his eye twitch in annoyance. The same barmaid brough the next batch of drinks again 3 more, again I mad a toast. "To honor and war, may the two be far apart and closer than ever!" And again I down the three glasses this time to my shock, I was racked with pain. Every fiber of my being felt like it was being torn apart and reassembled again and again. I stood fast, through those drinks, but on the 7th drink first of the next batch I went down.

The 7th drink had an effect I wasn't ready for, It brought memories forward I was by no means read or willing to deal with right now, and then it expanded upon them, this game is a terrifying thing, to simulate my sister dying no matter what I did, or who I fought. So I was forced to the ground by the 7th drink. That, doesn't me I was out for the count, I pulled myself up to my feet using only my own pure will power to shove those images out of my mind. If fate has it in her cards to snatch my sister from me, then I'll simply have to kill fate. [Ding!]


Quest complete!

[7/0 Drinks finished] Way to go! You have eared the following rewards,

[Gold Guild card], 100 silver coins, the right to accept quests from the guild, the interest of guild master Ivar, Your city can now open a branch guild, and become allies with the hidden faction.

[Hidden faction discovered!]

War born!

The War born, A sect of sentient races who care not for anything except strength and valor in battle. Once you would have found these people amongst soldiers in wars, now you find them every where under the guise of mercs and adventurers. They are powerful allies, and even stronger enemies. They hold to a code of valor, Fight forever, never flee a fight once started, End what's begun, and cowards are traitors and traitors always die.