The start of the second round.

 I could see the horror on his face as he saw me pull up but you see... I'd always had a security system in place. Camaras on all the entrances, alarm triggers on the locks and windows, the whole nine yards. So All I did was smile, cuz i could hear the sirens coming even now. I stepped out of the way and pulled out my phone dialing the emergency number quickly, and upon receiving the answer of the operator, "Ma'am My name is Aurther Herald, Yes ma'am... that right. I just got home to find the front door ajar, and what appears to be two people ransacking my home. Oh their only 2 minutes out great thank you ma'am, yes of course ill stay on the line thank you." So then I just stood and waited on the line, while he stared at me not understanding why I was so calm, Until he saw the sirens me smile. Then he tried to run, but it was much to late for that. The Police blocked the driveway off very quickly, after all it was a smaller drive, one single car was all it took. 

Ashly came out the door of my house with a bunch of stuff and froze, in panic and fear. The Police already had tasers drawn and aimed at joseph, it was quite simple for them to adjust one taser to her chest as well, and then she screamed. Dropping all of the stuff on the ground. To absolutely no ones surprise, Not a single item was hers, in fact most of it was shit I just got. Like a few connecters to the VR capsule, Shit the psycho even tried to steal the game itself. Not that it worked of course. not to mention, she tried to steal some of my sisters stuff, and even... one of my mothers fucking jewelry boxes I was holing for my sister. The cops were swift to apprehend them both, and I was swift to provide proof of ownership of all items in the house. Ashly screamed and cried the entire time she was getting arrested for attempted larceny, Joseph Just hung his head. I think he finally understood just how crazy that bitch is. Hopefully he'll get his shit together. Now I've never in my life been one to leave someone hanging, especially someone whose my friend or once was. 

"Hey... joseph, This is gonna get you fired you and I both know that. So I'll offer you some advice, Get your hands on a VR capsule as soon as you can. It'll be your best bet for making ends meet when all said and done." There we go, I smile as I see it in his eyes, The guy I could always rely on. There in his face i saw the despair turn straight into hope. "Good luck mate, maybe another day we can reconcile but we'll see." That was that, i signed the report sent a copy to my lawyer and started dinner. After a quick meal, I got ready to get back in the game. This time not knowing what awaited me. As I lay down in the capsule for the first time in a long time, I had a light at the end of the tunnel. My thoughts rushing like a raging river, doubts, fears, hopes, dreams. It all came rushing through my brain, I couldn't help it. Yet I refused to let it overwhelm me, I started the game up with a thought and as my consciousness faded I knew, I had a chance, a goal, and heaven or hell could stand in my way but ill fucking bet it all on this chance. My decision was made, I might not put all my eggs in one basket but I'll be damned if I allow anything less than the Devil himself so much as hinder me.

As the game launched I heard the familiar welcoming voice, [Welcome back, the game is currently unavailable at full capacity however as a betta player you are authorized to accesses the training grounds to improve yourself and potential learn how to unlock your legacy ability. Good luck, Angles_Soldier, and may you find that which you desire most within these grounds.] and then I was falling.... Then I was on the ground. Surrounded by nothing but black sand and bones. 

Examining the area around me I soon noticed what appeared to be coliseum walls all around me. Then I heard a voice and I understood what the game meant by a training ground. "HAHAHAHA! Welcome little Angle born. To the land of demons. You are my slave, and now you'll fight till you die. And because this little imp here wanted to try and let you out of your cage well... I guess he'll be fighting with you." A rather large and clearly obnoxious demon yelled as he threw a creature at me. Looking at the creature I smiled and offered my hand, "Get up Dea, It seems we've got things to kill or dye trying." Dea Smiled, "Didn't think they'd throw us in together but this works for me." Grabbing my hand he pulled himself to his feet. "So then..." I started, " What do you think this fuckers gonna send in first" He shook his head to get the sand off it, "who knows, there are a lot of monsters and slave in this shit hole. I'd love nothing more than to burn it to the ground." I could see the fire burning in his eyes, I laughed looked up at the demon who based on the crown sitting atop his head is some kind of lord and yelled, "SO are we gonna fucking sit here all day or you gonna get the shit started we're getting pretty bored down here." 

Hours have gone by the never ending hoard of being this fucker has sent at us, we managed to collect some gear of the first round but after that there's been no rest. Imp's, Undead, wolves, humans, elves, angels, Shit even a couple of fucking minor demon lords. Yet we haven't gotten to close to death just yet. After all we ain't no slouches. Sure our characters might be stuck at lvl 1 but we don't care. We've been slaughtering these bastards left and right. "Shit man, I think you pissed him off." Dea say's while panting a little, "I don't know maa. But hey... You said you wanted to burn this bitch to the ground right?" I responded, He laughed "That I did, here comes the next wave." Except the next wave was one creature something I never expected. 

With a furious bang, the massive reinforced doors were blown apart. and a fucking drake came crashing in, to make matters worse it was an undead drake. So no fucking vitals to take out. I heard Dea curse under his breath and before we could even think it was on us, I could hear the cheer of the crowd as Dea was struck by the things talons throwing him to the side. He hit the wall of the arena hard slumping down, he wasn't dead yet, but he was damn close. I barley ducked under the back swing, i tried to strike back but the blade I had looted from some being or another shattered on the rotting scales. I was swiped with a light tail smack and launched away. I was able to keep my feet by a miracle, Dea was just getting back up, unfortunately the Drake saw this to. I took off at the same time Dea and the drake did. The drake reared back and lunged forward with the speed of a freight train. Dea managed to jump into its mouth to avoid being snapped in half but he wouldn't last long. I reached it at the same time it nearly bit him in half, jumping up onto its tail i was thrown into the air, I used the slight strength in my wings on instinct to orient myself in mid air to control my fall. Aiming for the drakes neck where its skull connects to its spine, I flipped over head first and roared in effort as I flapped my wings as hard as possible, They launched me forward like an arrow out of a bow. At the last possible second, I could hear the Undead Drakes Roar of anger, and Dae's Scream of Effort... He was holding on. Rotating my body bringing my feet to the front of the dive without loosing momentum I slammed into the base of the skull. Pushing all of my manna into this one strike I silently prayed. 'I might be a fallen angle, but I hope you hear my prayer, Forgotten god of death he whose name is forbidden by the demons and gods alike. Pluto hear my prayer and grant this creature it rightful rest.' 

As my feet slammed into the spin of the Drake I felt something stir around me, A sense of foreboding fell upon me. A whisper of a voice spoke into my ear, it was a beautiful melody of a voice, "Oh? A prayer to my husband hmm? Okay little one. I'll grant your wish this time, but remember. Next time don't forget his wife ya hear?" I felt the manna I was pushing out shift in form becoming something pure. As it entered the drake it reared its head...Or tried to my impact shattered its spine it would seem as it crumpled to the ground. I lost control of the manna I pumped out. Dea fell from its mouth as the body of the Drake seemed to squirm as if fighting itself before it just disintegrated into sand... Pitch black sand. Yet I could feel happiness coming from the Drake as it died, truly this time. "What the Fuck was that?" Dea asked me, and honestly I wanted to know the same thing. I prayed on the off chance that he would here me and take notice of my actions, I never expected this outcome.