Forgotten gods, and legacy skills.

I could feel the residual manna start to converge on me, and it hurt. My body was being shredded into mince me and put back together piece by fucking piece. I screamed as my body collapsed into the sand, Dea tried to help, I could feel him trying to check me to see if I was hurt but then a swarm of imps arrived and seeing as the drake fucked him up pretty bad he struggled with them, I couldn't think thorough the pain but the system could. [Legacy skill created. Congratulations, You are the first to create your legacy skill. May it grow in strength with you on this journey.] As the pain finally faded away I push myself to my feet I could feel the change. My senses where so much stronger my manna felt so much stronger more... willing to follow my will. My body seemed more powerful than before I wanted nothing more than to look at my stats but that function was locked for now. 

I jumped into the brawl and helped Dea finish off the last couple and I could see pain appear in his eyes as some kind of aura seeps from the corpses in the sand, "FUCK!" It was his turn to squirm on the ground, I examined him closely but before I could see to much I heard the obnoxious fuck laughing, " To think you'd both evolve in my arena hahahaha AMAZING!" That's right I could see the horns growing from his skull his limbs gaining more length and muscle, he grew taller. His features becoming more human. and to top it off Bat like wings start to form on his back. Soon enough he was on his feet again but we didn't have time to think we were surrounded by fucking full kitted out demons and they didn't seem keen on fighting us. I say that because I could feel the air grow energetic, before I could warn Dea though a bolt of lightning came and struck us both. knocking me to my knees and Dea got a one way ticket to see sandman live. 

"You ugly son of a crowing anus," I Snarl in pain and rage. Every hair on my body is fried. The armor I was wearing is nothing more than molten slag at this point. So I shrug what little remains of it off my body and push myself to a standing position. If I can pray to long forgotten god of this world and get a response. Whose to say I can't in turn cause a whole lot of damage even without a weapon. This arena is about to get real fucking bloody real fucking quick. The Obnoxious wanna be overlord didn't like the fact i was standing nor my comment, But you see he was on the sand of the arena and that's all I need to make this fight fair. " Come one! Come all! to the freedom brawl!" I roared at the top of my lungs and lunged forward, Wrapping what little angelic power I had left in my busted halo into my body. My hands, feet, knees, elbows, any part of my body that I was using to strike at these bastard demons and devils I laced with holy power...And it worked. 

I threw a right body hook into the first demon the angelic power coursed through the leather and chain mail slamming into his organs causing massive internal damage and causing him to crumple into a heap. The next one caught an elbow and the angelic power blew through its helmet, and from the sound, popped its eyeballs. I fought like a caged badger, every part of my body was a weapon honed by years of abuse and training, at some point I lost track of time and just became one with the violence. Each swing of a limb, every blow that landed on me on fueled the desperate calculated slaughter. Slowly I could feel the Holy energy seeping away from my control. I didn't know if it would last...But that wouldn't stop me from fighting. I lost track of those I had killed or maimed but eventually as the holy power ran out so did the devils and demons. I stood in the blood soaked sands of the arena, there was only one other person left standing other than me. I stood exhausted. I had fought dozens maybe hundreds of opponents and I had WON. 

I could fell every broken bone, me left arm was fractured, my right dislocated, my left knee was sitting funny, and my right ankle was hanging loosely after someone cut my achilles. I reached my busted limbs to my face and cracked my jaw back in, looking through swollen and bloodied eyes at Lord Queffdom the devil in charge. He stared at me in horror, "Funny..." I coughed out as I started to draw the manna around me to myself, "I though demons and devils where the things that go bump in the night..." As the manna entered my body I felt a new kind of pain as it began the task I wished of it, "But it seems that Honor falls to me now..." I spread my broken and burnt wings and felt them crack into place as manna surged through me healing as much as it could, "So I guess It's time for you to die now you ugly son of a bitch." Before I could even finish talking he turned and ran for the exit. But then again I was already planning to kill him. I pushed my wings down hard as I could Launching my self forward with speed I didn't know I had left in me. I drew the last speck of Angelic power from My body and roared, "I AM NO DEVIL BUT ILL LIE LIKE THE WORST OF THEM, IM NO DEMON BUT ILL SLAUGHTER LIKE THE WORST OF THEM, AND IM NO ANGLE BUT I'LL BRING JUSTICE LIKE THE DIVINES THEMSELFS!" With my final call I slammed my fist into the back of his fat fucking head. All I saw as I lost consciousness was his head popping like a water balloon.