Rite of Claiming 6

Silence fell over the room after Julius spoke those words aloud. It was almost eerie to a scary degree. As both combatants stared each other down, studying one another's posture. They seemed to stand there for eternity. Not moving a inch, the only thing about them that moved, was their chests whenever they took a breath.

Julian would slowly shift the weight of his body, just mere moments before Boris was on top of him. Swinging at him with a fast and heavy right hook.

Before he had the time react the next thing he saw was a sudden blur of white. Followed by the flames of pain. Julian would stumble back a few steps shaking his head, in a attempt to clear his vision right before Boris could land another hit.

But right as his vision cleared enough for him to see. He was quickly met with a left hook the sent him spiraling once more.

What did this guy have for breakfast? Julian would think as he shook his head again. This time spinning around as he swung out a leg for a round house kick aimed for his gut. As soon as his foot came into contact with the mans body. Julian quickly realized just what he was dealing with. For his foot had hit what felt like a wall of solid metal.

Boris would grin as he grabbed Julian by his leg. "Gotta hit harder than that boy." he would say smiling wildly as he lifted Julian up, and slammed his body hard on the ground. With nearly no effort.

Crying out from the pain of being slammed onto his back. Julian would wrap his other leg around Boris' arm. To try to buy himself sometime to think of how he was going to win. Or at least get it to where he can feel some of the damage being dealt to him. That was at least what he hoped to do.

Boris would smile before lifting him again and slamming his body even harder, against the ground. Julian would grit his teeth as pain shot through his body once again. This time with Julian reacting by lodging the knife he held in his hand into the mans arm.

Earning a shocked cry of pain. Before letting go of Julian and pulling away.

Julian would then scramble to his feet look at the knife, which was coated in a thin coat of dark red liquid. At least something sharp worked against him.

Taking a deep breath, Julian settled himself as all of his focus went to Boris. Observing every breath, every twitch the he mad. And even the rising anger.

"Why so angry Boris? Mad that I nicked you?" Julian would ask the man right as he began to notice. That somehow he was regenerating. Well crap.

There went all of that confidence he had instilled in himself. Now it was replaced with a pure sense of survival.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself brat. This is just getting started. And it is starting to get very interesting." Boris would growl as his shock slowly grew into a wicked smile. This was starting to be more fun than anticipated. And he wasn't about to let his fun go to waste. He was going to relish every second of it, before caving the boys head in.

This time both of the combatants lunged at each other sending attacks of their own, in simultaneous succession. And both landing their attack, sending the other sprawling.

Julian would struggle to take a breath, as the hit that was landed upon him. Was straight on the gut. Which left him almost vomiting from the sheer force of it upon him. There was a single thought that slowly crawled its way into the brain, of the young vampire. How in the world could something hit so hard?

Having trained no holds barred with his own father. Julian had never felt the first of something hitting as hard as Boris was. It was probably the insane perks of having been a turned vampire. Or in some regards, probably something to do with him being a Morgan.

On the other hand, The blow that was landed upon Boris had left him with a slash across his chest. Allowing more of the dark red blood to seep out. Boris would look down at the cut, as little dark insects began to crawl out from the injury and beginning to pull the wound closed, and even began to mend it.

Staring with his eyes wide Julian began to snarl. "You have bugs under your skin?!" Julian would yell as he glanced back to his father. "Is that even allowed?"

"Bugs aren't a weapon." Julius would say as he leveled his gaze upon Boris. "Explain yourself Boris."

"It is apart of Morgan tradition to be in tune with something of the realm of nature. I just happened to be in tune with insects. And as a result of mending with these insects. I gained a amazing boost in strength, and even in stamina." Boris would say his wicked smile growing even wider. "So forgive me for not making that public knowledge. But most secrets are better off staying secrets."

"And said secrets should be made known before a Rite of Claiming." Julius would say as his gaze quickly turned into a glare. "You have a choice in front of you Boris, and I hope that you make the one you feel is best for you in this moment."

Julian would continue to stand there in his stance, in case Boris decided to lunge in for another quick succession of attacks.

"And what choice do I have in front of me Julius?" Boris would ask as he stood there still in his stance as well. Eyeing the boy before him. Both were on the same wavelength, of expecting the other to try something dirty.

"The choice before you is, either give up the conquest before you. Or give up the use of your bugs." Julius would say staring down Boris. "I hope that you make the right choice."