Boris stood In the middle of the crowd, surrounded by the entirety of the Morave-Xeres coven. Having just been given a choice to make, one that no one knew if he were was going to choose from the ones given to him.
He would eye down Julian, his rage boiling over the containable limit. If this brat hadn't been able to take his punches. It would never have been discovered he was literally infested with bugs. It was something he never wanted those outside of his coven to know. Especially with it being against the laws he was raised under. He had been put in a tough situation and he didn't know how to deal with it. Not without full bloodshed.
Yet, he wasn't dumb enough to test his luck against nearly one hundred vampires. All from the only other coven that could challenge the like of Dracula's court. His entire reason for being there was to solidify a connection between the two families.
If only Julius hadn't forbade him from choosing the only daughter that he had. It would have made things so much more simpler. Especially with how pure and innocent she was. Maybe there was a way for him to get her.
Letting his anger simmer down a degree a smile starting to form on his lips. There was a idea indeed forming in his mind. He would definitely be going for that little daughter of his.
"What is your choice Boris?" Julius would say taking a few steps towards the man. Staring him down with a intense gaze. Reading the mans bodily movements. In case he chose to do something rash.
"If I give up my conquest for my current claim? Does that mean I get to choose another to claim? Without limits?" Boris would ask, posing the question to Julius carefully.
Julius would take a moment to ponder the words that the man spoke. He did have a point asking that question. But should he even be given the chance to choose another to claim? If this was going to possibly be the result yet again? If he gave him the answer he wanted, it could lead to a end with this conflict. Which was caused by jealousy to begin with.
"What are you hoping to get from my answer?" Julius would ask staring him down.
"Oh, nothing too dangerous. It's just bad to let a vampire be all alone in these trying times." Boris would smile as he approached both Julian and Julius.
Julius would look to his sister before taking a deep breath. "Should I allow this?" he would ask his sister. Uncertainty evident in his voice.
"Was there any stipulations that he was under?" Mila would ask tilting her head to the side. Completely on edge about the situation. She didn't trust this man. Nor what he had in mind. Her gaze would move to her niece. Who was watching, her eyes full of worry.
"He is not allowed to choose Aurella. That's his only stipulation. I don't think he'll accept that stipulation with the current events around us." Julian would sigh as he stared him down.
"At least you understand subtleties of situations like this Julius. So what is your answer? Head of the coven." Boris would smile as he glanced to Aurella with a side glance.
The question put Julius in a hard place. He didn't know what answer to give, that would be the right one. Either he let him have his daughter. Or he kill him. It was really the simplest answer that he would have.
"Why do you want my daughter Boris?" Julius would ask. "And I want you to tell me the truth."
"Because she is a beautiful young thing, that deserves to be in the care of a powerful vampire such as myself." Boris would say that cruel smile of his returning. "Can you blame a man for being attracted to the looks of a woman?"
Julius would let out a angered sigh as he stared the vampire down. As he got right up in front of him. His anger more evident than ever. "My daughter is not some object Boris. She is a living and breathing person. And if you think that for a moment I will let her be claimed by the likes of you. Well you clearly didn't think this entire fiasco through then." He would growl at him.
Boris without flinching would meet the gaze of the man, no not a man. But the prey before him. With a level gaze. Almost matching the ferocity of the man before him. "So you are saying you are going to toss aside the traditions of our lineage then?" He would say his cruel grin turning into a cocky one.
"I am saying if you think traditions will keep you safe in a situation like this. Then you are clearly mistaken then." Julius would growl as he stared the vampire down. "Get out of my house. And return to where you came. You nor any other of your family are welcome here. For the disgrace you have caused to them with your actions."
Boris' eyes would widen at the command given to him from the man in front of him. As his anger reached its peak, as he all but just about snapped.
"I see how it is Julius. I see just how it is." Boris would say backing up as markings began to form over his body before he turned towards Aurella. "My dear. I claim you as my own. To use in any way I so please."
As soon as those words left Boris' mouth. A cold wind blew through the air, as there was suddenly the appearance of a ghostly thin figure behind Aurella, that wrapped itself around her. Before shooting out of the training room with the only noise being made is the screams of terror that came from Aurella as she was whisked away.
Boris would then take the opening that was made by the shock of Aurella being grabbed by the mysterious entity. And run full force towards the door, and towards the entrance of the manor. Just quick enough as to not be caught by the others. As he threw the doors of the manor, and was almost immedietly caught off guard. As he saw a woman dressed in full goth gear mid motion of going to knock on the door standing there.