Tasting the sweet warm blood, as it dripped down onto her tongue. The remnants of her hunger all but subsiding. She felt her heartbeat, slowly beginning to beat once more. Beginning to beat in its rhythm that it was only moments before.
Feeling her vision return as well. Tears wetted her cheeks, her vision danced with black and white dots.
Maurice would look down to Luna biting her lips as she felt her strength beginning to leave her. This was what she feared would happen. Especially when she was donating her blood that of another vampire. She hadn't thought about bringing blood packs to use along with first aid. None of them had.
They hadn't been graced with enough time to really prepare for something like this. Was this a challenge thought up by Julius?
It was a possibilty. One that could've been master minded in order to get Aurella to start using her abilities.
But Maurice knew better. She knew that he wouldn't endanger his only daughter. His youngest child.
Glancing over to Aurella and Myst who were watching the demon travel around the cavern. Set ablaze by one of Aurella's aptly times fire balls. The three of them began to notice that it was beginning to slow down. As if it was expending too much energy.
Glancing to Myst. Maurice would lock eyes with the girl, before she slowly nodded. Acting without a word spoken, Maurice would lift Luna up into her arms. Stumbling some as she took her weight upon herself. Man this girl was heavier than she looked. She began to wonder where all her weight went.
Aurella would frown taking notice of Maurice beginning to run to the opposite end of the cave. Before looking to Myst.
"Why is she running off?" Aurella would ask in a confused tone. As she saw the still limp body in her arms. Worry was building up within her like a damn about to burst.
"They and you are running to the end of the cavern" Myst would respond keeping her eyes focused on the demon.
"But what abo-"
"I'll be okay Aurella. " Myst snapped at the girl. With more hostility than she meant to give. But the situation at hand demanded her undivided attention. And she couldn't afford to be distracted.
Especially if she wanted to survive the battle. Or distract the demon long enough for them to get out. If she were to die, she'd at least give that much use with her life.
Nodding in a stunned silence. Aurella would run after Maurice and Luna. Stopping just short of the exit. She'd turn to see the demon and Myst sizing each other up. Preparing for a dangerous battle.
"Please survive this..." She'd mutter in a low tone. Turning and continuing after her two friends. A knot of fear forming within her chest.
Myst would chance a glance away from the demon to the exit seeing as they were completely out of view. Letting out a relieved breath. She'd allow a smile to form over her face. As she began to undue the top of her combat attire. Allowing it to fall, and hang just at her waist.
Revealing the black tank top she wore below it. Along with slowly forming swirls of blacks, reds, and blues. Beginning to scrawl themselves across her chest sprawling upwards to her shoulders. Then down her left arm. As they finished forming, they would begin to take the look of a faded tattoo.
Letting loose a relaxed breath, she'd stare through the demon. Her eyes glowing a vibrant orange color. That flickered like a vibrant flame.
The demon would stare at her. Staring at her as she allowed the markings to form. Markings that looked incomplete.
It had heard of her kind before. But never came acrossed one so inexperienced. Especially to not be able to keep her markings stable. She must not be able to use them without straining herself. And this was something it would use to its advantage. And just drain her of energy before she could finish it.
It was a fullproof idea. Now to just implement it.
Lunging at her with a inhumane speed. The demon would slash down at her. Finding purchase in a gust of air. And not a single ounce of flesh. Confusion beginning to flood the mind of the demon. It would glance to where the girl was, only to see that she was no longer there. How could that be? How could she move faster than it could perceive?
That thought was quickly cut off. As a sharp elbow found purchase in its neck. Sending a wave of pain through it's being. As the force alone was near enough to crush it's windpipe. Luckily for it, it's hardened exterior was enough to spare it from the blow. But not from the pain, and the sensation of it that its nerves carried to its brain and through the body.
Glancing to where the attack had came from. There was just emptiness and the rest of the cavern they were in. Not a single speck of the girl. Not a single part of her around the air. It was almost as if she vanished from existence itself.
Only to feel a kick to the gut that sent it careening a foot or two back. As the woman stood there before him. Breathing heavily with a determined look on her face. The markings that she wore across her skin, smoldering with smoke. As if they were exuding a massive amount of heat.
Luna found her vision begin to focus. As her being jostled around violently shook things back into perspective. Effective but not recommended.
"The Luna is on a roller coaster." She'd say weakly but with enough enthusiasm and belief behind her words to make Maurice frown with worry. Had she lost that much blood that her brain wasn't functioning properly?
Glancing behind her she saw Aurella quickly gaining on them. Running with a full sprint. Which compared to Maurice's current pace wasn't much of anything.
"I think her brain suffered from oxygen loss. " She'd say to the younger vampire. Who simply gave a frown.
"What do you mean?" Aurella would question keeping pace with Maurice. Who had slowed enough to allow her to.
"She speaks in the thirs person Aurella. "She'd respond looking down to
Luna worriedly.
"Luckily, she was doing that before her injuries. So it's just Luna being Luna" Aurella would say simply.