The Visitors Part 1

Walking through the halls. Mathias would let out a tired breath as the thoughts of every single event in his life ran through his mind at light speed. All of what it lead to. And now, he found himself having to play nice with a damned race. Not much different than the one he hunted down with impunity.

There was a small amount of irony in the situation he found himself in. Having to protect one while he damned the other. For his own personal reasons at that. He didn't know how else to think on the matter.

Stopping right before the door that lead into a small meeting room. He focused his newly heightened senses. And found that he was able to now, feel the spiritual essences of each living thing around him, and in the room alike.

Feeling the deadly essence that was within the room. It took his breath away as the realization of something this strong willingly dwelling in a place like this. A place full of individuals trained in the art of killing, in an area where they were known as the best of the best.

It was definitely a time bomb just waiting to go off. Especially if certain individuals are set off due simply the wrong words being used. Which again made Mathias question why they agreed to this in the first place. But they had to be the better people, especially in situations like this.

Opening the door he would enter the room that was once used for meetings, and was now temporarily being used as a ward. Where their guests were being patched up.

"How on earth did you all survive this long doing the stupid stunts that you do." Mathias would say just loud enough to catch the attention of three of their six guests. All who had various levels of preternatural power, that even rivaled his own. Even though they were recently acquired.

"Things either went as planned, or we got really lucky. We don't know which one yet." The man with long white hair would say sarcastically. Before wincing in pain as one of the many nurses stuck the needle back into his skin, as she continued to stitch him up.

"What did I say about moving suddenly or speaking?" The nurse would say with a chiding glare pointed in his direction.

Mathias would turn his attention from the white haired man, to the one with brown hair. Who watched Mathias with a silent intensity, and interest. And for a while the air in the room seemed to still. To a paralyzing degree.

"When will your bosses be arriving?" The man would ask in a low silky tone. One full of calmness, and a sense of control. His gaze unflinching of the grimm before him.

"They will be here shortly. I just came to assess the damage, and to see the kind of care that you need." Mathias would say as respectfully as he could. This wasn't the first time they had to shelter people in one of their hunter lounges. But this was definitely a first having to house Deaths.

There were so little of them that remained living in the world that he genuinely thought that they were myths. But to see a entire group before him. It was almost like they were living legends. An entire species completely damned by angels over a event that happened so long ago. No one knows what really caused it anymore. Maybe one of the Angel Lords did.

"If you wouldn't mind, we would like some food and drink. Being on the run as long as we have been. Has left our tanks close to empty." The brown haired man would suggest. Earning a small nod from Mathias.

"Food and drink, need any clothes to change into?" Mathias would ask noticing the daggers that the black haired man was pointing at him. "No need to have such a hostile look, you can trust that you will be safe here."

"If it is safe to be in the same room as a grimm, then the fates truly are cruel." The black haired man all but spat. Only to have the tirade cut short by the brown haired man. Who now surely was the leader.

"Forgive Lazinal. We have had bad run ins with your species. Mainly in the form of trying to kill us." He would say taking a deep breath. "I do believe it is time for us to get introductions underway. The man with black hair, and a bone to pick with you is of course Lazinal, The man with white hair goes by the name Salem, My name is Jake. The man covered in tribal tattoo's is Ezekial, or just Zeke for short. Of the two sleeping women, the one in the skimpy clothing is Jeud; and no we did not dress her like that, she chose that clothing. And the one in more modest clothing is Vitra, the oldest living Death that I am currently aware of."

"I heard that there were more of your group? Is that information wrong?" Mathias would question having sworn that the America based Deaths were a larger group that were giving the Angels a much harder time.

"They are a larger group, doesn't mean they need to tell us exactly how large they are." The lilt of a Greek said from behind him.

Turning around Mathias would take notice of one of his many bosses, and perhaps probably one of the oldest hunters to live. Since he theoretically had been alive since the times of Greece.

"My intention wasn't to dig that deep, just with how everything in the world had been moving in the last handful of years alone, it was more a question out of curiosity rather than one meant to pry." Mathias would say giving Mercury a formal bow.

"Go get them what they requested, and don't worry about them needing to pay us back. I'll personally cover the expenses." He would say excusing Mathias from the room. Leaving him alone with the group of Deaths and nurses. Before looking at them with a soft smile. "How long has it been since we last spent some time together?"