2. By Your Side


The sound of swords clashing is music to my ears. I always loved the loud metal sounds and how it brings me courage and joy to my day. Mino and I were practicing since early this morning. We are both breathing heavily and already full of sweats but this fight won't stop until one of us falls on the ground.

"Let's just end this, Naeil. Nobody needs to get hurt," he said, catching his breath. I pushed him back but he didn't fall. I charged forward, swinging my sword but he blocked it with his own. He is not fighting against me. He just keep on dodging my attacks.

"Come on, Mino. We're both tired so just let it out! Charge!" I teases and it worked. He suddenly became aggressive and fast that I could only step back. One swift move, he managed to made a small cut on my left arm. He stopped as I groaned in pain. I looked at the wound and smirked at my opponent.

"I'm sorry, Miss," he apologized but it's fine. He bowed down and quickly searched for medicines. "I'm sorry, I made you bleed," he came to me and took my wounded arm to treat it. I chuckled as he panicked on what to do, so I helped him.

"Your father might kill me if he finds out," he said, shaking.

"Don't worry. He won't. He would make me stop fighting if he finds out and I do not want that to happen," I said honestly, thinking what would my father's reaction be. He would go wild and forbid me to get a hand of another sword. He hated the idea that I trained with the guards but eventually accepted it. He has no choice anyway, I already learned.

"Lady Aejung might get mad," he muttered under his breath but I heard him clearly. I could almost laugh at him for being too anxious but I couldn't blame him. If I was him, I'd probably be worse.

"She won't find out. No one knows what happened except for you and me. If none of us will speak about it, nobody will know," I explained to ease his worry. I showed him my wound, now treated and covered up. I pat his shoulders and smiles at him, assuringly.

When we came back to the house, we parted ways. He was called by father so he had to go immediately. While I went to the Lady's quarter. I'm not even close to entering her room when I heard her scream. It alarmed me that I had to rush inside only to find her sitting in front of what seems to be a sewing kit. She was holding a cloth and it's when I realized that she's practicing sewing. Her teacher was also there. I bowed to the both of them.

"I don't think I'll be needing this knowledge. For sure, someone will do this kind of things for me," Aejung told her teacher, putting the cloth down, giving up. I laughed at her while I made myself comfortable beside her teacher, and picked up the cloth she made. I could tease her but I don't want her to look funny in front of an elderly.

"You actually did good with this. Why are you stopping?" I commended her, still with the smile on my face. I showed her work to her teacher and she nodded, agreeing to me.

"Why do I have to learn this?" the lady whined so her teacher explained why. But she just made it worse. Now, the problem has been passed on me.

"She's a woman too. Why do I get to be taught while she's not? She holds swords instead of needles. This isn't fair," she whined even more. I blinked as it hit me. She's right. But I couldn't bring myself to admit to that. Her teacher glanced at me with accusing eyes. I suddenly felt worried about my life.

"I'll continue with the lesson if she stitch too," she told her teacher. My eyes popped open at what she wanted to happen and nervously shook my head. I looked at the old woman and surprised to see her with another cloth and threaded needle, handing it out to me. My hands were shaking when I get the hold of it. I feel like the world has stopped the moment I get hands on it. Is this really happening? I have never thought of myself in this kind of situation.

"Let's start," she sound so happy. Does making me miserable makes her happy?

"You really like it when I'm having a hard time, don't you?" I said when we started stitching. I heard her laugh and it made me laugh too. We were silent as we follow what the teacher was doing. My eyes were greatly focused on her that I pushed the needle wrongly that my left point finger bled. A small yelp made them stop and looked at my bleeding finger.

"You should be careful, young miss," the teacher said as she wiped the blood off and called for treatment.

"Sorry. I wasn't focusing so it happened. It's just a small scratch, teacher, there's no need for treatment," I said. I looked at Aejung and saw she was staring at something. I followed her gaze and my eyes widen at the sight of the cut garment on my arm. I should've changed first before going here.

I was about to say something when I felt a hand on my wound, the one I got from our sword practice this morning. The old woman have noticed the torn garment too that she checked it, finding out about the injury. It turns out that the cloth covering the wound already had blood stains.

I took a quick and anxious glance at the lady and she just kept staring at my wound while the teacher called out to the helps for treatment. She lowkey scolded me for being careless and I could just smile weakly at her.

"It was an accident," I informed them, particularly the lady. I know what she's thinking and she is probably angry at me for disobeying her order.

The old teacher applied better medications on my wound before dismissing the lesson today. Good thing she dismissed us because right now, I don't think we can continue with it. Lady Aejung hasn't spoken a word even after the old woman left. She quietly took a book and started reading, even when I'm in front of her, she chose to read than talk to me.

She's mad, alright.

I faked a cough after some minutes, and she already read almost ten pages of the book. I was counting the pages because I have nothing to do but watch her. I stare at her for some moment, then on her book, then to her beautiful face again. I don't know where to put my eyes on, and it is kind of disrespectful if I stare at her for too long.

"What are you still doing here?" I felt my heart jumped in joy when she asked me. But she didn't even took a glance at me. She even sounded so cold, I could feel my body freezing.

"Why don't you ask Mino and practice together? Go on. Kill yourself," she added which made me feel so sorry. I pursed my lips while I watch her, scolding me. I was guilty of my actions and I know I must admit to my fault but then I kind of like it when she scolds me. I have all her attention. I want that. I want her to care for me. I want all of her.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I promise," I assured her with an apologetic smile. But, still she didn't gave me her smile. I'm kind of disappointed.

I thought everything will be alright after that. But then, that afternoon...

"Uhm," Mino uttered rather awkwardly as we both stared at the sticks on our hands. The lady handed them out even to the other guards, who are already confused as to why they have it. I was shocked at first but then I find it so funny that I couldn't hold my laughter anymore. I bursted out that everyone with us turned to me, all, of course even Lady Aejung.

"What's funny, Naeil?" I heard her say reason why I stiffled every remaining laughs. I shook my head abruptly and smiled at her.

"You don't have to–I mean, the guards, they don't need to be under sword-sticks too," I reasoned out. She looked at me indifferently and I sighed in defeat.

"It's safer this way," she said with too much meaning. Mino and I could only nod in agreement.

"I still need you by my side, Naeil," I froze at that. I totally forgot everything at that moment and I have no one in my eyes but her. My world stopped when she smiled at me with pure affection, although I wasn't sure if it was but it was what I saw in her. If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up.

"I'll always be by your side," I said unknowingly.