The silence in the room was making me anxious and I can hardly concentrate on what I was doing. I glanced at the lady and the old teacher beside me, how come they are so calm? How do they do that?
"Is there something you want to say?" Lady Aejung asked directed at me. Now, that she asked, I put the cloth and needle down on the table. I really give up. I can't do this.
"I'm sorry. But I don't think I can stand doing this. This is just not my thing," I replied with all honesty.
Aejung sighed. "Fine. You can stop now."
"Really?" I was surprised that she let me go that easily. Somehow, it doesn't feel right.
She looked at the teacher and put her cloth down too. "I think that's enough lesson for today." She said.
The teacher looked a bit puzzled but eventually nodded and organized everything. My eyes darted to the lady who was waiting for the old woman to leave and when the latter was gone, she looked at me.
I raised an eyebrow at how she stared at me with menace. I felt my heart beating loudly against my chest as if it's about to popped out due to nervousness. I know her and when she does that look, I might as well bury myself under ground.
"Teach me how to sword fight," it wasn't just a mere statement, it was an order and I did not expect that.
"What?" I uttered in surprise. She raised an eyebrow at me and her feline eyes were piercing right through me, threatening me.
"You know I can't do that. Your mother will kill me once she sees you holding a sword. And your father won't be pleased to see you fighting," I reasoned out just in case she forgot how her parents were very strict with her.
She cannot do whatever it is that I am doing. She should not even try holding a sword nor even think about it. I know she knows that very well but I don't think she is in the right mind as of the moment.
"And I'll be mad if you won't teach me," she threatened me with those feline eyes that I love so much.
I sighed. I looked away thinking how to make her stop with her crazy idea. There is no way I'm going to let her do it. I was becoming problematic when she suddenly stood up and started untying her dress.
My eyes widen at what she was doing and tried to stop her. "W-what are you doing? W-why are you s-stripping?" I asked in panic but she only smirked, obviously teasing me.
Quickly before she takes off her top clothes, I looked away biting my lower lip and shutting my eyes tightly unable to take what was happening. "Come on, Aejung. Put your clothes on."
My heart was about to popped out of my chest because of my rapid heartbeats. I don't I can calm down that easily. She laughed which made me confused but did not glance at her. I was looking down on the floor and saw her top lying beside the table.
I was about to tell her to put her clothes on again but she took my hand which startled me a little. "Let's go. You know, you can't stop me, Naeil."
When I looked at her, my mouth dropped open to see her in the same kind of clothing like mine, the one that is comfortable for fighting and battles. Before I could say anything else, she pulled me up and dragged me outside.
I don't know but as soon as I saw her smiling excitedly while holding my hand, all I can do was to surrender to what she wants. I let her take me to somewhere without protesting. She seemed very happy and excited that I can't find it to myself to try and break that.
My lips were curving up to a smile as I watch her. I was beginning to get lost in my thoughts when she spoke and pulled me out to reality again. It was when I realized that we are already outside, at the back of their residence which served as a training ground for the guards.
She lets go of my hand and I felt kind of disappointed. I watched her as Shin, one of the guards, handed her a sword. Then I saw Mino coming towards me with my sword too.
Did she... really planned this all?
"I was always curious why you preferred swords over needles. Ever since when we were kids, you have always played with these things. I remember being jealous of it because you spent more time polishing it than playing with me. Now, I'm going to find out the answer." She said, looking at me proudly while she swings her blade, cutting through the wind.
Seeing her carelessly doing it, I stepped back. Seriously, this is just so dangerous!
"Alright, but will you put that thing down for a second? You have no knowledge about handling a sword, you might hurt yourself." I told her and she complied, slightly glaring at me.
"Teach me then," she pointed her sword at me which startled me.
She stifled a laugh when she saw me flinched. I sighed in disbelief. I saw her raised an eyebrow at me and all I can do was to hope that her father will forgive me for being too weak when it comes to her only daughter.
Honestly, I do not know how to start teaching her. I have learned every basics of sword fight when I was still young and all I had to do was share it with her. However, my mind can't seem to focus while I try to demonstrate the moves to her especially when I had to teach her manually.
She cannot hold the blade properly, and that is the most important thing she must know. Her stance were unstable. She tends to fall even after just turning around one time. I just hope she realize that she is not cut out for this.
"Hold it firmly. Like this," I held her hand that was on the sword and guided it. With my hands overlapping hers, I looked at her and for a split second I saw her staring at me before she looked away. I wasn't sure though.
"L-like this?" She stuttered as she showed me how she held it. I chuckled.
"Why?" She asked.
I shook my head. "You're really hard to teach."
I teased her, thinking that even if she tries to learn the same thing over and over again, she will not be able to do it. And as I expected to be her reaction, she looked at me furiously, her cheeks were a little red which just made me giggle more.
She took me by surprise when she positioned her sword against my neck, as if she is ready take my life. Her gaze were like fire as they stare back at me. Thinking that maybe I made bad joke, I bit my tongue to stop myself from saying anything that might really push her to cut my throat.
This princess is so sensitive today. I wonder why...
"Aejung," I called her name just in case she was really thinking of killing me, which I know will not happen but she is kind of scary.
"They say a woman should not let blood dirtied her hands," she uttered. I've heard of that saying and it's not really hard to understand. But what does she want to imply?
"If I swing this sword, it'll cut your throat and surely your blood would spatter everywhere. And I would get blood on my hands. After that, what do you think will happen to me?" Her words were threatening and if it wasn't her talking, I would have been really scared for my life. But it was Aejung so it does not really affect me that way.
"I don't know. Would you like to find out?" I said and moved forward until the edge of the blade was already touching my skin. I felt a slight sting on my neck because of the small cut it made.
Her eyes widen in shock as soon as she saw what happened and quickly retracted her sword and threw it on the ground away from us. She seemed scared and in panic as she looked at the bleeding on my neck.
"Are you crazy?! What do you think were you doing?!" She scolded me while she covers the bleeding using her palm. Her tears were starting to well up in her eyes while I can't help myself but to smile, seeing her so worried about me, with just a small cut!
"Do you really want to die?!" she shouted despite her quivering lips.
Do I want to die?
"If it's for you... then yes."