A pervert's worst nightmare.

Regina's PoV

Its been a week since the fight with the Fallen Angels.

After the battle we took home Raynare who was unconscious. When she woke up she appears to have lost her memory of what happened along with everything else before that. She however retained some basic knowledge such as her hobbies, speech and other things necessary for a normal life.

Me and Raina had looked into her and saw that she truly lost her memories from before. She only remembered some memories from when she was still an Angel. As she only remembers her time as an Angel she became really innocent where if Fallen Angels can become Angels again she wouls probably already became one.

She also retained her fighting experience and abilities. So she could still fight.

We studied her condition for a bit and found out that some parts of her soul were separated when I removed the sacred gear and the sealed curse. We then gave her some soul healing medicine from my GoB, and healed her. However it appears that her memories are long gone and cannot be retrieved.

As she lost her memories we couldn't really ask anything from her, originally I planned to kill her after interrogating her, but I lost the chance to do so.

We discussed for a bit and decided that the best course of action is to take her in as a maid.

Also it seems like she became a different person altogether, she became similar to those angels in behavior, and became a bit innocent and naive.

We thought that this would be her second chance and hoped that she would live as a better person.

We also studied the black curse I found inside of her and found our that it was being used to mind control Raynare.

We gave her a new name "Reine", Something for help to start a new and leave her former life behind. So she is now know as Reine Amano. Taking also something from her alias.

We also gave her some training for her to improve her fighting strength as she could help us in the future.

Currently we are in school talking with our friends.

Asia and Issei then came inside and greeted their friends. Asia seems close with those 3 perverts...

Well Issei is there so it should be fine. Though if they do something weird to Asia, I'll castrate them.

Me and Raina have become quite close with Asia and the other Devils in school. Though they only knows us as humans as we never really did reveal our Fallen Angel lineage as we didn't see the need to.

Those guys are talking pretty loudly in the classroom... Like seriously why would you scream obscenities in a place like this. No wonder, these perverts don't have girlfriends...

"You! You actually know lots of cute girls, don't you!? Rias-senpai!

Akeno-senpai! They are the "Two Great Onee-samas" of our academy,

you know!? Then our school's small idol, Toujou Koneko-chan, There is also the twins, Regina and Raina, and now the blonde beauty that just transferred, Asia-chan! This is wrong! It's so unfair that I'm about to break!" Screamed the bald pervert Matsuda.

What is this pervert talking about? We only just talk sometimes with Issei, whats wrong with that?

"Ise, I don't think introducing a single girl to us will be a bad thing. No, I

mean, please introduce us to someone. I beg you. Please." Said the perverted glasses, Motohama begging him.

"Hold on a sec."

Hmm? What? Based on what I know the only girls this pervert is close with is us and the Devils. Who is he gonna introduce them to?

"Well, I found one person that's okay with meeting you guys. That person

will also bring friends as well. This is the number of the person I can introduce you guys to. Contact that person through mail first. That way, you guys will feel happier."

"Thank you!"

Why do I feel like he just sent them into a trap... Well whatever its not my business.

"Oh Ise-kun. By the way, why is "Mil-tan" called Mil-tan?"

The premonition just got stronger...

The next day, we arrived pretty early at school. Upon entering we were greeted by our classmates.

Looking to the side I saw the two perverts sitting down in the corner as if they saw something terrifying.

I wonder what happened to them?

As if to answer my prayers, the answer to my question came. Looking towards the door we saw Issei and Asia come inside. Issei looked pretty tired like he lacked sleep, by his side Asia looked worried.

The two perverts seeing Issei. Imnediately stood up and performed a lariat at Issei out of nowhere.


The two exchanged glances as one of them came behind him while the other came from another direction. Successfully making a beautiful lariat.

Issei being choked coughed. While glaring at the two. Who performed a lariat at him.

"D-Don't fuck with meeeee!"

Matsuda shouts startling everyone, attracting their attention towards them.

"Ise! You bastard!"

Motohama grabs Issei by his collar and glares at him with eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Seriously, what is it?"Asked Issei like he doesn't have any idea what is happening or why they attacked him.

Everyone else was also wondering as well, why they would get mad at him.

"Don't fuck around! Fuck! What the heck was that!? He looked like those

really strong guys from a martial arts manga! And why was he wearing

Gothic Lolita clothes!? Is that an ultimate weapon!?"

Hearing this me and everyone else started to imagine that scene. Them in a mixer along with muscled men wearing Gothic Lolita clothes.

Omg just thinking about it makes me shiver, at the same time makes us laugh really hard. I look at the surrounding people It seems they are also laughing as well.

"Not only that! He also brought some friends! He made a gathering of

some sorts! There were couple of those who looked like "Mil-tan"! I was so scared! I thought I was going to get killed!"

I'm actually starting to feel bad for then now, however this is just too funny with everyone in the background laughing their asses off.

"They were going on about the world of magic! Whaaaaaat the fuck is the

"World of Magic Serabenia"!? I don't know any shit like thaaaaaat!"

Matsuda-kun continues to complain while shaking Issei's body back and forth violently.

"In my case, they were telling me about how to defeat the 'Dark Creatures' if I ever encounter one... Apparently you can kill them by using a specialitem which is made by mixing the salt from the sea of the dead and aflower that only appears at night called "Moonlight flower", and then burn them to make a powder... No matter how you think about it, a punchfrom Mil-tan would be enough to kill any living thing in this world..."

Motohama says while holding his head down.

"Congratulations. Now you can beat the "Dark creatures" whenever you

encounter one."

Issei said as if seeking a beating from them, hearing this the two perverts glared at him. Seeing this Issei quickly ran escaping from the two of them.

"Idiots..." I muttured looking at this scene.