Regulus Dominion

Regina's PoV

After a long day at school, we returned back at home.

"We're home!" (Raina)

"Welcome home mistresses." Reine greeted back in her maid uniform.

"Reine get ready we are going somewhere." I told her, to which she nodded as me and Raina changed out of our school uniforms.

After ten minutes we gathered downstairs at the living room.

Raina was dressed in a sorcerer like dress complete with a belt on her hip. She also wore a white robe that covered her body complete with a hood at the top only showing a couple of her hair. Her previous black hair was now silver, as she disabled the magic that changes her hair's color.

Reine on the other hand was still dressed in her maid uniform.

I wore a buttoned black long sleeves, complete with a black long skirt that covers up to me knees. I wore a cross on my chest. Something that was given to me by my mother in the past. While my sister looks like a sorcerer I looked like a nun. Similarly my once black haired and eyes became blonde while my eyes became crimson after removing the disguised magic.

After the three of us were done changing clothes. Raina snaps her fingers activating the hidden teleportation formation in the middle of the living room under the carpet.

The blue glow enveloped us. It was so bright that it made us close our eyes for a brief moment.

Opening our eyes once more we appeared at a new location.

"Mistress where are we?" Asked Reine looking around the area.

In front of us stood a castle surrounded by a garden. The whole area was covered by a barrier. Looking outside, you can see the vast sky as clouds disperse upon hitting the barrier.

"Welcome to the floating castle, Regulus Dominion." I said to Reine.

Regulus Dominion is a floating castle or rather a fortress. It is equipped with countless weaponry in it. Among them were cannons called dingir, which fires treasures from my Gate of Babylon. There were also several spell formations in the castle allowing it to fire magic towards our enemies.

Regulus Dominion was created with the join efforts of me, Raina and a couple of our comrades using technology from my treasury, Solomon's wisdom and our research of magic items.

It can be used in attacking and defending. The ultimate weapon to attack our enemies. It the manifestation of our hobbies taken into the form of a ridiculous floating fortress, loaded with every single ridiculous feature we could think of at the time.

It can also teleport from one place to another though it would need some time to charge up.

The barrier is also ridiculous as it can absorb magic thrown towards it and only a few people in the world is capable of destroying it.

As I was explaining the fortress to Reine, a white haired loli in a gothic lolita outfit came out and greeted us.

"Welcome back sister Regina and sister Raina, as well as maid-san." Said the loli in a neutral tone.

"Reine meet Shiro. Shiro here is one of the members of Regulus Dominion. Shiro, Reine here is our maid that we recently picked up." Raina introduced the two to each other.

Shiro is a living weapon that me and Raina created by chance when we were experimenting these past 5 years. She is a special type of homunculus that can change her body into various kinds of weapons such as swords, blasters, hammers, etc.

Her body is extremely strong and comparable to that of a high class God. While her transformed weapons are of the highest caliber rivaling those of True Excalibur and my Sword Regulus.

The idea came from the weapon of the Gods, Enkidu who was the original Gilgamesh's only friend. Originally we were thinking of just creating something like a mindless weapon without will to help us in our revenge against the Arclight Family but that would be pitiful so we let her developed her own consciousness and took her as our little sister.

She is still learning so she may still lack some common sense but over the years she has gained some emotions.

"Are the other's already here?" I asked her.

"Setanta and Sister Yun Yao are in the training grounds sparring. Sister Nanashi and Sister Ilya are at the meeting room waiting. Brother Jason and Sister Medea just arrived earlier and are headed there as well. Sister Noire is at the library to pass the time."

Regulus Dominion was a group that me and Raina started along with our friends that we met over the last 5 years roaming around the world before settling back in Kuon.

We visited various safe houses left behind by our mother and met our friends along the way. Eventually we started our group Regulus Dominion where we help each of our friends.

They are our comrades in our quest for revenge. Of course we will also help them in their own problems as some of them had stories similar to us.

Shiro then led the way to the meeting room. Along the way we passed by the training so we decided to call Yun Yao and Setanta as the meeting is about to start.

Entering the room we saw two figures clashing intensely inside the training grounds.

The training grounds has a sparring grounds with a barrier in place to avoid them destroying the area. Although weak compared to the one outside its still strong nonetheless.

Looking inside we saw two people yelling at each other as they fought.

"Hey little cat is that all you got?" Said The man with a smirk which further infuriated the woman.

The man in a blue jump suit. He was a handsome man with blue hair and crimson eyes. In his hand was a crimson spear that releases a strong aura along with the man. This spear was Gae Bolg, the spear that was onced used by the Irish Hero, Cu Chulainn. The man wielding it is Setanta, a descendant of the Irish Hero. He took his ancestor's name hoping to leave behind his own legend in the world.

Opposing him at the other side was a woman of chinese descent, she was a beautiful woman that rivals that of the goddesses. She wore a white qipao with various tigers in it. She had white hair and blue eyes that shine golden as she fights. She has a pair of white gloves on her hands with a tiger mark in the back of its hand.

"Im a tiger not a cat! You stupid dog!!!" She yelled out retorting back at him.

Light covered her hands as she deflects the incoming blows with yellow lightning covering her gloves.

"[Golden Smash!]" She yelled out as she sent out waves of yellow lightning towards Setanta.

"Oh sh*t" Setanta cursed out as he blocks the incoming attack with gae Bolg.

The woman's name is Yun Yao, she is this generation's White Tiger Emperor.

She wields the Sacred gear, [Basileus Aurum] where the Divine beast that guards the West reside. The White Tiger, Baihu.

"Onee-chan its almost time for the meeting we should too them." Said Raina looking at the two of them in an intense battle which shows no signs of ending soon.

Nodding towards her I activated my sacred gear and tries to get their attention


Golden chains appear around them binding the two who are focused on the fight, interupting them.

"Its almost time for the meeting." I said to them with a deadpan expression.

Author's notes :

I thank the two people who gave some recommendations towards me. I do agree that I might have focused more on the main cast a bit too much. For those saying that Asia didn't need to die to become a Devil. There is a purpose for why I still let her die.

1) I needed a reason for Regina to use [Rule Breaker] on Raynare to dispel the mind control from her.

2) There is a chance Asia wouldn't accept being a Devil. By doing so she wouldn't able to show her Faith. She can't go to church or approach any holy objects, at least by dying she can accept it better as she will think that they did it to help her and it was inevitable as she died. In a way its not her choice so she didn't need to feel guilty about being a devil as much as it wasnt her choice to begin with it just happened and just think its the guidance of God. Asia's personality also wouldn't blame Rias and the others.