
Regina's PoV

After hearing his word I looked towards Father.

"Father, You might have already know but I have a younger twin sister named Raina. Along with Lily I'll call for them."

Hearing my words Father nodded and also prepared himself.

I took out the communications device. It was the same device I gave to Sirzechs the day before yesterday. I found Raina's name and called her. Seeing me took out a device similar to a phone Father was interested but know that the situation is serious and decided to ask about it later.

After waiting for a while Raina picked up.

[Onee-chan, You called?]

"Are you still at Regulus Dominion?" I asked her, ignoring Father and Vali Onii-san's reaction when I said 'Regulus Dominion'.

[Yes, I still am. Is there a problem?]

"Can you call Lily? Tell her I found her older brother."

Hearing that Raina was stunned.

[Thats great news! But sis why are you calling me then? Isnt it faster if you call Lily?]

I didnt know what to say at first and looked at Father. Seeing my look towards him he nodded with a determined expression.

I took a deep breath and just bluntly told her.

"I found Father..."

Hearing that Raina was quiet for a few seconds before asking.

[Are you sure?]

"100% Sure"

[Give me the locations I'll come with Lily. Judging from the conversation, I take it your with them? Both him and Lily's Brother?] Raina said with a neutral voice. I couldnt tell if she was angry or not, but regardless I told her briefly.

Her voice was different from her usual cheerful tone...


[I'll be there in 10 mins. ] She said hanging up not giving me a chance to talk anymore.

I then looked at Father and saw him looking at me.

"How is it?"

"Both of then will be here in a bit. As for Raina I couldnt tell if she was angry or sad but shes definitely not happy. She had a neutral tone of voice different from her usual cheerful voice."

Hearing that Father sighed and nodded. Seeing this me and onii-chan patted his back to show our support.

"Onii-chan are you prepared to reunite with Lily?" I asked him

He nodded with a gentle smile and told me, "Its been a while since I saw her... also dont call me Onii-chan just call me Brother Vali."

"Dont worry Onii-chan, Lily and Raina will be here in a bit." I told him.

Hearing me call him Onii-chan he twitched for a bit before giving up.

"Well lets eat breakfast first and wait for them." Said Father with a smile on his face seeing me tease Onii-chan.


Liliane's PoV

Onii-chan has been found! Raina just told me that Regina has found him. I cant wait to reunite with him!

Regina has already sent to location coordinates and we will teleport there in 10 mins using Raina's teleportation magic as she needs to change clothes as the current ones are dirty from their work in the research lab. Ilya was also here as she has something to give to Regina.

I told her we could give it to Regina but she told us she wanted to surprise Regina herself.

We asked her what it was and was only told it was a secret.

I look at Raina who seem to be thinking about something. I looked at Ilya and she told me she has no clue either.

Ilya said shes been like that since Regina's call earlier.

I wonder what Regina said to her that she is like this.

Anyway Im excited to meet Onii-chan. Speaking of which, he really is weak to being called Onii-chan. That siscon would happily accept my request whenever I acted cute and called him Onii-chan. Though the habit of calling him that stuck.

He usually acted quite cool but when I called him Onii-chan he becomes a stupid siscon. Though I wonder if he could surpress those urges now. During serious situations he probably can but normally im not so sure...


Regina's PoV

After eating breakfast I received a message from Raina that they are coming.

We then went to the backyard where I sent the coordinates and waited for them to arrive.

Shortly after the three of us have waited. Blue light shined from the ground as a magic circle appeared.

After a while the light died down revealing the figures of Raina, Lily and Ilya.

Wonder why Ilya also tagged along?

Looking at them I saw Raina gripping her staff hard slightly trembling.

Seeing her change in move Ilya and Lily go towards me as I signalled Father to go towards Raina.

Father then walked in front of her.

"Raina Im so-" He tried to apologise but was cut off as Raina cried and hugged him.

"Daddy, why didnt you protect mommy?! Why did you leave her?!" She cried out while hugging him. The Astral Codex fell to the ground as she let go of it and hit Father with her fist similarly to what I did yesterday.

Seeing this I looked at Ilya, Lily and Onii-chan who nodded and we entered the house to give them some privacy.


Upon entering the house me and  Onii-chan explained what happened to Lily and Ilya.

"I see so you found your Father..." Ilya said.

"No wonder her mood coming here was different than usual." Added Lily.

She then looked at Onii-chan and hugged him.

"Onii-chan I missed you! Why did you leave me you could have taken me with you!" She said angrily with tears in her eyes

"Sorry, I was such a coward back then." Vali weakly replied.

"Well Its fine, as long as you are fine." She said with a smile as Vali wipes her tears.


We gave the two some space for them to talk to each other and caught up to what each of them were doing these past years.

I then looked at Ilya who gave me a flashdrive.

"What is this?" I asked her curiously.

"I completed it these past few days."