Spar Against Vali

Regina's PoV

"You completed it?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes, these past few days that you were busy I worked on that and finished it the day before you went to the underworld. I just didnt have a chance to tell you as I only completed it the afternoon after the Rating Game."

What Ilya just finished was the design for the upgraded version of Solis Catastrophe. We have been working on it for many months even before we met Issei and the other Devils.

"Sorry I couldnt help you finish it." I apologised to her.

"Its fine. I had spare time anyway and this is also my hobby." She told me with a smile.

"So when can we start?" I asked her.

She thought for a bit before answering.

"Lets start after we finished making the next Regalia."

"Ah right speaking of that, The next one is yours right?" I asked her curiously as she originally told us she didnt need a regalia as her way of fighting is using her weapons as expendable.

She nodded with a smile.

"What kind of Regalia are you guys making?"

Im curious as if she made a weapon like a sword, it would conflict with her way of fighting.

"Its under the Ars Library Series as for the abilities, I'll surprise you in our next match." She said with an unusual grin different from her usual expressionless face.

The Ars Library Series as Regalias under the magic type of Regalias. This is also the series that Raina's [Astral Codex] came from.

We put regalias into 6 Different Categories and each of them came from different series lines.

Raina's [Astral Codex] belonged to what we call the Magic Type. Regalias under this category are those that has abilities that aid the usage of magic.

My [Regulus] is a under the Melee-type. These Regalias are weapons that are commonly used in close combat such as Swords.

The next one is Ranged-Type. These one are ranged class of weapons such as Guns and Blasters. Bows are also under this category.

The fourth type are defense type. These are ones are focused on defense more than offense. Regalias in this category are made to defend.

The fifth type are the support types. These types are those that support the user's already existing abilities. Under here are also regalias that support allies. Such as healing, buffing, and debuffing our enemies.

The sixth type are the special types. These are Regalia that cannot be placed under the 5 afformentioned classification.

There is also an extra type we call hybrid type. These are Regalias that can fit into two or more categories. The [Astral Codex] also fits in this category as it aids Raina in using forbidden magic as well. So it can also fit in the support type category.

As I was discussing with Ilya about the upgrade of Solis Catastrophe. Father and Raina came inside. It seems Raina has accepted him seeing as she is back to her usual self.

"Your good now?" I asked her.

"Yup! Me and Daddy are good now! Sis, Daddy told me you guys went around akihabara yesterday why didnt you invite me? Its not fair I also wanna hang out with Daddy." She said with a joking tone.

Im actually glad I didnt invite her.As I didnt want to show my crying self yesterday to her. Just thinking about it makes me embarassed.

We then introduce Ilya and Lily to Father and they also got along well.

Ilya kept glancing at Vali and Lily throughout the talk. Father who noticed this had an idea and proposed it to us.

"Ah right Ilya-chan, want to also become my daughter?"

Ilya who heard this let out a tear as she no longer has any family left after the God Veles' coup d'etat. Father already took Lily as his daughter as well when Lily asked him since Onii-san was already considered his son.

Seeing this everyone warmly smiled as she nodded and hugged Father.

"Thank you, Father."

He rubbed her head and smiled.

Azazel's thoughts : [Its only been 2 days and I already gained 4 daughters...]

As we were talking Vali suddenly remembered something and looked towards me.

"Ah right, Azazel told me that you are really powerful. I want to have a fight with you." He said with a smile.

That look... I know that look. Its the same look Yun Yao and Setanta had when they find strong opponents.

Well its fine I guess. I wanted to see how strong he is as well.

"Fine, but where do we fight?" I asked him.

"Lets go to the training grounds downstairs."


Father lead us towards a big elevator. As we rode it. It took a second before arriving at the destination.

Seeing this the 4 of us were surprised as we didnt expect it to be that fast.

Father who saw our expression kindly explained to us. "The elevator is actually just a gimmick we just teleported using a formation."

Hearing that we were surprised as we didnt even notice any energy being used.

"There is concealment formation also added on it. An original of mine." He continued seeing our surprise.

Hearing that we nodded.

Arriving at the training ground we saw a huge underground area. There were also many mountains added and other terrain possibly for training.

"In this underground training grounds you can go all out as its protected by a strong barrier that can defend against satan class fighters. Only when being concentrated by satan level fighters would it break so dont worry. Just becareful of injuries." Father explained to us.

"Daddy, I can deal with injuries using healing magic so Onii-chan and Onee-chan can go all out." Raina cut in and told Father.

"In that case go all out."

Hearing that the two of us nodded and went towards an open space. Onii-chan took the lead and I followed as he is more familiar with this area.

After seeing the two of us have settled. Father asks us, "Are you both ready?"

We both nodded as Father announced the start of the fight
