Chapter 49

Nina slipped out of the apartment, a soft click echoing through the silence as the door closed behind her. The early morning sunlight bathed the city streets, the golden rays casting long, dramatic shadows on the concrete. She stepped into the quiet, leaving Peter and MJ alone in the apartment.

As soon as Nina was out of sight, MJ opened her eyes, her gaze meeting Peter's. "Morning," Peter greeted her, his voice cautious. She remained quiet, her eyes lingering on Peter for a moment longer than necessary. Her face was impassive, unreadable. "Feeling better?" she finally asked, her tone oddly detached.

Peter blinked, taken aback by MJ's coldness. He managed a nod, his confusion apparent. "Yeah, yeah, I am. Thanks."

When MJ asked him if he knew who Nina was, his hesitation was all the answer she needed. Her heart pounded against her chest. The truth was right there in front of her. It stung, but there was also a sense of relief that came with the acceptance of it. Peter and Nina, they were suited for one another, she thought.

MJ plastered a smile on her face, one that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Want something to drink?" she offered, trying to maintain her composure.

Peter looked puzzled, not knowing what to make of her abrupt change in demeanor. Their conversation, if it could be called that, was filled with awkward silences and short responses, a stark contrast to the normally lively exchanges they used to have.

When Nina returned, the atmosphere in the room was heavy. She entered with breakfast in her arms, her brows furrowing when she noticed MJ's presence. Peter looked as if he were walking on eggshells, and MJ's guarded expression made the situation even more bewildering.

"I see you're awake, MJ," Nina said, trying to inject some cheer into the room, though she felt a nagging unease. She exchanged a look with Peter, his eyes reflecting his confusion. But Nina, ever observant, began to piece together what might have happened during her absence.

The sun had long since set when Peter and Nina, both clad in their superhero suits, arrived at Martin Li's office. The building loomed above them, dark and foreboding in the night. Their mission was simple: to find any evidence that could tie Li to the devastating bombings.

Upon entering the office, they immediately stumbled upon a secret room. The floor was electrically charged, an unexpected hazard that nearly claimed Peter's life. Nina, however, was unfazed. Her suit had the ability to levitate, and she hovered safely above the dangerous ground.

"Man, your suit is cool," Peter mused, his tone laced with envy. "How does that work?"

"Magic," Nina replied with a smirk. Peter chuckled, assuming she was joking, but Nina was actually telling the truth. Her suit had been imbued with the power of flight by her Empress.

Once they reached the desk, they began to sift through the documents strewn about. Their eyes landed on a single word that sent chills down Nina's spine: "Devil's Breath."

Nina felt her heart sink. She'd seen this term before, in the evidence Wilson Fisk had on Norman Osborn. Devil's Breath, also known as GR-27, was an experimental, imperfect medical treatment virus created by Oscorp. Its creation was spurred by Norman's desperate attempt to cure his wife, and later his son, of their terminal illnesses. If completed successfully, the virus had the potential to cure genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis and Huntington's chorea, thanks to the combination of CRISPR genome editing with AI-controlled gRNA. Compared to the nanites from the Genoshian Empire, the virus was a feeble imitation, but it was still dangerous in its own right.

Peter frowned, confused by the cryptic term. He noticed the change in Nina's body language and realized she knew more about Devil's Breath than she was letting on. "Nina," he started, his tone serious, "what's Devil's Breath? And why does it seem like you've seen this before?"

Nina glanced at Peter before turning her gaze back to the scattered documents on the desk. The silence hung heavy in the room, amplifying the distant hum of the city outside. She knew she couldn't avoid the conversation any longer. It was time to explain.

"Do you remember the USB data I copied from Fisk's office?" she began, her voice measured and calm. Peter's eyes widened in recognition, his confusion momentarily replaced by surprise.

"Yes, you said you found what Fisk was using to blackmail Norman... but you wouldn't give me any details. You said it was too personal."

Nina nodded. "It was. And it still is. That information... it was about Devil's Breath."

Nina proceeded to explain what she knew about Devil's Breath, detailing its creation, intended purpose, and the risks it posed. She spoke about Norman's desperate attempt to cure his son, even if it meant resorting to such dangerous methods. Her voice echoed in the empty room, her words forming a haunting narrative that revealed the truth behind Osborn's actions.

Peter listened, his face a picture of surprise, confusion, and concern. Harry was supposed to be in Europe. He wasn't supposed to be terminally ill. It was a lot to take in.

"But that doesn't make sense..." Peter finally managed to say. "Harry's in Europe. He's not... he's not..."

Before Peter could finish his sentence, the sound of a door opening echoed through the office. Their heads snapped towards the source of the sound. They were no longer alone.

Quickly and silently, Nina and Peter moved into the shadows, hidden from the view of Martin Li's henchmen who had just entered the building. They watched from their hidden positions as the men moved around the office, their faces set in stern expressions as they investigated the disturbance.

Peter, never one to shy away from a fight, was already analyzing the situation, calculating the best way to take them out quickly and quietly. He was just about to leap into action when Nina's hand on his arm stopped him.

"Wait," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "We should remain unseen. They don't need to know we were here, and for all they know, the trap could've been triggered accidentally."

Peter looked at her, considering her words. After a moment, he nodded, seeing the logic in her argument. "Alright. Let's sneak out then."

In response, Nina activated a function on her suit, and her body shimmered slightly before disappearing entirely. Peter's eyes widened in surprise.

"Seriously? You can go invisible too?" he complained, half-jokingly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Nina's disembodied voice chuckled softly in response. "Guess you'll just have to step up your game, Spider-Man."

Stealthily, they maneuvered through the building, avoiding the henchmen with their keen senses and quick reflexes. Despite the tension of the situation, they couldn't help but share a soft laugh at their successful evasion. They may not have gotten all the answers they were looking for, but they were one step closer to unraveling the mystery of Devil's Breath. And for now, that was enough.

In the following days, life in the city began to pick up the pieces and fall into an uneasy rhythm. The shock of the bombing and the revelation of Martin Li's true nature left a mark, but it also pulled the community together in unexpected ways.

Among the many people who wanted to lend a helping hand was a young boy named Miles Morales, who joined F.E.A.S.T. as a volunteer. When Peter and Miles met, there was an instant connection, the two forming a quick friendship amidst the flurry of activity at the shelter.

On the other side of the city, things were also changing. Osborn, feeling the heat from all sides, turned to mercenary Silver Sable and her private military company, Sable International, to protect the city and take down the Inner Demons. Sable, though efficient and driven, was wary of Spider-Man, seeing him more as a potential threat than an ally. This strained relationship often added an extra layer of difficulty to Peter's efforts to track down Mister Negative and the Inner Demons.

When they weren't on the field, Nina and Peter spent their time combing through the data they had collected, looking for any clues that could lead them to Li's whereabouts. During their investigation, they discovered the motive behind Li's vendetta against Osborn and his fixation on the Devil's Breath, a bioweapon Osborn inadvertently created while searching for a universal cure for diseases.

Things finally came to a head when Li managed to get his hands on the Devil's Breath and made an attempt to release it in Grand Central Station. Thanks to the combined efforts of Nina and Peter, Li's plan was thwarted, leading to his capture and subsequent incarceration in the Raft, a high-security prison. The day was saved, but it left a bittersweet taste in their mouths.

Meanwhile, in a quieter corner of the city, Doctor Otto Octavius was working tirelessly, driven by his growing obsession with getting revenge on Osborn. His latest project? Further developing his artificial arms into large tentacle-like constructs and controlling them via a potentially dangerous neural implant.

The few times Peter had visited the doctor, he couldn't shake off the growing sense of unease. His mentor was changing, his focus singular and obsession palpable. And the untested implant, Peter feared, could be affecting Octavius' mental state in ways they might not be able to foresee.

"Be careful, Otto," he murmured to himself one night, staring at the skyline from the edge of a rooftop. "Don't lose yourself in this fight."

His thoughts were interrupted by the quiet hum of Nina's voice in his earpiece, updating him on her latest findings about Li's remaining operations. With a nod to himself, he pushed off the rooftop, diving into the night, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

High above the city, the cacophony of traffic and life itself fell into a muted whisper, the chill wind rustling through the features of Nina's suit. Her eyes, glinting under the moonlight, were directed towards the windows of F.E.A.S.T., where Peter was, checking up on Aunt May.

For a fleeting moment, a rare wave of emotion washed over her – was it love? She blinked at the thought, shook her head. Love was a word laden with profound implications and at this point, she wasn't sure if she was ready to plunge into its mysterious depths.

"I still don't know what this feeling is," she mumbled to herself, her words snatched away by the wind. "And I'm not going to give in until I'm sure."

Her contemplation was abruptly shattered by V's notification of an incoming call. It wasn't Peter. It was Tony Stark. Surprise flickered in her eyes, followed by a hint of amusement. "Let him through, V," she said, her voice returning to its customary coolness.

"Playing hard to get, are we?" Tony's voice, rich with a hint of playfulness, echoed in her earpiece. Nina frowned, thrown off guard by his choice of words. Tony seemed to pick up on her silence, and with a chuckle, he added, "You ghosted me in D.C. That's a first, really. No woman has ever been able to resist my charms."

Nina rolled her eyes so hard she was certain they might get stuck. Tony Stark and his never-ending arrogance! Suppressing a laugh, she replied, "Oh, I assure you, Tony, your charms were not the reason I left."

Tony was silent for a moment, his interest piqued. "Oh? Do tell, Nina. What drew you away to the Big Apple?" His tone was slightly teasing, yet there was a genuine curiosity underneath.

Nina exhaled, a trail of her breath disappearing into the cold night air. This conversation was something she hadn't anticipated, but it wasn't entirely unwelcome. And so, under the twinkling night sky, she began to unravel her story, the story of why she came to New York.

Nina inhaled, weighing each word before she spoke, mindful of how much she revealed. She didn't want to disclose anything about Peter; it wasn't her secret to share. She focused on the virus and its nanites instead, something she thought Tony would find intriguing.

As expected, Tony's curiosity piqued at the mention of the nanites. "Fascinating... just think of the possibilities, the applications..." He mused, his voice filled with an unmistakable fervor.

Nina could almost envision Tony in his lab, lost in a world of circuits and blueprints, the glow of high-tech screens illuminating his face. She let him ramble for a few moments before interrupting, "Tony, why did you call?"

Tony's voice changed, becoming more relaxed. His casual tone suggested he was leaning back in his chair, the picture of nonchalance. "Well, Nina, I was wondering... are you still interested in becoming an Avenger? And do you have time to swing by Avengers Tower?"

A rush of emotions surged within Nina, a whirlwind of excitement, relief, and anticipation. But on the surface, she maintained her calm facade. "Tony, I..." She hesitated, swallowing the wave of feelings. Then, her voice steady, she continued, "I would like that."

Her heart pounded in her chest, her eyes staring blankly at the twinkling lights of the city below, the realization that her dream was still within her reach slowly sinking in. She was getting another chance, another opportunity to become an Avenger. Despite the chaotic circumstances, a small part of her couldn't help but feel hopeful about the future.

The city below was a blur as Nina soared above the rooftops, her destination being the towering beacon that was the Avengers Tower. She descended onto the helipad with a grace that defied the laws of physics. Stepping off the pad, she was greeted by none other than Tony Stark himself, his signature grin firmly in place, and Pepper Potts, the CEO of Stark Industries.

A soft gasp escaped Pepper as she looked at Nina, her eyes shining with recognition and gratitude. Pepper had been longing to meet the woman who had saved her from certain death, the woman whose face she could not remember, but whose actions had been imprinted in her memory.

"Nina," she started, stepping forward and extending a hand in greeting. "I've been wanting to meet you for a while now. You saved me from Killian. If it wasn't for you, I would've... well," she trailed off, the memories of that horrifying night flooding back.

Nina could see the sincere gratitude in Pepper's eyes. Her heart swelled at the acknowledgement, and she returned the handshake, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "You're welcome, Pepper. I'm just glad I could help."

Tony watched the exchange with an amused smirk. He leaned against the metal railing of the helipad, arms crossed over his chest. "Alright, Pep, don't go too hard on her. She just got here," he teased, throwing a quick wink Nina's way.

Pepper rolled her eyes at Tony, her smile never wavering. She shook her head, playfully nudging Tony with her elbow. "Oh, hush, Tony. It's not nagging, it's called gratitude."

A chuckle escaped Nina's lips at their playful banter. As she watched them, a pang of something unexpected hit her - a flutter of an emotion she quickly bottled up. It was strange; the interaction between Tony and Pepper stirred memories of her own exchanges with Peter. It wasn't the time to delve into her feelings, though. She was here on a mission, and distractions wouldn't do her any good.

As Pepper excused herself to attend to a call, leaving Tony and Nina alone on the helipad, the backdrop of the setting sun cast a warm glow over the cityscape. Tony, ever the master of small talk, took the first step, his smirk never wavering.

"So, Nina, how's the hero gig treating you?" he started, leaning casually against the railing, his eyes keenly observing her.

Nina shrugged, her gaze resting on the horizon. "It's... challenging, but rewarding."

Tony chuckled, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "That's the spirit. Being an Avenger isn't all glamour and glory, as you'll soon find out."

Her eyes flicked to him, curiosity stirring within her. "Is that an offer, Mr. Stark?"

Tony grinned, pushing himself off the railing to stand straight. "Well, it's definitely not a rejection. We could use someone like you."

Nina's heart pounded with excitement, though she kept her expression neutral. "And what makes you think I'm Avenger material?"

Tony pointed a finger at her, his smile taking on a knowing edge. "It's not just about the superpowers, Nina. It's about making the hard choices, about standing up even when the odds are against you. It's about being... human."

There was a pause as his words hung in the air. Nina felt the gravity of his statement, the depth of its meaning resonating with her own experiences.

"You're right, Mr. Stark," Nina nodded, her tone serious. "I have made some hard choices. But, I'm not sure if I've always made the right ones."

Tony gave her a firm pat on the shoulder, his expression softening. "Nina, making the right choice isn't always about being perfect. It's about learning from the wrong ones. And trust me, I've made plenty."

The moment was poignant, the conversation veering towards a depth she hadn't anticipated. It reminded her of the choices she had made, the secrets she was keeping, and the conflicts she was trying to resolve.

Her thoughts flickered towards Peter again, but she shook them off. Now wasn't the time to lose focus. She was being offered a chance to be a part of something bigger. A chance to make a difference on a grander scale.

"I'll keep that in mind, Mr. Stark," Nina finally said, her voice steady. "And if being an Avenger means I can do more good... then, I'm in."

Tony smiled, extending a hand. "Welcome to the team, Nina. Let's save the world, shall we?"

Nina shook his hand, a grin spreading across her face. She was officially an Avenger.