Chapter 50

The morning sunlight filtered through the glass facade of the Avengers Tower, casting long shadows on the floor. Nina, who had just woken up in her own room, joined Tony Stark in the hallway.

"Ready for the grand tour, Nina?" Tony quipped, his signature smirk in place as he adjusted his sunglasses.

Nina chuckled, folding her arms across her chest. "Lead the way, Mr. Stark."

With that, the billionaire genius started leading her through the impressive structure. Tony's stride was confident, his body language as grand as the building they were in.

"The Tower has three main sections," he began, gesturing towards the corridor ahead. "Residential, that's where we are now. Then there's R&D and Ops. Everything an Avenger could possibly need."

Nina nodded, already mentally noting down the layout. They passed a spacious room filled with advanced gym equipment and combat training facilities. Tony pointed inside, "And here's where the magic happens. Our very own danger room."

"I can see that," Nina replied, her eyes taking in the variety of training apparatus. The prospect of honing her abilities amongst Earth's mightiest heroes thrilled her.

As they moved through the R&D section, Tony's enthusiasm visibly heightened. "And here's where the second kind of magic happens. High-tech toys, state-of-the-art lab, you name it. This is where we make sure we're always a step ahead."

Nina couldn't help but be amazed by the advanced technology all around her, from holographic interfaces to automated fabrication systems. This was a testament to Tony Stark's genius, a physical representation of his contributions to the Avengers.

Their tour ended at the Ops Center, a bustling hub of activity with multiple screens displaying global data feeds, a central holographic display, and a team of analysts at work.

"And this," Tony gestured with a sweeping motion, "is the nerve center. From here, we coordinate our missions, monitor global threats... basically, keep the world safe."

Nina looked around, taking in the level of sophistication and coordination. "It's amazing, Mr. Stark. This... all of it."

Tony shrugged, a self-satisfied grin on his face. "Well, we aim to please. Feel at home, Nina. This is your place now."

"I will," she responded, her gaze lingering on the Ops Center. She was an Avenger now. And she was ready to face whatever came next.

Nina turned at the sound of her name, her eyes meeting the warm smiles of Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers. There was an ease about them, a camaraderie that Nina had not often experienced.

"Welcome to the team, Nina," Steve greeted, extending his hand for a firm shake.

Nina returned the gesture, matching his strength. "Thank you, Captain."

Sam then chimed in, a playful glint in his eye. "Alright, alright, no need to be all formal here. How about we celebrate your joining with a friendly spar? We've always wondered who'd be the better fighter, you or Steve."

Nina raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms in amusement. "You want me to spar with Steve?"

Before she could continue, Tony cut in from behind her, adding fuel to the fire. "I'd put my money on Nina, Cap."

Steve shot Tony a bemused glance, "Is that so, Stark?" He then turned back to Nina with a good-natured smile, "I won't go easy on you."

"Well, I would be disappointed if you did, Captain," Nina retorted, mirroring Steve's grin.

Just like that, it was settled. A spar between the newcomer and the veteran, a friendly welcome turned into a friendly competition, all under the watchful and teasing eyes of her new team. It was an interaction filled with laughter and shared excitement - a moment of normalcy in a world that was anything but. It was a moment that made Nina feel like she truly belonged.

The fight began with a calm deliberation, an invisible dance unfolding between the two warriors in the open training space. The Avengers Tower's spacious gym echoed with the silence of anticipation, eyes watching as Nina and Steve Rogers faced each other.

Steve, despite his experience, was cautious, assessing Nina as she mirrored his movements. They circled each other like two predators, each gauging the other's abilities. Their eyes locked, each fighter's gaze unyielding, portraying a mutual respect and understanding.

The first few exchanges were light, experimental. Steve moved first, quick as a snake striking, his hand shooting out to land a firm yet controlled punch. Nina was quicker though, parrying the strike with ease, her own hand lashing out in response.

The next few minutes were a blur of motion, the pair testing each other's reflexes and skills. Steve was a formidable opponent, his years of experience evident in his fluid movements and precise strikes. He was strength and finesse combined, his fighting style reflecting his resolve and discipline.

Yet Nina was different. Where Steve was a hardened soldier, she was the swirling storm. She was quick and agile, each move laced with an innate grace that came from years of training. Her style was flexible, constantly changing and adapting, a testament to her years of experience as Ivy.

As the spar continued, the pace quickened. Each punch was faster, each kick landed with more force. Steve managed to land a few solid hits, but Nina was always one step ahead, her superior agility and reflexes keeping her out of the Captain's reach.

There was a raw power to their duel, a sense of respect and admiration shining through with each exchange. It was a thrilling spectacle, their fight a dance of skill, strength, and strategy.

And then, with a swift feint and an even quicker counter, Nina struck. Her movements were fluid and fast, too quick for even Steve to fully comprehend. One moment he was on his feet, the next he was on the mat, Nina's foot pressed lightly against his chest.

The gym erupted into applause, the Avengers cheering for the newcomer. Despite the outcome, there was no bitterness, no resentment on Steve's face as he extended his hand to Nina, a gracious smile adorning his face.

"You're pretty good, Ivy," he complimented, his eyes bright with a competitive spark.

Nina returned the smile, her own eyes gleaming with the same spirit, "So are you, Captain."

The spar had ended, but the mutual respect between Nina and Steve had just been solidified. The team cheered, the camaraderie and excitement filling the room. For now, it was Nina's win, but there was always tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. In this space, among these people, it was about more than just winning. It was about growing, learning, and most importantly, it was about being a part of a team.

As the sparring match came to a close, Tony and Sam's conversation began to rise above the cheers and the claps that echoed in the room.

"Well, well, well, I do believe that's a win for my girl Nina," Tony grinned, swiveling in his chair to face Sam.

"No, wait a minute," Sam protested, waving a dismissive hand. "We never specified the terms of the spar. If it was about landing the most hits, I think Cap would have had that."

Tony quirked an eyebrow, looking at Sam with a smirk. "Nice try, Wilson, but we both know that's not how these things work. It was about who'd end up on the mat first, and as much as it pains me to say it, our dear Captain took a dive."

"But…" Sam began, trying to find a loophole, a way to save his twenty bucks. "We never said that one fall would count as a defeat. Cap could have rallied back."

"Sorry, Sam, but even if we hadn't explicitly said it, it's an unspoken rule in a spar. One solid down, it's over," Tony countered, extending his hand palm up, his smile becoming wider. "Now, about that bet..."

Sighing dramatically, Sam reached into his pocket, pulling out a crumpled twenty-dollar bill. "You're absolutely unbearable, Stark," he muttered, but there was a twinkle in his eye, the lightness of their banter cutting through any real disappointment.

"Only when I'm right," Tony said smugly, accepting the bill with a flourish. "Which, let's face it, is most of the time."

"Sure, Tony, whatever helps you sleep at night," Sam retorted, grinning despite his loss. As they laughed, the camaraderie in the room was palpable, a sense of family emerging from their good-natured rivalry. This was the heart of the Avengers - competition, friendship, and an unbreakable bond.

*** elsewhere ***

The whirlwind of chaos spun around Octavius as he launched his assault on both Ryker's Island and the Raft, adopting his new moniker, "Doctor Octopus". Freeing the prisoners, including Mister Negative, Electro, Vulture, Rhino, and Scorpion, he assembled the Sinister Six, all while making off with the Devil's Breath, now at loose from police custody.

In the midst of this pandemonium, Peter dialed Nina, his tone revealing a hint of urgency, "Nina, it's Peter. Ryker's Island and the Raft. It''s a mess."

Nina, already well aware of the situation at the Avengers Tower, answered, "I saw the news, Peter. It looks pretty bad right?"

"Yeah," Peter grimly confirmed. "Hopefully they don't band together and cause too much damage. Devil's Breath is stored there."

There was a pause on the line, Nina taking in the gravity of the situation. "Peter, you can't go there alone. I'm leaving the Avengers Tower now. Wait for me."

Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair. "There's not much time, Nina. We need to act fast."

"I know," Nina retorted, a hint of urgency entering her voice. "But we're better off together. We can handle this, Peter."

A hesitant silence fell between them, Peter grappling with the urgency of the situation and Nina's insistence. He finally relented, "Okay, I'll wait for you. But hurry, Nina."

"Trust me, Peter," Nina replied with a determined edge to her voice, "I will." With that, she ended the call, steeling herself for the inevitable clash that awaited them.

From his vantage point, Peter's eyes nervously darted to the scene of chaos at the Raft. The distant bursts of fire and echoing gunfire sent adrenaline coursing through his veins. His instincts screamed at him to leap into action, but he hesitated, remembering his promise to Nina. Just as he was on the brink of disregarding his agreement, a familiar figure appeared beside him.

"Sorry I'm late," Nina apologized, panting slightly from her hurried arrival. There was a mischievous glint in her eyes as she added, "Brought some backup, too."

Peter shot her a confused glance but didn't have time to inquire further. The escalating situation at the Raft demanded their attention.

Yuri Watanabe's voice crackled over the communicator in Peter's ear. "Spider-Man, the situation is worsening by the second. We need your intervention now."

"We're on it, Yuri," Peter assured her, glancing at Nina. "You ready?"

"Always," she confirmed, her gaze set on the chaos ahead.

As they swung into action, Peter couldn't shake off Nina's earlier comment. "What did you mean by 'backup'?" he asked, struggling to keep his focus amidst the bedlam unfolding at the Raft.

"Just a little something I arranged," Nina replied cryptically, a small smirk playing on her lips. "You'll see."

As they reached the scene, they were greeted by the sight of Mister Negative, Electro, Vulture, Rhino, and Scorpion spreading mayhem. The villains had clearly strategized to divide and conquer.

"Nina, we need to stick together," Peter called out, a note of urgency in his voice. "Don't let them separate us."

"I've got your back, Spider-Man," she replied, her tone unwavering. The confidence in her voice reassured Peter. Despite the odds, they had a fighting chance.

And with that, they plunged into the melee, determined to restore order amidst the chaos.

As they swung and dashed around the prison grounds, it didn't take long for Nina to realize that their enemies were executing a coordinated plan. Their attacks were too precise, their strategies too perfectly matched to Spider-Man's and her own combat patterns. It felt as though they were up against a chess master who knew their every move before they made it.

"V," Nina spoke softly, her focus on the battle, "scan the Raft's footage. I want to know who's calling the shots here."

Seconds later, her AI reported back, "Doctor Otto Octavius seems to be the instigator. He released all prisoners and appears to be commanding the Sinister Six."

As confirmation, a miniature video feed popped up in the corner of her helmet's HUD. It showed Octavius, now known as Doctor Octopus, in his mechanized suit, releasing prisoners and directing the other five. She wasn't surprised; this level of organization and cunning had Octavius written all over it.

"Peter," she called out over the comms, her voice steady despite the effort it took to dodge Electro's bolts and deflect Rhino's charges simultaneously. "It's Octavius. He's the one who caused all of this."

There was a moment of silence on the other end, punctuated by the sounds of grunts and thuds. She could imagine the surprise on Peter's face as he absorbed this information while still holding his own against Vulture and Scorpion. When he finally responded, his voice was grim.

"Doc Ock..." he mused. "I should've guessed. His new arms...they've changed him."

"But not for the better," Nina added, hurling herself into a somersault to avoid Mister Negative's dark energy blast. "We have to stop him, Peter. And his Sinister Six."

"Agreed," Peter replied, determination coloring his voice. "We can do this, Nina."

"Right," she said, bracing herself for the next wave of attacks. "Let's show them what we're made of."

Despite the grim situation, a small smile graced her face. Together, they would face this storm. And together, they would overcome it. Because that's what heroes did.

Seeing an opportunity to disrupt their opponents' strategy, Nina darted through the chaos towards Electro. In her last encounter with him, a simple blow to the head had taken him down.

"Hey, Sparky!" she called, her voice carrying clearly over the din of battle. "Fancy another go?"

Electro's head snapped towards her. The blue glow around him intensified, and his teeth gritted in anger.

"You...!" he spat, his voice crackling with static.

Not giving him the chance to retaliate, Nina turned to Scorpion, who had been lurking nearby. "And you, Scorpion!" she yelled, her taunt clear. "Still nursing that last wound I gave you?"

Scorpion growled in response, his tail lashing out as he took a step towards her. The provocations were working - both villains seemed to have forgotten their previous mission, focusing instead on their new personal vendetta.

Across the battlefield, Mister Negative could see the plan unraveling. He started towards them, intending to get Electro and Scorpion back on track. But Spider-Man intervened, swooping down from above to block Mister Negative's path.

"Peter," Nina said, a note of satisfaction in her voice as she watched their enemies fall into disarray. "It's working. I've got Electro and Scorpion on me."

"Great job, Nina," Peter responded. His voice held a hint of breathlessness, indicating his own struggle against their opponents. "Keep them busy. I'll deal with Mister Negative."

Nina nodded, even though she knew he couldn't see her. "Watch yourself, Peter," she advised. "And remember, we're in this together."

"We always are," Peter's voice came back, warm and reassuring. And with that, they returned to the fight, determined to bring the situation under control.

Nina turned her focus back to Electro, Scorpion, and Rhino, mentally preparing for the imminent brawl. Electro, fueled by anger from her taunts, was the first to strike, sending a surge of electricity toward her.

"Come on, Sparky," Nina taunted, nimbly sidestepping his attack. "You're going to have to do better than that."

In retaliation, Scorpion lunged forward, his mechanical tail whirring dangerously. Nina leaped back, avoiding the tail's sharp point, then immediately retaliated with a powerful punch that sent him sprawling.

"Not so quick, Scorpion," she called out, her voice echoing over the chaos of battle. "Need to work on that defense!"

Rhino, who had been observing from the side, charged with an earth-shattering roar, attempting to take advantage of Nina's momentary distraction with Scorpion. Swiftly, she pivoted, meeting Rhino's charge with a well-aimed kick that staggered him.

"Rhino, always charging head-first. When will you learn?" Nina mocked, dancing back to put some space between her and the massive villain.

Electro, having recovered from his initial shock, sent another wave of electricity surging toward her. Nina swiftly called up a force field using her advanced tech, the bright blue energy crackling harmlessly against it.

"I've got some tricks of my own, Electro," she shot back, her voice calm amidst the swirling chaos.

Nina was a blur, a whirlwind of motion as she skillfully parried, dodged, and struck. She was well-aware that this was a war of attrition, a test of endurance and strategy rather than brute force. And she was more than ready to outlast them.

Nina saw an opening, seizing her chance. In a swift motion, she delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to Rhino, sending him crashing into a wall. Simultaneously, she raised her hand, unleashing a strong electrical pulse at Electro that short-circuited him, causing him to fall unconscious. Lastly, she used her advanced tech to generate a sonic wave, hitting Scorpion and throwing him off balance before he, too, slumped to the ground, out cold.

Catching her breath, she glanced over to see that Peter had webbed up Mister Negative and Vulture, wrapping them securely in his strong, sticky webbing.

"Only two, Spider-Man?" she teased, her voice laced with amusement as she surveyed his handiwork. "I thought we were in a competition here."

Peter let out a chuckle, despite the grim situation. "Well, if you had left some for me, Ivy, maybe we could have had a fair contest."

Their banter was cut short when an explosion rocked the ground beneath them. Their heads whipped around, their eyes falling on a different building in the prison complex where several inmates were making a run for it.

"Guess our work here isn't done yet," Nina remarked dryly, already springing into action.

Peter quickly followed, both of them racing toward the new threat, their previous banter forgotten in the face of the escalating crisis. Their focus was singular – to prevent any more inmates from escaping the Raft.

As they raced to contain the escaped prisoners, both Nina and Peter noticed several had already made it across to the city, their hearts sinking at the sight.

"Miss Nina," V's voice piped up in her helmet, "I've detected traces of the Devil's Breath being released in Times Square."

The announcement chilled her to the bone. The bio-weapon was a serious threat, and if it was being used in a place as populated as Times Square, the consequences could be catastrophic.

Suddenly, Tony's voice rang out over their comms. "Hey, you didn't think you'd get to have all the fun without us, did you?" His tone was light, but the urgency underneath wasn't missed.

Following his voice, the forms of Steve, Sam, and Natasha swooped into view. They'd brought in the rest of the Avengers for support, and Nina let out a sigh of relief.

"Sam, Natasha," Steve was already barking out orders, "Get to the city, contain the escapees. We'll handle things here."

The pair nodded, immediately veering off towards the city.

Steve touched down near Nina and Peter at the Raft, looking apologetic. "Sorry we're late. Traffic was a nightmare," he joked, the faint smile not quite reaching his eyes.

Peter, still stunned by the arrival of the legendary Avengers, managed a choked out, "No problem, Cap. Better late than never." He shook his head slightly, as if trying to shake off his shock, and refocused his attention on the crisis at hand. There was still work to be done.

As they worked together to handle the chaos at the Raft, Nina turned her attention back to the escalating situation in the city.

"Tony," she called out over comms, her voice urgent, "I've detected traces of the Devil's Breath in Times Square."

There was a brief silence before Tony's voice came back, noticeably sharper. "What? Are you sure?"

"I'm never wrong about these things," Nina replied, grunting as she threw an inmate back into his cell.

"Alright," Tony said, the gravity of the situation evident in his voice. "I'm on it. Deploying drones now to cordon off the area. Worst case, we'll have to contain it to a city block to prevent a city-wide outbreak."

Nina could practically hear the gears turning in his head as he quickly strategized. Despite the seriousness of the situation, she couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of relief. If anyone could manage to contain this disaster, it was Tony Stark.

"Keep us updated, Tony," she said, turning her attention back to the fray. "And be careful."

"I always am, Nina," Tony quipped, though there was a serious undertone in his voice. "Take care of things over there. I'll handle this."