New World

April 1st, 2014. 11:25 AM.

Fort Dallas. TX. Hospital

When I awoke it was a new world, I sat up and tried to get out of the bed and stand, with the first step I took I instantly I fell to the ground. I could fell the burn on my back and I had a massive headache.

"HELLO!" I yelled as I tried getting up again.

"Patrick you shouldn't be up." A woman standing in the doorway said.

"What happened, where am I, where's my family?" I ask in a frantic voice.

Apparently the 45th Attack Battalion came through and found my family. Our mother was dead she went into the sewer and was attacked by Husk, if only I would have checked the sewer before letting her go down. My sister Lisa had taken a blow to the head which had put her in a coma, which isn't the worst part she had also had a large piece of metal thrown into her back paralyzing her. I had a severe concussion and a large burn on my back I was out for days. My brother Clayton had disappeared three days before I awoke only leaving to letters on with my name and the other my sisters.


Dear Chance,

I'm sorry that I can't say this in person, but I don't have the courage to say this to you or Lisa. I killed our mother, I had no choice she had turned Husk, I had no choice I'm sorry. A man by the name of Howard Cross will be by to see you he was part of the group that saved us, I asked him to watch after you. Don't worry about me I'm going to find my own path, I'm not joining the Army anymore that whole bombing us thing didn't sit well with me. Remember to take care of yourself and our sister, she will need all the support she can get when she wakes up. I love you, and I'll see you again someday.

P.s. Try and drop that cold emotionless way that you act.


"Damn him, how can he just disappear like that." I whispered to myself.

After the bombs dropped they cleared Fort Worth and finished the wall, then seeing how Fort Worth and Dallas was now just one large city they renamed it "Fort Dallas". After they bombed the city they found over three hundred survivors in the wreckage of Fort Worth. Fort Worth became a shanty town for orphan children and forgotten elderly, Fort Dallas had about 60,000 G.A.T.D soldiers and 150,000 civilians and growing everyday. The US population was at about 30%, we had secured 5 major cities, and only had contact with 4 other countries.


G.A.T.D Mobile Command.

USS George Washington Carrier Strike Group.

"General we have lost contact with all Human Alliance leaders, they are all confirmed dead only three are unknown." a young soldier said while looking at a computer.

"How many cities did we manage to secure?" General Connery said in a commanding tone.

"Only eight sir, we have lost contact with many G.A.T.D. unit's all over the world. We have contact with the G.A.T.D Tokyo Division, Moscow Division, Shanghai Division, and the London Division no others have reported in."

" I want a report of the numbers of civilian population and military force in all areas as soon as possible." General Connery ordered.

" Sir if I may make a suggestion, I think we should take the fleet to the Gulf Of Mexico. Texas has the largest city under our protection, we also have two fully operational bases Fort Hood and Dyess Air Force Base." a confident Major mentioned.


Within the first month it became clear that we weren't coming back from this second outbreak easily. The Husk Virus had mutated so bad new Husk were being found with strange and powerful abilities. We had eight US cities with half the population it had before, some small survivor settlements where being found almost daily and contact with other countries was limited. The Husk wasn't the only problem either we have had terrorist groups raise in power attacking settlements and G.A.T.D outpost. To take back this world we would have to fight the hardest battle we would ever fight.


Civilian, Military and Enemy populations.

1. Miami, Florida: Civilian Population: 200,000+.

G.A.T.D Force's: 3 Infantry Division's, 1 Armoured Division, 2 Air Division's.

2. Providence, Rhode Island: Civilian Population:80,000+.

G.A.T.D Force's: 1 Infantry Division, 1 Armoured Battalion, 2 Air Groups.

3. Indianapolis, Indiana: Civilian Population: 300,000+.

G.A.T.D Force's: 4 Infantry Division's, 1 Armoured Division, 1 Air Division.

4. Salt Lake City, Utah: Civilian Population: 500,000.

G.A.T.D Force's: 4 Infantry Division's, 2 Armoured Division's, 1 Air Division.

5. San Francisco, California: Civilian Population: 600,000+.

G.A.T.D Force's: 4 Infantry Division's, 1 Armoured Division, 2 Air Division's.

6. Olympia Washington: Civilian Population: 45,000.

G.A.T.D Force's: 1 Infantry Division, 1 Armoured Battalion, 1 Air Group.

7. Honolulu, Hawaii: Civilian Population: 90,000+.

G.A.T.D Force's: 2 Infantry Division's, 1 Air Division, 1 Amphibious Group.

8. Fort Dallas, Texas: Civilian Population: 700,000+.

G.A.T.D Force's: 4 Infantry Division's, 2 Armoured Division's' 1 Air Division.

G.A.T.D Numbered Fleet in the Gulf Of Mexico.

Other Countries.

London UK???

Moscow Russia???

Tokyo Japan???

Shanghai China???

and more????



Location: all over the world


Leaders: ???

Location: ???

Numbers: ???

Blood Pack: Unorganized group of killer's mainly from the prisons in the west.

Leaders: ???

Location: Nevada, Arizona, parts of California, and expanding.

Numbers: ???
