Living With A Beauty

October 3, the weather is still sunny, or hot.

Shuangqing City, as a well-known stove city in Xiaguo, it hve a temperature of more than 30 degrees

At nine o'clock, Shi Lei opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

Shi Lei has a lot of things to do today. he have to rent a house first, and then he have to buy two sets of mouse and keyboard sets, as well as two large screens to assemblage the server.

Wearing a cheap t-shirt, plus a jean of the stalls, Shi Lei took out the five thousand Yuan under his bed and put them in the pocket his jeans.

If i find a suitable house Shi Lei will be ready to settle down.

The houses in Shuanghu District are also tight resources. After all, there are too many college students the college couple, who want to rent in pair are so many.

Shi Lei wore slippers and went out of the dormitory. At the end of the back street, there was a housing agent. Within the housing agency, Shi Lei briefly introduced his own requirements.

"I need a One Bedroom house, preferably in the vicinity! I don't care about the decoration, as long as the room is clean Moreover, it's best if it can be checked in ASAP."

The Housing agent is a young girl, she look closely and see Shi Lei is also a student

She regretly said "Sorry, schoolmate One Bedroom house, is gone!"

Shi Lei stare blankly

What! Those couples start so soon?

In desperation, Shi Lei continued to ask "Two-bedroom apartment?"

The Housing agent inquired for a moment in the computer software then said "There are still two-bedroom apartment but it's not nearby. the available two-bedroom apartment is at the West Gate of the Radio University."

Shi Lei snorted. The Broadcasting University is 20 minutes away from Shuangqing University.

"What is there?" Shi Lei asked reluctantly.

The agent girl said patiently "There are two sets of three-bedroom apartments. The two sets are all finely decorated and can be checked in."

Shi Lei considered it. If the price is not too expensive, the three-bedroom apartment is acceptable.

"How much for month?"

The agent Little sister looked at Shi Lei once more, sees him wearing the inexpensive T-shirt, as well as old jeans she hesitated a little and said "The smaller one is 1500 and the big one 1800 is a month."

Shi Lei frowned, and the agent girl showed disappointment expression.

"Schoolmate, do you consider about renting with someone?"

Shi Lei wanted to shake his head, but pounder about it. Anyway, there is no other choice now, and there is no loss in sharing.

"Where's the nearby apartment?

"Only one set of two-bedroom apartment and one living room, the homeowner rented one." The agent girl quickly boasted about the house. "This two-bedroom apartment is still decorated and can be checked at any time. And the master bedroom of the landlord, has a separate bathroom, toilet embarrassing problem would not occur. "

"What's more that the landlord is a great beauty! Schoolmate, you have to seize the opportunity to ah! "

Shi Lei eye Curved "Can we see the room?"

"Yes!" The agent girl took out an agreement contract and said "Classmates, first sign a house agreement!"

The so-called house agreement is the rule. If Shi Lei really wants to rent the house, he can't avoid the agent must apply in the housing agency and pay the agency fee.

Shi Lei did not care, directly signing on the house agreement.

The agent Xiaoshi look Shi Lei's signature and smiled and said "Schoolmate Shi, please wait a moment, I will find a key first."

After finding the key, the agent girl took the lead in front and came to a quiet neighborhood.

Shi Lei knows this district is Jingya Garden!

The most popular rental community for students from Shuangqing University, many students from Shuangqing University, rent a house here! Although the rent here is not cheap, it can be a rented place in the student group of Shuangqing University. There's ten building with twenty-floor in Jingyayuan.

Under the leadership of the agent girl, Shi Lei arrive at the 7th building No. 712

After the agent girl opened the door, Shi Lei went in and looked around at wil

The living room is very simple, with only one sofa, one dining table, one refrigerator and cabinet air conditioner, and a TV. There are no personal items and no other decorations. The two-bedroom door is actually a solid wood door that is strong and sturdy.

It is not difficult to say that the landlord really wants to rent a house, and the public space is handled very well.

Shi Lei's heart is slightly biases towards the idea of sharing.

"Can we open the bed room?"

The intermediary girl nodded and opened the bedroom.

In the bedroom, it is also very simple, a bed, a bedside table, a wall-mounted air conditioner, and a set of closets, although simple, just right.

Shi Lei side, nodded

The agent girl standing next to Shi Lei finally showed a little smile. "Schoolmate Shi, are you satisfied?"

Shi Lei tells the truth: "It's quite satisfying! It's i just doesn't know, what is the price for renting a month?"

the agent girl smiled and said: "The price is not expensive, only 500 yuan a month. The estate management fee, water fee and natural gas fee, only need to bear half the price, But electrical bill aspect, according to the number of degree of stand-alone electric instrument statistics would be fully paid"

"Schoolmate shi, is there other problems?"

Shi Lei calculated in the heart, this price Still a bit high, but overall it is worthy of the Jingya Garden scale besides, if you don't rent it here, the other location is too far!

"No problem, rent this room!"

In the eyes of the agent girl, there was a deep smile. "schoolmate shi, then we will sign the contract in the shop, right?"


Returning to the housing agency The intermediary girl gave Shi Lei a cup of pure water, and then politely said" Schoolmate Shi, please wait a moment, I will contact the owner first. If the landlord is available, you can sign a house rental contract today."

Shi Lei has drink the pure water and said "Hurry up I have other things to do."

After a while, the intermediary girl contacted the owner. The landlord happen to have free time, saying that within 20 minutes, she will be there.

Shi Lei flipped the newspaper on the table and browsed the information.

A report attracted him, A Level Fugitive from Heijiang Province department, entered the city of Shuangqing, and suspected to lurk in the Shuanghu District.

Shi Lei looked at the photos in the newspaper and felt familiar.


In the newspaper, is the photo of the A Level Fugitive the picture that a beautiful woman with wheat-colored skin want Shi Lei process a photos!

So looks like, that woman, is a perhaps Police Force!

If Shi Lei knew this early, he might help the beautiful woman for free and take care of the photos.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, a woman wearing a police uniform came in.

The agent girl smiled and greeted her. "Miss Ouyang, hello!"

Shi Lei put down the newspaper and stood up. hhe looked at the woman in police uniform and suddenly her brow Twist

This woman, in the Dingsheng electronics store, with wheat color skin asked Shi Lei's

Ouyang Xiang looked at Shi Lei, seeing Shi Lei actually wearing slippers, her reveal a wisp of disdain

"Oh, are you renting a house?"

Shi Lei squinted at Ouyang Xiang. "Don't you rent?"

The agent girl is confuse and secretly guessing, that they know each other?

Ouyang Xiang, who is engaged in police work, does not like Shi Lei from the bottom of her heart.

She was preparing to refuse, but her eyes lit up, revealing a touching smile.

"How can I not rent it to you? Little Bing said, you are a nearby student, and renting it to a student like you is also safe!"

Shi Lei hippie smiled and said: "beautiful woman, since you are willing to rent, then we will sign a contract! Right, I am called Shi Lei, Stone's Shi, Lei the Rock, you can call me Stone, or Big Brother Stone. Beautiful woman, what's your name?"

Ouyang Xiang is not happy with Shi Lei, but still speaks.

"My name is Ouyang Xiang, you can call me Ouyang police officer!"

Shi Lei joked "Ouyang police officer, we will live under one roof and calling you Ouyang police officer is too distance"

Ouyang Xiang snorted "Shi Lei, i warn you, i give you an inch, want a foot!"

Shi Lei said "Ouyang police officer, are you the police officer of the Shuanghu District Police Department?"

Ouyang Xiang did not hide. "Yes, I am the Shuanghu District Police Department of the Shuanghu District University City."

Speaking of this, Ouyang Xiang deliberately glanced at Shi Lei, as if warning him.

"Hey? I know Chen Guangliang of your police station's serious case brigade. It seems that he is still the captain?"

Shi Lei rummaged through the pockets of his jeans and took Chen Guangliang's business card out. "Oh, this is the business card of Captain Chen!"

Ouyang Xiang came over with a dubious doubt and found that it was Chen Guangliang's business card.

"How did you know Captain Chen?"

Shi Lei smiled.

"Ouyang, how do I know Captain Chen, you don't have to worry about it! However, in the face of Captain Chen, I can help you a lot!"

Ouyang Xiang is preparing to remind Shi Lei, don't call her Ouyang. However, Shi Lei's second half of the sentence gave Ouyang Xiang a glimmer of hope. Maybe Shi Lei would help her to handle the photo of the suspect suspected of wanted.

"Shi Lei, can you help me, handle that photo?"

Shi Lei nodded with a smile.


Having said that, Shi Lei secretly smiled in his heart, and a strong desire to sexually harass Ouyang Xiang's kept coming out.

"Just, Ouyang police officer, I only moved into your home, I still don't know what to eat this evening!"

In the face of shameless Shi Lei, Ouyang Xiang is obviously not an opponent.

Shi Lei's words seem to be eloquent, the real purpose is nothing more than that, he want to have dinner with Ouyang Xiang!

Ouyang Xiang took a few deep breaths and tried to restrain himself from anger.

"Tonight, I am going to cook at home. If Shi Lei doesn't mind, let's have a light meal together!"

"Ouyang, you are so polite!"

"In order not to let your good intentions be in vain, although its presumptuous, I can only agree!"

Ouyang Xiang has experienced over one time, Shi Lei's shameless divine art, although is speechless and can only roll her eyes

The agent girl is dumbfounded and can only look Shi Lei, to express shock in her heart!