Ouyang Xiang Conditions

In the afternoon, Shi Lei purchase all the thing that need to be purchase and moved the two computer in the Jingya Garden

In the bedroom, Shi Lei is setting up the computer.

The newly bought computer desk was placed beside the bed opposite of bedroom door, the two 22-inch LCD monitors, are also facing the bedroom door.

These two LCDs and tables, plus an advance payment of one-year rental fee, cost a total of 10,000 Yuan!

Shi Lei once again fell back to a state of extreme poverty, leaving him only with 5,000 Yuan.

After the two computer were arranged, Shi Lei stood up straight and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Your Mother is really tired!"


on solid wooden door of bedroom a knocking sounded.

"Shi Lei!" Ouyang Xiang shouts outside.

Shi Lei walked to the door, opening a gap on the door and probing his head and then looking at Ouyang Xiang

"What matter?"

Ouyang Xiang frowned slightly, her eyes went to the room, but she was blocked by Shi Lei's body.

"Shi Lei, did not you say that you will be helping me process that photo?"

Shi Lei impatiently said: "Whats the rush, go make me a dinner, i am be busy!"

After saying that, Shi Lei directly closed the bedroom door and walked to the computer desk, then sat on the edge of the bed to start the two computers.

"wēng ~ ~"

the two computer, with ultra-low mute fans, began to rotate.

Outside the door, Ouyang clenches her teeth and whispered: "Damn Shi Lei!"

"just you wait! Look how i tidy you up!"

In Ouyang Xiang's mind, there are countless devastate pictures of Shishilei, and in the end she can only think about it, she goes into the kitchen to start preparing the dinner.

In the bedroom, Shi Lei debugged the computer and tested the performance of the computer.

The various data of the computer are presented in front of Shi Lei, although compared to 2012, such performance is not comparable to ordinary household machines.

In the past six years, it is already a workstation computer, and the performance is superior.

"Not bad, Brother Feng management, is really reliable! "Shi Lei muttered in low voice."

Taking out the flash drive (its not call USB) from jeans pocket and plugging it into the flash drive interface of the computer.

Shi Lei first uninstalls the standard version of the installed system on the server.

Although the computer system produced by Microsoft is quite Good for ordinary people.

But in the eyes of Shi Lei, its worthless!

Shi Lei prefers to build a Linux system and is not willing to use Microsoft's server system.

This computer, Shi Lei have big use and it cant absolutely be treat careless!

Shi Lei not only has to build a computer system by himself, but also have to write his own firewall and security certification program that is compatible with a camera!

Each world-class hacker have his own supercomputer!

A hacker who doesn't have a supercomputer is not qualified to be called the world's top hacker!

In previous life Shi Lei took control of a super computer for the first time under an accidental opportunity.

That supercomputer was born in 2006.

In other words, now, Shi Lei has the opportunity to control that supercomputer!

In order to control the supercomputer, Shi Lei have to be careful!

The supercomputer that Shi Lei is preparing to control is ranked ninth in the world in 2006.

if Shi Lei's behavior is exposes, It bring absolute bad luck!

Shi Lei first copied the standard version of the Linux system from flash drive and duplicate a copy on the computer, then the Linux system covered the Microsoft server system.

Then, based on the standard version of the Linux system, Shi Lei began to modify the core code to build his own Linux system.

The computer of a large enterprise, why not use the Linux system Or UNIX system?

Because these two systems are open source code, you can modify the core source code autonomously.

Every company can change its own code to meet the needs of the company according to its own needs. Because of security reasons.

Open source system code can't hide any secrets, and large enterprises can use it with confidence. At the same time, the closed system developed by itself will also increase the safety factor.

Shi Lei is ready to build a closed computer system!

At six o'clock in the evening, the knocking on the door sounded again.

"Shi Lei, come out to eat!"Ouyang Xiang has completed the dinner finally.

Shi Lei pause the work of modifying the system, using the screen saver, with password to lock the screen.

The other graphics workstation is on, and also showing, the video screenshot that Ouyang Xiang needs to be processed.

Walking out from the bedroom, Shi Lei smelled a variety of rich aromas.

On the tempered glass table, there is only one soup, but it gives off a strong aroma!

The meat dish is the green pepper shredded meat, the green pepper is Paris green, the shredded meat is slides tenderly, the green pepper and the shredded meat, are in even size consistent, Ouyang Xiang's knife skill is very good!

The vegetable dish is fried cabbage, the ordinary cabbage dish, unexpectedly cook by Ouyang Xiang, have a light delicate fragrance, making the person unable to bear but to swallow saliva.

In addition to these two dishes, there is also a tomato egg soup.

Many people will make tomato egg soup, but it is difficult to cook it well, but don't included Ouyang Xiang

The tomato egg soup made by Ouyang Xiang smells not only have the sourness of the tomato, but also the rich aroma of the egg.

"Not bad!" Shi Lei directly reached out his hand, in the stir-fried cabbage, picking a piece and putting on his mouth

Ouyang Xiang just took two bowls of white rice and walked out of the kitchen to see Shi Lei stealing. "Shi Lei!!!"

in Shi Lei mouth, the cabbage has not been fully swallowed.

"Shi Lei, how you can steal food! Moreover with your hand!" Ouyang Xiang lighty snorts and said.

Shi Lei awkward swallows and said"Does not mean to do that Police Officer Ouyang, who makes your dish so Superb!"

Ouyang Xiang's mouth, involuntarily bend into curve.

In this era, the woman who can prepare food is extremely rare.

As for the superb girl, it only exists in the legend!

Shi Lei meeting one can be consider fortunee from his last life.

"Shi Lei, go to wash your hands, and then prepare to eat."

Surprisingly, Shi Lei did not refute, but obediently to wash his hands.

Looking at Shi Lei's back Ouyang Xiang shows a pleased look'Little Guy, was held in stomach by this miss, how you can escape in the future! '

Don't misunderstand, Ouyang Xiang does not like Shi Lei, but wants to get Shi Lei's technical support!

At the dinner table, Shi Lei did not care about the beauty of Ouyang Xiang, and countinue wolfing down

In a few minutes, Shi Lei finished eating a bowl and then handed it over.

"Ouyang, give brother shi another bowl of rice."

Ouyang Xiang snorted, but did not refuse, and took the bowl in Shi Lei hand, turned and walked into the kitchen.

After a meal, Shi Lei was very satisfied.

"Ouyang, your skill is really good!"

Ouyang Xiang smiled and said: "Shi Lei, want to eat again tomorrow?"

Shi Lei nodded.

"Thanks! But, I know, you won't do it! hahaaha i know it if you have anything to request, just mention it!"

Ouyang Xiang was surprised by Shi Lei, and then resumed a serious face.

"Since you understand then I will spoke frankly!cooking a meal is no problem However, I will look for you to process the image and restore a data. You can't deny it!"

Shi Lei want to refuse. Who knows how much Ouyang Xiang will give him the job of processing a images is not easy task!

"Ouyang, you must dreaming! This condition is too outrageous! Change one!"

Ouyang Xiang only said: "I only have this condition!"

Shi Lei thought about it, but still could not match the temptation of Ouyangxiang cooking.As the saying goes, if you want to catch a man's heart, you must first grab his stomach. Shi Lei had to admit that Ouyang Xiang did it!

"Ouyang, I can promise you However i must add a condition!"

Ouyang Xiang looked at Shi Lei with a look of sizing up"say it!

Shi Lei cleared his throat and said: "Ouyang, I can help you with processing the image and helping you recovers the data. But just twice a every month Whether it's processing images or restoring data, you can only do it twice!"

If i restores the image, one is counted; If i restores data, stores up hardware is counted once. That is, whether you give me a u disk, still a hard disk, restore data, all counted once!"

Shi Lei looks at Ouyang Xiang, who want to open his mouth to talk but he lifts his hand to stop it.

"Ouyang, dont negotiate on terms! two times were already many! When you met me yesterday, I just restore a dta and received 30,000 yuan! Think about yourself."

After that, Shi Lei crossed his hands in front of him, waiting for Ouyang Xiang's decision.

Ouyang Xiang looked down and ponders.

She did not doubt about Shi Lei's words. After all, yesterday, she personally looked for Shi Lei to process the image, even after playing 50% off and it take thousand.

After she refused, she found several graphic processing studios again, but there was no studio that could produce satisfactory results.

"Shi Lei, I can accept your condition! However, I have a condition similarly!

Shi Lei leaned back in the chair and full of laziness.

"Ouyang, don't mention anything that makes me embarrassed!"

Ouyang Xiang nodded.

"Shi Lei, you will take the screenshot of my video yesterday and deal with it. If the processed result, can meet my demand I will agree to the conditions you just said!"

Shi Lei smiled and said: "If i cannot achieve your demand, I will not taste your cooking in the future?"

Ouyang Xiang nodded


"I just finish eating, activity is good to digest!"

Shi Lei stood up and walked to his bedroom.

Ouyang Xiang hesitating to go in

After entering the bedroom, Shi Lei sat on the edge of the bed, his right hand on the mouse on the graphics workstation, and swayed a few times to wake up the sleeping monitor.

Then turned around and shouted to Ouyang Xiang, who was still hesitating outside the door.

"Hey, Ouyang, why are you not still on the room?"