Does Shi Lei Dare?

In the classroom, Shi Lei and Chen Ming was staring at each other without backing down

"Shi Lei, our Computer Science Department is holding a campus software contest Do you dare to participate?"

Shi Lei nodded with Disdainful look " why not"

"Chen Ming's mouth reveals a mocking smile."Shi Lei, do you dare to compete with me on the ranking of the campus software competition"

"In order to show that I don't bully you, if I can't get the first place, it will be your win!"

"Or, as long as you enter The top three, it will be also your win!"

"If you lose, Ling Yumo is mine! and you get lost from my sight!"

Shi Lei shivers intentionally, turned his head and to look at ling yumo.

"xiao mo, I am so scared !"Ling YuMo smiled.

Shi Lei look sternly at Chen Ming and with a righteous words

"Chen Ming, although you are the leader, but you cannot be so arrogant!First, Xiao mo is not a good and cant be bet!"

"On this point alone, you I don't deserve a xiao mo!"

"Second, with your skill, I still want to bet with me?"

"Be careful i may beat you that your father dont recognize yu!"

Chen Ming smiled with anger. "Good!Good!Good! "I must see how you beat me!"

Shi Lei pretends suprise "Chen Ming, are you a masochist?I said I want to beat you and youre looking forwrd to it?"

Chen Ming snorted. "Shi Lei, dont be arrogant we will compete on the competition to see who will get a higher score"

Shi Lei chuckled. "Chen Ming, why don't we gamble?"

Chen Ming's eyes were deep, revealing an ecstasy. 'Shi Lei ah Shi Lei, there is a road to heaven but you choice the gate on hell. If you are looking for death yourself, then you can't blame me! '

even before the campus software competition, Chen Ming has already been the appointed to get the first place.

Chen Ming tried to restrain the joy in his heart and tried to calm down "Shi Lei, what do you want to add?"

Shi Lei pretended to think about it . 'Humph! Chen Ming, don't think I don't know, the campus software contest is organized by your family business. '

Since you dare to provoke me then i must be prepared for revenge!

Shi Lei smiled up and look at Chen Ming.

"Chen Ming I think of a good idea!"

Chen Ming said proudly "just say it!"

"We are still students, gambling a money is not appropriate so we will bet on who lost will go to the radio station and loudly announced that they are gay!"

"And in the school forum you will post your real name! how is it?"

the Eavesdropping students around took cold breath.

Shi Lei move is really vicious!

If you lose, in the radio station and tell the whole school students that youre gay, this is not fun!

However Chen Ming was not afraid, but almost cheered.

"no problem!Shi Lei, this is what you said, don't back down later!"

Shi Lei smiled."All our classmates can testify!i Just hope that some students after losing wont don't regret it later."

Chen Ming wants to swear, that the campus software competition the first place is already set on the stone, but he Finally endured.

"chen ming, I have another condition!"

Chen Ming pretend to be generous: "What conditions? just say it so that when you lose you wont make excuses"

Shi Lei eye slightly narrowed, "chen ming, our results wont be Evaluate by judges!"

Chen Ming refuted immediately and disdains said "Don't Evaluate by the judges? the result you want to decide?If you regret it now you just say it!"

Shi Lei smiled and said "chen ming I am afraid that some people may cheat!"

"When the campus software contest is evaluate, I will invite well a known manufacturers to participate as judges."

" out result be will be reviewed bt the well know manufacturer what do yu think about it?"

Chen Ming frown first slightly well-known manufacturer? Will a well-known manufacturers come to participate in such a small scale software competition? 'did thus Shi Lei have another identity? '

Chen Ming size up Shi Lei, thats how can that be this boy look so poor and immediately felt relieved

"Shi Lei, you don't boast which famous manufacturer are you going to invite?"

shi Lei said mysteriously "Confidential! Confidential!"

Chen Ming laughs "okay! Ill comply with you! but Shi Lei, if your so-called well-known manufacturers did not come. Then the results of the two of us will be evaluate according to the criteria of the judges of the campus software contest, how is it?"

Shi Lei nod "No problem! then we dont have issiue anymore! Then Great chen ming, you can get the hell out now! Do not come to harass me and my girlfriend!"

in Chen Ming eye it revealed a ashamed and resentful look then angrily snorting he set out to change positions on the back.

In the afternoon class, there are only two classes.

After Shi Lei sent Ling Yumo back to the dormitory, he rushed to Jingyayuan garden

Back at the home Shi Lei first checked the bedroom door and found that there was nothing unusual before he opened the door.

After entering the bedroom, Shi Lei wakes up the graphics workstation shi lei checks the HD cameara records.

The HD camera of the graphics workstation is facing the bedroom door

If someone comes in, it will definitely be recorded.

Shi Lei quickly browsed the video record in a fast-forward manner. After nothing happens, the video was deleted.

Opening the programming software, Shi Lei continues to tap the unfinished code.

Shi Lei is currently writting the work he plant to submit in the campus software competition.

Originally, Shi Lei plans to write a picture optimization software, similar to the simple photoshop, but much simpler than photoshop.

If it is normal, such software is enough to win the first place in the campus software competition

But the campus software contest is simply a Pretense .

The first place has already been decide!

Unless Shi Lei comes up with the extreme software then it is no match at all.

This afternoon, Shi Lei has already boasted extravagantly and will invite well-known manufacturers to participate in the campus software competition and serve as a judge.

If Shi Lei can't do it,then he is destiny to lose! Therefore shi lei need to invite a well known manufacturer to participate

At seven o'clock in the evening, Ouyang Xiang was outside the door and shouted.

"Shi Lei, have a meal!"

Shi Lei did even not lock the graphics workstation and just opened the door and walked out.

"Wow finally a dinner! Ouyang, I like you so much!"

Ouyang Xiang look disdainful, "The hairless little boy!"

Shi Lei smirked. "Ouyang, how do you know i'm hairless? Ah! When I slept, did you peek at me?"

"bah" Ouyang Xiang frowned and snorted. "just eat so many delicious food cant even shut your mouth!"

Shi Lei quickly picked up his rice bowl and gorged himself.

"Ouyang, get another bowl of rice for me!"

Ouyang Xiangli ignore shi lei

Shi Lei awkwardly scratche his head and think Ouyang Xiang has nothing to ask him now, filling a bowl rice this is only trivial matters

The ancestor said oneself begin havingly ample food and clothing!

After eating another bowl, Shi Lei hummed a little song and returned to the room.

After a little rest Shi Lei continued to tap the keyboard

attracting a well-known manufacturers, is not so simple!

It was not until late at night that Shi Lei lye to his bed to sleep

The next morning, Shi Lei was woken up by a ringing on his on phone

"Hello?" Shi Lei fuzzy reply.

On the phone, Ling Yumo's soft and soft voice passed over.

"brother shi, you have to go to class, you still not getting up?"

Shi Lei took at the time his phone, and its already quarter to eight.

"xiao mo, what class is this morning?"

Ling Yumo quickly replied "There is only computer theory."

"it Should be talking about the computer entry and computer history"

Shi Lei listened and decided skip the class.

The teacher of the computer theory class, that is the famous old witch!

"xiao mo I will not go in the morning class!"

Ling Yumo sigh.

"brother shi, you want to skip the class!"

Shi Lei smiled "xiao mo, you heard it yesterday, I have bet with the chen ming!"

"I have to hurry and write a software. Otherwise, if I lose, i have announced to the whole school in the radio station, I am gay! after that we…."

Shi Lei has not finished, Ling Yumo suddenly interrupted him.

"got it!"I will tell the teacher, you are sick!"

After hanging up the phone, Shi Lei lay in bed and closed his eyes and ponder.

recently theres many thing to do Capture the world's ninth supercomputer, compile the software for the campus software contest, and improve the dynamic behavioral capturing program.

Currently, the most important thing is to write the software for the campus software contest.

As for capturing supercomputers, let's take a break!

Shi Lei is not ready yet!

In case it is unsuccessful, that opposite party will certainly fix the flaw and Shi Lei will completely lose the hope of controlling a super computer.

As for Dynamic Behavior Catching Program it is currently able to meet the needs, and the perfecting the work can be postponed.

In the refrigerator on the living room, Shi Lei took some of milk and fruits stored by Ouyang Xiang. After eating he returned to the room and continued to writting the software.

The entry software written by Shi Lei is also an image processing software.

To be precise, it should be instant image processing software.

It took more than three hours, and when it was close to 12 noon, Shi Lei finally write the last line of code.

After debugging the program, after running, Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief.

The real-time image processing software written by Shi Lei is not difficult for whos been rebirth.

However, the difficulty lies in how to welcome well-known manufacturers to Shuangqing City to participate in a small college campus software competition.

The five companies that Shi Lei is preparing to invite is all world-famous giants

It's not easy to invite them!

But Shi Lei, has the considerably large assurance!

The software that he develops, to the manufacturer that is going to be invited, it held fatal attraction, for them its impossible to give up on such Outstanding technology!

Therefore, Shi Lei is confident!