Patent Application

Shi Lei picked five world-renowned camera manufacturers namely Sony, Canon, Nikon, Kodak, and Leica.

The real-time image processing software written by Shi Lei is called Smile Detection.

It is when the camera lens detects a face and waits for a smile. Then immediately auto-focuses to obtain better photo shooting results.

Smile detection is an epoch-making software technology for the camera industry!

This technology only appeared 7 years later in his life before going back to the past and was researched by Sony.

After writing the smile detection software, he used a 10 Megapixel High-definition camera to shoot an advertisement for himself.

Then he sends the short advertisement through the e-mail of the five camera manufacturers. After sending the e-mails, he thought about the domestic camera manufacturers, and plan to send an e-mail to them.

However, Shi Lei doesn't know what domestic camera manufacturers are well-known.

Finally, through the internet, Shi Lei learned that Patriot is the only well-known domestic camera manufacturer.

Without any choice, Shi Lei only sent an e-mail to the Patriots.

Seeing that the time is half-past 1, Shi Lei quickly runs to the refrigerator to find the food Ouyang Xiang saved for him. After eating, he rushes towards school.

In the afternoon it is the computer operation class. The professor who teaches this class is Zhang Song, which Shi Lei and Ling Yumo met at the school registration.

Few minutes before two in the afternoon, Shi Lei finally entered the computer room.

Shi Lei is the third student of class '06 to enter the computer room. Ling Yumo sat in the corner, while Chen Ming, the class monitor, does everything to please Ling Yumo.

Shi Lei walked toward them, annoyed and spoke coldly, "Leader, you housefly, go back to the pit! Don't disturb my girlfriend!"

Ling Yumo, who was on the side stuck her tongue out. Although she didn't affirm Shi Lei's words, she also didn't deny it.

Chen Ming looked at Shi Lei with a gloomy face. In terms of body frame, Chen Ming is taller than Shi Lei and looks more muscular. However, the occasional bright light in Shi Lei's eyes made Chen Ming's heart tremble.

Chen Ming snorted and left crestfallen.

Shi Lei sat beside Ling Yumo and smiled. "Xiao Mo, don't you think the monitor is a paper tiger?"

Ling Yumo grinned and nodded.

At two o'clock, Zhang Song stood up in the podium.

"My name is Zhang Song. You can call me Mr. Zhang. I am responsible for teaching you computer operation. The so-called computer operation class is the practice of applying the theory from books to computers. In the practical class, there is no centralized teaching knowledge of computers, just practice! If you do not understand anything, you can raise your hand to ask questions!"

Lingyu Mo, who was sitting next to Shi Lei, whispered, "It's strange, wasn't that teacher Zhang Song who we met when we registered at school?"

Shi Lei nodded, "That's Right!"

Ling Yumo worriedly said: "Stone Monster, you said Teacher Zhang, would know us ..."

Shi Lei lifted his hand, raised his index finger, and blocked Ling Yumo's pink lips. That soft touch made Shi Lei pause for a while.

Ling Yumo turned red, looked at Shi Lei angrily, "Stone monster, what are you doing?"

Shi Lei whispered: "Xiao Mo, don't speak! Although teacher Zhang Song knows, he will never care about these!"

In the previous life, although Shi Lei and Zhang Song were not close, he knows Zhang Song's education methods. Zhang Song's method of education is lax, allowing nature to take its course. If there are students who can use the technology they have learned to accomplish something, Zhang Song not only will not pursue it but will tacitly support it.

Not far away, Class Monitor Chen Ming looked at Shi Lei and Ling Yumo grimly.

Beside him, Wang Bo whispered: "Class Monitor, would you like me to find few brothers to harass that kid?"

Wang Bo is a northerner. He is tall and strong. He knew that Chen Ming was a 2nd generation nouveau riche, so he took the initiative to become Chen Ming's little brother to obtain benefits.

Chen Ming shook his head " Shuangqing University has very strict management for school fights. Wang Bo, arrange some people to go to the school forum and spread the gamble between me and Shi Lei, that disgusting fellow, this is the second time I lost. I would like to see if Ling Yumo will still support him broadcasting himself gay in the radio station! "

Wang Bo's eyes shone, he also knows some inside information.

For example, he knows that the sponsor of the campus software competition is the company of Chen Ming's family!

"Class Monitor is wise! Shi Lei stinks, let's see what he can do!" Wang Bo flatters.

Chen Ming waved his hand, pretending high and mighty: "This matter, you will do it tonight!"

Wang Bo hurriedly said, "Class Monitor, I understand!"

The computer operation class, Shi Lei and Ling Yumo is talking and smiling as time passes by.

The next class is an elective class, and Shi Lei naturally skip classes. Ling Yumo must go to class and earn credits.

Back at Jing Garden, Shi Lei checked the recorded video of the HD video camera. Don't blame Shi Lei for being suspicious, this is a necessary means to protect his secrets. Perhaps Ouyang Xiang would not peep at Shi Lei's secret, but no one can guarantee that others will not be curious about Shi Lei's secret!

Server One is still running various tests; unless it is completed. Shi Lei will not utilize it.

On the graphics workstation, Shi Lei opened his mailbox eager to see which camera manufacturer responded. There are only three responses in the mailbox!

The earliest response was from the Patriots, who showed great desire.

In the e-mail, they even proposed that they could send a negotiating team and immediately come to Shuangqing to negotiate with Shi Lei.

The second response was from Leica.

This world-known luxury brand camera has inherited the rigorous character of Yizhi Country.

In reply to the e-mail, the Leica camera also expressed the demand for smile detection, and also expressed their willingness to visit Xia Country.

What makes Shi Lei very happy is that Leica's e-mail is written in the language of Xia Country, not in the Yizhi Country language.

The third manufacturer that responded was Kodak from Li Jian country. Kodak is a legend in the camera business. The world's first digital camera was born in Kodak.

Xia Country has long been under the control of Wosang Country in the camera consumer market. Among the first-tier brands, only Kodak is carrying a non-Wosan brand that is holding its ground.

The other three Wosang camera manufacturers: Sony, Canon, and Nikon did not reply as if ignoring smile detection software.

After reading three e-mails, Shi Lei sneered. "Sony, Canon, Nikon, are you guys ready to give me a ride?"

Regarding smile detection, Shi Lei is full of confidence. Before rebirth, which first in line brand digital camera did not have smile detection? Even most mobile phones have a smile detection function!

Smile detection software has an extensive range of applications.

How could Shi Lei be alarmed by the indifferent attitude of the three Wosang camera manufacturers.

October 10, 10:10 AM.

In the morning, Shi Lei calls Ling Yumo and says he wants to skip class again. It's only three days since the official class started but Shi Lei already skipped two days! This can be described as an escape from elective courses and the standard model of required course selection.

Taking the bus, Shi Lei headed for Shiqiao District. When he came to the Dingsheng electronics store on the third floor of Bainao Building, Sun Feng happened to be in the store.

"Hey! Stone, aren't you going to class today?" Sun Feng teased: "Did you skip class again?"

Shi Lei was poker-faced, "Brother Feng, do you want me to praise you for your boundless power and ability to foretell with great accuracy?"

"Cough, cough, cough, stone, do you want to say that I am Ding Chunqiu that old monster?" Sun Feng coughed.

Shi Lei laughed, "Brother Feng, your idol is Ding Chunqiu!"

Sun Feng snorted, "Go and go! I like Wang Yuyan!"

Shi Lei pretends to be serious: "then we are love rivals!"

Sun Feng helplessly shook his head, "Stone, don't tell jokes. What's going on today?"

Shi Lei also put a smile on his face and said, "Brother Feng, I need money!"

"How much?" Sun Feng did not refuse but asked about the amount.

Shi Lei thought about it for a moment and said, "Probably needs about 100,000 yuan."

Sun Feng said nothing and nodded. "No problem, when?"

Shi Lei coughs, "now, is that ok?"

Sun Feng nodded and then asked, "stone, can you tell me why you, a student, suddenly need such a large sum of money?"

"Some guys want me to work, but they won't pay me," he said with a wry smile. "So I'm going to give them a little bit of pain!"

After receiving the e-mail from Shi Lei, the three camera manufacturers of the Wosang country started to research the smile detection software independently.

Sony in particular!

Because of smile detection, it was originally a technology launched 7 years later by Sony Corporation.

Maybe at this time, someone else already has a general system or even a complete system.

It's just that Shi Lei's smile detection software comes from the year 2012.

The smile detection program at that time has been updated several times, with faster detection speed and higher accuracy. Shi Lei is going to first apply for a smile detection patent and establish a patent barrier, so that the three camera manufacturers of Wosang country, get depressed slowly!

Sun Feng transfers money online to Shi Lei's bank card. After transferring 100,000 yuan, Shi Lei immediately goes to the patent agency.

Through the search of the patent agency company, Shi Lei got a piece of good news and a piece of bad news. At the same time, we also know why the three camera manufacturers in Wosang country ignored him.

It turns out that smile detection software, a patent abroad has been applied for by Sony Corporation. Although the patent has not yet been approved, it has also come at the last minute!

But the good news is that this patent is not yet applied in Xia Country!

With an insidious smile, Shi Lei directly entrusted the patent agency to apply for a domestic patent at the fastest speed!

Although there are no global patents, having a patent in the huge market of Xia Country is enough to make Sony cry!