Shuangqing University Server Hacked?

After Shi Lei messed up the billing system and monthly internet service of the University of Science and Technology. Huang Qiulin, the dean of the computer department of the University of Science and Technology, gathered all the potential in the college to thoroughly clean up the server of the University of Science and Technology.

Even the superuser hidden by Shi Lei was found by Huang Qiulin and became the evidence and clue in Huang Qiulin's hands.

Under the leadership of Huang Qiulin, the server of the University of Science and Technology is as strong as iron!

On the other hand, Chen Feng, the vice president of the computer society of the University of Science and Technology, the protagonist of the incident, also executed queries whether the ID "Lucifer" belongs to an elder in the hacker circle.

Chen Feng is currently contacting his master on the internal website of the hacker alliance.

Although Chen Feng is not a core member, he has some strength to enter as an internal member of the hacker alliance.

Chen Feng's ID in the hacker alliance is Black Carbon. His master ID'd Black Wolf, is the 4th leader of the hacker alliance.

As for the real name, nobody knows?

A hacker exposed under the sun is undoubtedly sentenced to death.

How could the Black Wolf reveal his real name?

In the internal website of the hacker alliance, Chen Feng sent a message to Black Wolf.

"Master, do you know a guy named Lucifer?"

Black Wolf happened to be online and respond immediately. "Who? Never heard of it!"

Chen Feng immediately cried, "Master, I've been hacked by him, and have been severely humiliated. Master, please help me!"

Black Wolf's temper exploded. he immediately sent a web address and attached a sentence. "Enter the voice chat address!"

Chen Feng finally smiled.

Although Black Wolf's technique in the hacker alliance is not the best, his temper is the hottest, and he can't bear to see his people suffer a loss!

As his apprentice, Chen Feng can be regarded as his own!

Entering the voice chat room, Black Wolf's angry voice instantly came out from Chen Feng's headset.

"Black Carbon, who bullied you?"

Chen Feng was so miserable that he told the whole story. Moreover, he took the initiative to explain the facts, explaining that he went to mess up with Shi Lei first. At the same time, he told Black Wolf the grudges between the University of Science and Technology and Shuangqing University.

It's not Chen Feng's noble character to admit his own mistake, but he knows that his master will help him even if he causes trouble!

The protection of the Black Wolf is no secret in the hacker alliance.

"Master, is there no expert who uses Lucifer as an ID in the hacker circle?" Chen Feng asked.

The Black Wolf pondered for a moment. From the analysis of Lucifer's name, it was more westernized, and in western culture, Lucifer is the leader of fallen angels.

Could it be a Western hacker?

"Black Carbon, you told me that the other party uses the server IP of the Shuangqing university?"

Chen Feng quickly said, "Master, the other party is indeed using the server IP of Shuangqing University. I also launched an exploit. However, the server defense of Shuangqing university is very powerful, and I didn't manage to invade it at all. Master, is it possible that the other party is a student of Shuangqing university?"

The Black Wolf immediately said: "This possibility is very small! Black Carbon, the reason why you can directly detect the other party's login IP on the web page of the hacker alliance, that is because I have opened the permissions for you. The other party follow you to the hacker alliance webpage, bypass our hacker alliance's server firewall, and trace your IP address. So it seems that the strength of the other party is no trivial matter! With such technique, it should not be a college student. Besides, I don't know the level of Shuangqing University. When I helped you attack them before, they couldn't even resist! "

After listening to Black Wolf's word, Chen Feng felt relieved. If such a powerful expert is a guy from Shuangqing University, then their university of science and technology is finished!

"Master, what should I do now?"

The voice of the Black Wolf revealed a fierce tone. "Revenge, of course! Black Wolf 's apprentice has been bullied. It cannot be forgiven!"

Chen Feng hurriedly cheered and said, "Master is powerful! Long live the master!"

Black Wolf received his praise, listening to Chen Feng's flattery, his heart is as sweet as eating honey.

"Master, how can we get revenge on that guy?" Chen Fen asks anxiously, can't wait to get his revenge.

Black Wolf said fiercely: "Since he uses Shuangqing University's server as a gateway, we first start with it. Invade the server of Shuangqing University and see if the other party has left a trace!"

Chen Feng's heart secretly rejoiced, "Master, what if we can't find any trace?"

Black Wolf sneered: "It's okay if we find no trace. We're still doing huge damage to the server of Shuangqing University. We will do the same thing that guy did in your school! If the other party has a relationship with Shuangqing University, he will naturally come out to the rescue. If the other party has nothing to do with Shuangqing University and do not care about the life or death of Shuangqing University, then it does not matter, anyway, your school and Shuangqing University irreconcilable! No matter how we count, we only gain and without compensating!"

Chen Feng said excitedly: "Master, you are so wise and intelligent! In this way, our University of Science and Technology will regain face! But, master you must be careful!"

"Black Carbon, don't worry. When did master make a mistake? Black Carbon, you go back first and organize your school students, and don't let them participate. In case Master became too excited for a while, it will cause a lot of economic damage to Shuangqing University and might involve your school."

"Okay, Master!" In front of the computer, Chen Feng is feeling ecstatic.

On the evening of the 10th of October, Chen Feng had already announced in the computer community that tonight they are going to watch a good show at Shuangqing University.

In the internal voice communication web page of the hacker alliance, there are only two people, Black Wolf and Black Carbon.

"Master, when do you start?" Chen Feng"Black Carbon" inquired.

"Black Carbon, don't worry!" Black Wolf smiled. "At eight o'clock, we will launch a unified attack! You have to wait for a while, and don't act carelessly. The server of Shuangqing University is not simple."

Chen Feng confirms, "Master, I Understand!"

At 8:00 PM, Chen Feng announced a good show in the QQ group of the computer society.

As expected, Black Wolf began to move!

A large number of e-mail bombs wave by wave were sent to Shuangqing University server.

At eight o'clock, most of Shuangqing University's students are browsing the campus forums, looking at the bets between Chen Ming and Shi Lei.

College life is a pain in the ass!

In college, no one doesn't like to watch the bustle, especially the bustles.

However, when most students of Shuangqing University entered the campus forum, they found that the loading speed of the campus forum was extremely slow! There are even cases where the connection is interrupted and the server is out of service.

Some computer department student, immediately realized that the school's server may be hacked!

The University of Science and Technology was reached. On the first day of National Day, their server was hacked, and the school lost more than five million yuan. And the University of Science and Technology, insinuating that the intrusion into their servers is most likely done by Shuangqing University students.

Computer students have speculated that it can be the guys from the University of Science and Technology taking revenge?

The teachers of the Computer Department of Shuangqing University also started to act. Some teachers who have server management rights immediately enter the server. Suddenly found that the server was indeed attacked!

"Contact Zhang Song and President Ji Mingyi quickly!" An elder teacher, who looks more than 50 years old ordered people around him.

"Got It!" The computer department of Shuangqing university became very busy.

When Shuangqing University was being attacked, what was Shi Lei doing?

Jingya Garden, Building 7, Room 703.

Ouyang Xiang didn't come back until 8 o'clock, looking worried and tired.

Shi Lei is sitting in the living room and is watching TV. He was still wondering why Ouyang Xiang had not come back yet. "Ouyang, do you have any urgent tasks to work overtime?"

Ouyang Xiang nodded reluctantly.

Shi Lei stood up, "Are you tired? Today, I want you to have a taste of brother Shitou's cooking skill!"

Ouyang Xiang stops and turns to look at Shi Lei in surprise.

'Shi Lei, this rascal.....'

Ouyang Xiang went back to her room, entered the bathroom and took a comfortable hot bath

In the kitchen, Shi Lei takes a look at the rice cooker. The indicator light on it indicates that the rice cooker is in the state warming and the rice is finished cooking.

This evening, Shi Lei plans to make twice-cooked pork, stir-fried oats with soy sauce, and a soup with spinach and tofu.

Shi Lei's knife work is good!

This is because, the training of the mysterious organization in the past, the Kung Fu of Shi Lei's hands is quite good!

In Shuangqing University, more and more e-mail bombs are attacking the server, which makes the response speed of the server slower and slower.

The teachers of the computer department only contacted Zhang Song but did not contact Dean Ji Mingyi. Zhang Song's technique can only be said to be okay. It is roughly equivalent to the ordinary core member of the hacker alliance, and it is definitely not comparable to the 4th leaders of the hacker alliance, Black Wolf!

In the face of the continuous attack of the Black Wolf, Zhang song can only barely guard and cannot fight back at all.

At the University of Science and Technology, Chen Feng praised him in the voice chat room, listening to the Black Wolf reporting the situation in real-time.

"Black Carbon we're about to break the other side's server!"

Chen Feng hurriedly said: "Master is powerful! Master's going out and killing them with no pressure! "

The Black Wolf laughed and said, "Start Countdown of ten seconds!"

Chen Feng cooperated starting the countdown.

When the countdown ends, Black Wolf howls.

"The server of Shuangqing University is in our hands!"