Shuangqing University Server falls into the enemy's hands!!

Shuangqing University's server is in Shi Lei's hands!

However, Shi Lei's permissions on the server were very loose. After all, the Shuangqing University's server belongs to the public use, and some permissions must be released. For example, Shi Lei did not remove the account of the server administrator. The administrators can still perform various maintenance server operations, forums, etc.

Shi Lei only controls the core server!

Unless the intruder wants to obtain the highest authority of the server, the honeypot alarm set up by Shi Lei will not be triggered.

Black wolf deserves to be the 4th leader of the hacker alliance, whose technique far outstrips Zhang Song's.

Although Zhang Song has the administrator rights on Shuangqing University's server, he can't resist the attack from Black Wolf. After entering the server of Shuangqing University, Black Wolf did not immediately start to damage it but queried the system logs in the server in every aspect.

Especially on October 1st and the previous system logs. Black Wolf tries to find traces of Shi Lei from the system log. If Shi Lei is careless, he is likely to leave his IP address in the system log.

If this happened, then Black Wolf can continue to trace the IP address of the server according to the record. Until he finds Shi Lei's bedroom!

Fortunately, Shi Lei had already expected such situation. All the system logs in Shuangqing University's server were completely cleaned up by Shi Lei.

All the efforts of Black Wolf are in vain! He was angry that he didn't get the result he desired!

"Damn! The other party is really an expert and very cautious. There are no traces left behind in the server of Shuangqing University!" Black Wolf said to Chen Feng in the voice chat room.

Chen Feng hurriedly exhorted, "Master, don't be angry, even if the other side didn't leave us any trace. We can still carry out plan 2, sabotage the Shuangqing University and force him to come out!"

Black Wolf grinned and said, "That's right! Black Carbon, open your eyes and look, Master will help you get revenge!"

Chen Feng quickly shouted, "Master is powerful! Master is invincible!"

In the office of teachers in the Computer Department of Shuangqing University, more than ten teachers are sitting in front of the computer, nervously tapping the keyboard.

"Professor Xia, we can't stop it!" Zhang Song looks tired. Although it's only a few minutes, Zhang Song, who is extremely concentrated, was fatigued.

Professor Xia is the Vice Dean of the computer department. However, Professor Xia's knowledge is almost all theoretical, and he has little ability in practical operation.

"Zhang song, our server, have you lost it?" Professor Xia's countenance is not looking good.

"Not completely lost!" Zhang Song said in a strange tone: "After the other party hacked into our server, he did not immediately start with the user group, but instead checked the system logs! It seems that the other party may be looking for something!"

Professor Xia was relieved, as long as the other party did not damage it.

The University of Science and Technology has been invaded by hackers and lost more than five million yuan, which has become a huge laughingstock in the University Circle of Shuanghu district.

Professor Xia doesn't want to suffer the same misfortune of the University of Science and Technology!

However, according to Murphy's law, if there is a possibility of something going bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will still happen!

"Zhang Song, did you find the other party's IP address?" Professor Xia asked.

Zhang Song's complexion darkens!

"You are retarded!" Zhang Song scolded in his heart.

The opponent's technique is obviously one level higher than him. He has been defending the server with all his strength. How can he have time to track the opponent's IP address? Even if there is time, depending on the opponent's technique, can he trace it?

"Professor Xia, I haven't traced it yet!" Zhang Song reported.

"Ah!" A young man who looked twenty-seven exclaimed. "Brother Song, the other party has taken new action and started to work on the server's user group!"

Professor Xia turned pale and growled, "Zhang song, lead everyone to stop him!"

Zhang Song just nodded and said to everyone, "Let's all work together!"

In fact, in Zhang Song's heart, there is already a kind of bad feeling. With the other side's technique, If they want to defend their side it will be very difficult!

Black Wolf's hands like robot tap fast and accurate on the keyboard.

"Shuangqing University scums get ready to cry! I really want to see your desperate eyes!" Black Wolf said to himself in the voice chat room.

This time, Chen Feng did not flatter him. Because Black Wolf who enters this state, always likes to talk to himself and dislike interruptions.

In the Computer Department Office of Shuangqing University, Zhang Song's forehead was filled with cold sweat. "Damn, the attacks are too powerful! It's definitely not the guys from the University of Science and Technology!"

On the forum of the University of Science and Technology, some students of the Computer Department posted news that Shuangqing University was getting hacked.

Suddenly, the students of the University of Science and Technology cheered. The grudges between the University of Science and Technology and Shuangqing University has a long history. Students from both side can't stand each other, which is a common thing. Shuangqing University getting hacked, The University of Science and Technology students, absolutely welcome with open arms!

A large number of student from the University of Science and Technology are waiting to see the movement at Shuangqing University, and then run to the campus forums of other universities to start propaganda.

"Forum management authority, coming soon!" The black wolf sneered. "Let's start with your forum first!"

On the other side, Zhang Song suddenly stopped and said suddenly: "We lost the Forum management authority!"

Professor Xia's face went even paler. "We are fully defending the student archives, campus broadband management procedures, and student meal card management procedures! These three permissions must not be lost! Otherwise, the loss of Shuangqing university will definitely be greater than that of the University of Science and Technology!"

"Understood!" All teachers shouted in response.

After Black Wolf seized the forum management authority, he immediately alters the school forum of Shuangqing University. On the forum all posts are removed!

He only left one picture.

A black wolf looking up at the sky and growling!

Anyone who enters the campus forum of Shuangqing University, as long as there is a speaker, headset, or headphones, you will hear a loud growl!

Seeing this black wolf, some skilled computer student immediately knew the identity of the hacker who invaded Shuangqing University!

Zhang Song looks even paler after seeing the picture on the school forum.

"Black Wolf of the Hacker Alliance! When did we mess with him? Damn, we can't defend it!" Zhang Song looked nervous, his eyes were fixed on the computer screen.

After a while, the campus forum of Shuangqing University refreshed showing new content.

Showing only domineering text!

Bright red bold font, domineering text!

"Shuangqing University scum, the one who bullied my Black Wolf's apprentice. I will only give you three minutes if you still didn't come out! I will completely ruin Shuangqing University's Server."

A three-minute countdown appeared on the campus forum of Shuangqing University, which was almost exactly the same as Shi Lei's behavior at the University of Science and Technology.

Black Wolf this a Fang for a Fang. (Tooth Word Play)

Zhang Song looked at the declaration of Black Wolf and his countenance changed drastically. "Professor Xia, hurry up and find a way to contact Dean Ji!"

Ji Mingyi, Dean of the Computer Department of Shuangqing University, has the technique for practical application. As long as he is here, even Black Wolf is not qualified to be unrestrained!

Professor Xia shivers and immidiately dialed Ji Mingyi's phone.

However, there is only a gentle female voice on the phone. speaking in Chinese and English repeatedly saying, "The number you dialed is either unattended or out of the coverage area, please try your call later!"

In the computer department office, it was quiet for a while. They know more or less about the 4thleaders of the Hacker Alliance. Their technique can't stop Black Wolf.

Professor Xia wailed, "Is this really the end of Shuangqing University? Damn hackers! Damn Hacker Alliance! Zhang song, call the police!"

Zhang Song rolled his eyes. "Professor Xia, do you think the police can track them?"

If they can track them, then all members of the Hacker Alliance should have been caught!

At the campus forum of Shuangqing University, the three-minute countdown is over. Black Wolf announced on the forum that he will start with the core data in the server of Shuangqing University!

If he wants to modify the core data of Shuangqing University's server, he must have the highest authority on the server. In other words, Black Wolf must invade the core server and obtain the highest authority of the server before he can start manipulating!

It's just that the server of Shuangqing University is Shi Lei's domain!

Whether it's Black Wolf or other people, Shi Lei permits them to the server. They can even modify the data of the school forum!

But if you want to get the core permissions of the server, how can Shi Lei allow it?

In Jing Garden, Shi Lei brought the twice-cooked pork, stir-fried oats with soy sauce, and spinach tofu soup to the table. He also served two bowls of rice and prepared everything.

"Ouyang, come out to eat!" Shi Lei shouted outside Ouyang Xiangmen's door.

Ouyang Xiang came out wearing a nightgown!

A long, slender thigh formed by long-term exercise, exposed outside. light-brown color healthy skin, although not white, there is another kind temptation!

Shi Lei stared at Ouyang Xiang and swallowed.

Ouyang Xiang snorted softly, "Shi Lei, you little guy, what are you looking at? Haven't seen a beauty?"

Shi Lei said with a bad smile: "I've seen many beauties! But it's the first time I've seen a beautiful woman wearing a nightgown!"

Ouyang Xiang confused for a while, then realized that she was wearing a nightgown!


A scream broke out from Ouyang Xiang's mouth.

Ouyangxiang has too much work today. She is so busy that she took a bath when she came back, and then lies comfortably in bed for a while. Until Shi Lei called her to eat, not realizing that she was still wearing a nightgown.

After changing clothes, the two started eating together.

But just as they began eating, Shi Lei's mobile phone rang, Shi Lei then looked at the mobile phone.

"Something wrong?" Ouyang Xiang asked curiously

Shi Lei showed a smile.

"It's okay, just harassment from a nasty guy!"